States Project
Choice Board
You will be expected to complete the following States Project by Thursday, October 23, 2014. You may hand in your project(s) as you finish them or all together by the due date. Be sure to follow all directions for each project you choose and always ask questions along the way! I will be more than happy to assist you. Below are the steps you will need to take to complete the project. Have fun!!
1. You will be assigned a state by picking one from a basket.
2. Along with your parent(s), you will decide what project(s) you would like to complete on the chart below. You need a total of at least 20 points.
3. You will sign a contract with your teacher stating the project(s) you have chosen.
4. Work regularly on your project(s) and complete them by Thursday, October 23rd.
5. All projects are based on the same state.
Project Choices
(see below for specific project requirements)
Design a statetravel brochure
10 points / Create a poster
advertising your state
10 Points / Write a report about
a famous person
10 points
Create a state
crossword puzzle
10 points / Compose and perform a song about your state
10 points / Create a game based
on your state
20 points
Write and illustrate
Brown Bear book
20 points / Write and illustrate
ABC state book
20 points / PowerPoint Presentation about your state
20 points
u State Travel Brochure: Design a travel brochure to encourage people to visit your state – items to include can be parks and recreation areas, theaters, museums, and additional interesting places located in your state.
u State Poster: Create a poster educating your classmates about your state. Include facts, pictures, famous events or people connected to your state.
u Famous Person Report: Write a report on a famous person from your state. Include a picture (hand drawn or from the computer) – needs to be one page - size 12 comic sans font – double spaced – report about their life, family, and accomplishments.
u State Crossword Puzzle: Create a crossword puzzle, by hand or computer, that includes at least 20 facts (across & down) about your state. Please provide an answer key along with your puzzle.
u State Song: Compose a song that will educate your classmates and teacher about your state. You will perform the song by singing and playing it on an instrument of your choosing. You will turn your music and lyrics in to your teacher on the 24th. At this time, a performance date will be determined.
u State Game: Create a Jeopardy, Who Wants to be a Millionaire or Memory game based on your state. Please include at least 20 state facts, a set of directions on how to play the game, along with any necessary supplies to play the game.
u Brown Bear Book: Use the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin, and create a book in this format about your state. An example would be: Louisiana, Louisiana, What do you see? I see a brown pelican looking at me. Pelican, Pelican what do you see? I see pretty magnolias looking at me. Include a minimum of 20 state facts in your book.
u State ABC Book: Write and illustrate an alphabet book (A-Z) about your state – include a cover. The difficult letters (like X) can be in a state word.
u PowerPoint Presentation: Create 20 slides so you may educate your classmates about your state. Each slide should include at least one fact and picture for a visual presentation.
You will have the opportunity to check out books on your state during your library class with Mrs. Kruse. Use the attached graphic organizer to help collect and record facts about your state. In addition, please feel free to use the suggested websites to assist you in completing your project.