Hardwick Clinical Commissioning Group
2015–17 Equality Objectives Update
September 2016
Hardwick Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) reviewed and set new Equality Objectives in October 2015 (Appendix 1), following on from the achievements the CCG made in delivering on its initial 2013-15 Equality Objectives.
In order to meet these new Objectives, a new action plan template (Appendix 2) has been developed to ensure SMART actions are taken and the resulting activities are captured effectively.
As is highlighted in Appendix 2, the SMART actions are continuing to be developed by the responsible CCG officers in collaboration with the CSU EIHR (Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights) Team. This is in part due to the high levels of change within the health system and the continuing development of the Derbyshire-wide STP.
There are twospecific statutory requirements placed on the CCG by the Equality Act 2010:
- To publish annually, before 31st January, activity information in relation to the CCGs performance in terms equality and inclusion; through the implementation of the EDS2 portfolio.
- To develop, publish and action Equality Objectives in an appropriate timeframe but not exceeding 4 years. With first publication before 13th October 2013.
In order to maintain a continued good practice approach to the above duties, it is the recommendation of the EIHR Team that in time for the publication of the CCGs 2016 EDS2 portfolio (31st January 2017 deadline) the following are actioned:
- Finalising of the SMART actions to support the 2015-2017 Equality Objectives.
- Updates on progress are received on current activities that support the CCGs Equality Objectives.
- Publication of the CCGs updated Equality Objectives action plan alongside its EDS2 evidence portfolio
Appendix 1
NHS Hardwick Clinical Commissioning Group
Equality Objectives 2015 – 2017
Objective 1: To tackle local Health Inequalities through the implementation of the 21st Century programmeinclusively ensuring fair and equitable access for all groups.
Objective 2: To continue to develop a more effective understanding of the data available to us, and the gaps in data, across the communities we serve representative of the nine protected characteristics. To enhance the level of analysis carried out against such data to inform our commissioning decisions.
Objective 3: To embed consideration for the needs of patients with a learning disability in Commissioned services.
Objective 4: To promote and influence parity of esteem for Mental Health services across Derbyshire, working with NHS Commissioners and NHS provider organisations.
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David FaggEquality, Inclusion and Human Rights Team