“Lowestoft Rising”
Update No 6– Lowestoft Rising Sponsoring Group.
Date 29thSeptember 2014
This is the sixthof theregular update reports the Support Group will provide to the Sponsoring Group. It will be a bullet point update under the agreed work stream heading for ease of reading. The updates will then be saved on Smart Sheet and use to update the work steam activity within Smart sheet.
We are happy to take feedback on the format so that we can provide the most suitable updates to you.
- Skills, Aspiration and Attainment- In support of Raising the Bar.
- Access The Globe ( ACT) new facility opens to provide additional education, aspiration and training for anyone aged 8 to 18 as an after school facility in the Town centre. Making use of an old pub the premises is welcoming and offers a wide range of activities and homework support services. PCC’s office supporting work with funding application for 9 months’ rent.
- GCSE results at 5 A*to C level including English and Maths drop at all 3 Lowestoft High Schools (Pakefield not yet open long enough to have year 11 results). BBHS 36% (down 10%) EPA 33% (down 6%) ODA 28% (down 2%). County average 56%.
- The Young Enterprise “Fiver” Challenge gets good media coverage with a number of Lowestoft primary schools taking part in the competition to turn £5 into more through enterprise initiatives. One school (MeadowPrimary) now has an after school enterprise club following its success.
- Fen Park Primary becomes an Active Learning Trust Academy and changes to Red Oak Primary with new sharing and training sessions for parents to become more involved in school life. Based in the Kirkley area of Town.
- The Town’s 3 Rotary Clubs come together to provide every year 3 pupil in Lowestoft with illustrated dictionaries. In excess of £3500 worth of books, over a 1000 dictionaries, will be distributed to the Primary schools by the Rotary Clubs. The clubs have also pledged to support Lowestoft Rising in its bid to bring mentoring and Work Inspiration to the Town.
- East Suffolk Partnership(ESP) pledge £30,000 to support the mentoring work as part of the Work Inspiration Package.
- Lowestoft High School and College Heads meeting pledges £5,000 towards mentoring work in recognition of its value, using some of its Lowestoft projects pot. Also agrees to support a second Year 10 Maths Challenge event at the 2 colleges.
- Ashley School (Special needs Academy) are leading with the “Challenger Partnership” scheme for Lowestoft with 3 Primaries already committed to join scheme.
- Ashley School leading the project work around a “LIT” programme (Part of the RtB- Hackney services for schools work to improve key stage 3 literacy), on behalf of the Lowestoft Schools work.
- Access Community Trust leading on work around the Youth Job centre provision for Lowestoft with DWP and SCC as partners.
- Waveney Youth Council have advanced planning for “ National Take Over Day” on 21st November with plans to take over Lowestoft Vision’s Business Coffee Morning event and the Lowestoft Marina Theatre and to hold a Town centre consultation event plus attend the ESP Forum at Pontin’s all on same day.
- MP Peter Aldous is actively supporting the Work Inspiration package by encouraging Business to join our database of committed Businesses.
- Maximise Benefits presented by Co-Location at Kirkley Mill, Riverside and Marina Centre.
- Lowestoft Rising Change Manager now employed by SCC, having moved from Police secondment, to provide continuity to role.
- Riverside Road Complex now visible and on track to be open in April 2015. Positive reporting in Journal on progress and benefits. Topping out ceremony held with Mark Bee and Colin Law.
- Recent figures for Emergency admissions to hospital show a 9% reduction for Lowestoft (168 less in first 4 months April-Aug) in comparison to less than 1% for rest of area. Benefits of the Out Of Hospital team based at Kirkley Mill believed to be main contributor.
- Meeting between Lowestoft Rising team and SCC Sports Culture and Communities team to enhance joint working opportunities. See below re Pride entry on potential outcomes.
- Redesign of Drug, Alcohol and Mental Health Services to ensure better outcomes.
- Mental Health still being flagged up as the key issue effected all agencies. Consultation now completed with over 1000 responses. Agreed options for Mental Health services being objectively assessed via a workshop panel 25/7/14. Positive outcomes from the steering group stage should lead to some practical options that will improve services further. Lowestoft Rising represented on steering group.
- Health East announce outcome of Mental Health Services following consultation phase. 20 Bed acute unit and S136 facility will be at Northgate Gt Yarmouth with Carlton Court Unit closing . 10 beds to re-open at Carlton Court for complex needs cases. Dementia ward at Carlton Court to stay closed but improved” DIST” working to keep people in Community settings. Recovery colleges to be developed in both Towns. Plans to move the Children’s services from Lothingland site to Carlton Court site locating all services in one location. (RISK Downgraded)
- Access Community Trust reviewing its provision for outreach service to ensure we continue to have outreach drug and alcohol provision available. Loss of Archway Project currently covered by Bridgeview (ACT) activity.RISK if we can’t sustain provision.
- Second Lowestoft Street Drinker receives CRASBO and is subsequently jailed for breach of it. One of last remaining hard core street drinkers now jailed.
- Renewed media interest around the reduction in Street Drinker numbers and the ongoing “Reduce the Strength” campaign to remove high strength drinks from shops.
- Suffolk Police launch Mental Health training for all front line staff to attend, in conjunction with Norfolk Police and MIND.
- Waveney Recovery Forum going from strength to strength with more groups and providers joining the Forum. Works starts on Community Recovery Hub at ECR site on Whapload Road.
- Suffolk Hate Crime supported by Waveney Disability Forum, Suffolk Police and WDC launched the “Stay Safe” Campaign in Lowestoft to provide signed “Safe” places in Town where Vulnerable people can attend and ask for help whilst out in the Community.
- Pride in Lowestoft-( Building on what makes Lowestoft Great)
- Kirkley’s People Forum formed to help spend the £200,000 grant to help make Kirkley a better place. Public meeting held toidentify key ideas to improve Kirkley with money. Led by CAS.
- Lowestoft Vision launches its Turtle Trail in Town to promote Town centre visits.1000 plus entries into competition with reported increase footfall in Town centre.
- Godfrey’s Town Centre store teams up with Mary Portas for a facelift and reopening.
- Work is well underway on the new Lowestoft Northern Spine Road, the £6 million addition, will be the final section joining up the Town and taking traffic away from the Bentley Drive housing estate route currently used. It should be completed by March 2015.
- New £2 million, state of the art, RNLI lifeboat “Patsy Knight” comes on stream on 25th Sept 2014, replacing the “Spirit of Lowestoft “boat. Patsy Knight a local Kessingland resident until her death left the money to pay for the new boat.
- Anglia in Bloom awards. Kirkley Business Association win award for best Commercial area, Blundeston win Best Village and Lowestoft win Silver Gilt for coastal town section.
- Harrods of Lowestoft win the contract to supply Rugby World Cup 2015 goal posts for entire tournament next summer.
- Second public consultation event for “ East of England Park” took place at Orbis energy with 60 plus further people engaged and further ideas explored for the Park development. Schools engaged with a project to help design Park.
- Second Public Engagement meeting for public to engage with all 4 Public sector services planned for 7th Oct 2014 at United reform Church in Town Centre.
- Following meeting with SCC Sports/Culture /Communities Team, Looking at 4 (Quarterly) events for the Town, one each on Sport/Arts/Heritage/Music to give the Town focus on Pride in Lowestoft. Working with Lions and Rotary on Sports event to replicate successful Beach Sports event. Access Community Trust working with London Philomonic around an Arts and Culture project. Library leading on Literary Festival with 6 Authors already involved in first event.Looking at how Heritage event can tie in with East of England Park and the old Fishing Village re-creation
- Lowestoft Score’s Race attracts largest ever entrance field
- Updated presentation to elected members of Waveney District Council on Lowestoft Rising progress completed.
- Engagement with Key Supporter.
- Below individuals or groups have been brought on board since last update and have pledged support to Lowestoft Risings Philosophy-
- Waveney Youth Council
- Bob Blizzard and Peter Aldous
- Tomorrow’s People ( James McGowan)
- Radio Suffolk ( Guy Campbell)
- Community Action Suffolk ( Nicky Thompson)
- Lowestoft Vision ( Danny Steele)
- East Suffolk Partnership ( Presentation to full Board-who are funding Tomorrow’s People work)
- Lowestoft Journal Editor Max Bennett
- Lloyds Bank- Responsible Business Director ( Lloyds and Halifax)
- Dane Whitely Manager Halifax Bank ( Community Engagement)
- Stephen Ardley ( Now WDC cabinet member for LR)
- Ben Delotte – RSA Change makers programme
- WGY Drug and Alcohol Misuse Strategic Group
- Lowestoft Chamber of Trade and Commerce.( Michelle Gardner)
- Darren Newman, Town Centre Partnership manager( Vision),
- Bim Templeman .Community Recovery Champion-Drugs.
- Enterprise Lowestoft –James Reader.
- Prince’s Trust –Oa Mackdonald. ( Talent Match)
- Lisa Cunningham-Business in the Community
- Emma Ratzer- Access Community trust.
- East Point Rotary Club of Lowestoft
- Angela Davies RtB Brokerage scheme
- Suffolk family Focus ( Lowestoft Forum)
- Waveney Drugs recovery forum
- SSE ( Windfarms)- Sid Anverali (General Manager)
- Lowestoft 6th Form College ( David Bye and Yolanda Botham)
- Waveney and Gt Yarmouth Drug and Alcohol Strategic Group formed.
- Cambridge Science Centre-Science in schools project.
- Catch 22 ( Mike Chapman)
- Kirkley Business Association
- East Coast Community Healthcare (ECCH) Adele Madin
- Shadow Policing Minister –Jack Dromey MP
- Activlives Ipswich ( Lunch Clubs and Gardening Clubs for elderly) CEO Julie Stokes
- Excelsior Trust (With Princes Trust) Youth Development Project- Mary George.
- Lowestoft Town Football Club
- Lowestoft Ladies Hockey Club
- Lowestoft Lions Club
- SCC Sports/Culture/Communities Team- Richard Hunt.
- Suffolk Family Carers-Judith Borne
- Lowestoft FE College. ( Jo Pretty)