Name ______
Unit 1 Review Questions
- Where is all time measured from?
Prime Meridian
- How many world time zones are there? Why?
24; because the earth rotates 360 degrees in 24 hours and there is 1 hr. between each time zone.
- Approximately how wide is each time zone?
15 degrees
- Explain why time zone boundaries are not completely straight.
Countries want to make sure that everyone is experiencing the same time within that zone.
- Name the six major Canada time zones.
Newfoundland, Atlantic, Eastern, Central, Mountain Pacific
- If the time is 9:00 A.M. in Toronto, what time is it in:
Chicago 8:00 AM Sydney, Australia Midnight
Berlin, Germany 3:00 PMWinnipeg 8:00 AM
Honolulu 3:00 AM
- If the time in London is 12:00 P.M. UTC, what time is it in:
Vancouver 4:00 AM Paris 1:00 PM
Moscow 3:00 PM Tokyo 8:00 PM
Buenos Aires 8:00 AM
- If the time in Alert, Nunavut is 12:15 P.M., what time is it in:
St. John’s2:15 PMDublin, Ireland6:15 PM
Moscow, Russia9:15 PMTokyo, Japan 3:15 AM the next day
Buenos Aires, Argentina3:15 PM
- If it is Tuesday morning west of the International Date Line (eastern hemisphere), then what day is it east of the International Date Line (western hemisphere)?
- If it is January 7, 10:00 P.M. in Red Deer Alberta, what date and time is it in Beijing, China?
1:00 PM on Jan. 8
- If it is October 29, 3:00 A.M. in Auckland New Zealand, what date and time is it in Toronto?
Oct. 28, 11:00 AM
- A man living in Honolulu, Hawaii on Tuesday 12:00 P.M. calls his cousin in Tokyo, Japan. What time is it in Tokyo? What calendar day is it?
5:00 PM on Monday evening.
- Complete the following time changes:
Toronto – 5:00pm Vancouver - 2:00 PM
St. John’s Nfld – 6:30am Quebec City - 5:00 AM
Yellowknife - 12 noon Edmonton –12 noon
Thunder Bay - 4:00pm Barrie –4:00 pm
Winnipeg - 3:30am Halifax –5:30 am
Kamloops BC - 2:15pm Montreal –5:15 pm
Victoria – 11:10pm Prince George BC - 11:10 pm
Saskatoon – 12 midnight Calgary –11:00 pm
Moncton NB – 1:30pm Moose Jaw SK –10:30 am
Charlottetown – 4:45pm Moosonee ON –3:45pm
- Name the following types of maps (climate, topographic, political)
a)Shows a river - topographic
b)Cape Town, South Africa - political
c)Used by a meteorologist - climate
d)Helps a mountain climber - topographic
e)Ontario –political
f)Shows the 2013 temperature ranges for Canada - climate
g)Contour Lines - topographic
- What direction is opposite of each of the following directions:
a)SW - NE
- Give the compass bearings for the following directions (compass points):
a)N – 0 or 360 degrees
b)W - 270
c)S - 180
- Give the correct directions to the following cities in comparison to Toronto:
a)Boston, MA - SE
b)Los Angeles - SW
c)Dublin, Ireland - NE
d)Moscow, Russia - E
e)Iqaluit, NV - NNE
f)Edmonton, AB - NW
g)Dallas, TX - SW
h)Barcelona, Spain - SE
i)Athens, Greece –ESE
- Give the proper lines of longitude and latitude:
a)Prime Meridian - 0 degree longitude
b)Equator –0 degrees latitude
c)Tropic of Cancer –23.5 degree N
d)International Date Line –180 degrees longitude
e)North Pole –90 degrees N
f)Tropic of Capricorn – 23.5 degrees S
g)South Pole –90 degrees S.