Revised Manuscript checklist:

ACTION / [tick if completed]
Copyright Status Form filled in, signed, scanned, and enclosed
All live links (hypertext) removed (e.g., links of DOI to the internet)
Reference manager links removed/inactivated
Page format: A4
Margins: 4 × 25 mm
Line spacing: 1.5
Gutter: 0 mm
Header: 12.5 mm
Footer: 12.5 mm
Font: Times New Roman 12 pts.
Text NOT justified on the right-hand side (ragged right)
All tables and figures inserted into the revised MS (end of manuscript)
Inserted figures must be either screenshots (or low resolution figures)—otherwise the revised manuscript file will be too big to be processed!
All figures sent as separate files (Please note that Table is NOT a figure)
Table headings placed individually above respective tables
Figure captions placed individually below respective figures
Table headings and/or Figure captions NOT repeated in the MS
Line numbers removed
Structured summary limited to 2300 characters (including spaces)
The text declared as English (UK)
Spell checking performed
All difficult words not covered by the spell checker verified using the Internet
All Latin names verified against WoRMS
Common names of fishes consistent with FishBase (see below)
Cases where FishBase common name is unacceptable or not consistent with the best known common name—must be reported to Editor AI&P
If FishBase does not suggest the name—the new proposed common name should not be in conflict with any of the existing common names. Please notify the Editor AI&P that you are proposing new common name for FishBase
Degree symbol (º) inserted from the Symbols menu (and NOT superscript letter ‘o’ or number ‘0’)
Multiplication symbol is centred dot (·)
Alternative multiplication symbol is (×) and NOT small letter ‘ex’ (x)
Dividing sign (/) replaced with multiplication sign (·)
(e.g., mg · L–1, mg · g–1, IU · kg–1, µg · g–1, NOT: mg/L, mg/g, IU/kg, µg/g)
Spaces inserted between numbers and units (e.g., 5 kg) and between numbers/variables and mathematical symbols (+, ×, –, =, ±, <, >), but NOT numbers and percent symbols (e.g., 33%; NOT: 33 %)
Increase- or decrease trends (a difference between two percentage values) expressed in “percentage points” “pp” NOT in “%”
For percent ranges, use “%” sign after each value (e.g., 15%–30%; NOT 15–30%)
In all other ranges use the unit symbol only with the last value (e.g., 15–30 kg; NOT 15 kg–30 kg)
Hyphen (-), N-dash sign (–) and M-dash sign (—) used where needed (do not confuse hyphen, N-dash, and M-dash)
N-dash sign (–) without spaces before- and after used for (numerical) ranges
(e.g., 3–6)
N-dash sign (–) with spaces before- and after used for arithmetical formulas (subtraction) (e.g., 6 – 4 = 2)
Breaks of thought (stronger than those requiring parentheses) demarcated by an M-dash sign (—) (without spaces before-and after) (NOT N-dash sign with spaces before- and after)
Literature in text cited chronologically
The formulae should be editable (!) and constructed using MS Word Equation Editor
Commas NOT inserted between the name of cited author and the year (e.g., Smith 1999; NOT: Smith, 1999)
Commas between the name and the year used ONLY for taxon authorities (e.g., Scorpaena loppei Cadenat, 1943)
Literature cited in text separated by comma, NOT semicolon (e.g., Kabata 1979, Brown 1999)
Cited literature verified (All paper cited in the text should appear in References and vice versa)
All tables and figures numbered consecutively (in the sequence they appear in the text)
All references must be carefully checked and verified against the internet!
DOIs must be appended to those cited references that have them. Please note that major publishers have been applying DOI numbers retroactively, so they may be not visible on papers reprints you have. In order to get all DOIs we need please consult electronic versions of the papers you cite. Many old books of major publishers have DOIs.
Title in sentence case (do not capitalise words if not necessary)
First name of all authors spelled out, while middle name abbreviated to a single letter (If the author uses the middle name—it should be spelled out while the first name abbreviated)
“Hour” abbreviated as “h” (NOT “hr”)
“Minute” abbreviated as “min” (NOT “min.”)
“Second” abbreviated as “s” (NOT “sec” or “sec.”
The suffixes of ordinal numbers (th, st, nd, and rd) NOT in superscript (e.g., NOT 2nd)
Single letter variables set in Italics (e.g., x, y, P, R2, Mj)
Two letter variables (more than one letter) NOT in Italics (e.g., TL, SL; NOT: TL)
Latin terms, commonly used in English (et al., in vitro, in vivo, in situ, etc.) NOT italicised
All abbreviations defined at first mention (+ again in figure captions and/or table footnote)
SI units used throughout the text (with exception of L for liquid volumes)
References arranged alphabetically (Please note that in a consequence of that Smith et al. 1999 can be cited before Smith et al. 1988)
Taxon authorities not mentioned in the TITLE
Full fish name provided in Summary and again in Introduction; e.g., Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792)
Later in the text the generic name should be abbreviated, But: First use of a fish name in a paragraph should NOT be abbreviated. Generic name on the beginning of sentence should NOT be abbreviated
Background sections of the structured summary contains a response to the question: Why the study was initiated?
Background sections of the structured summary contains a response to the question: Why this type of study is needed?
Background sections of the structured summary contains a response to the question: What is the aim of the present paper?
(authors of short communication do not need to answer the three questions in the Abstract, but they may do so in the main text)
See instructions for providing the figures in “Instructions for authors
The footnote “Correspondence” on the first page must contain the name of the corresponding author, preceded by the title (e.g., “Dr”), his/her work address in a local language [Because the address below the author’s name is in English, citing the affiliation in the original language increases the chance of finding the institution in the Internet], phone, fax No., phone No., e-mail address (e-mail addresses of other authors should also be provided)

I undersigned, solemnly declare that my revised manuscript is consistent with the journal’s style and format and with ALL points of the above revised manuscript checklist.

Date ………………. Signature………………..