Update Report for Planning Committee (East): 29 July 2015

Committee Planning Manager: Jayne Cashmore

Update for all housing related applications
1: A new 5 year housing land supply figure of 3.85 has been calculated as of 31 March 2015. The Information Sheet No 031/2015 is appended to this updates sheet.
2:The Housing Completions and Commitments Figures for settlements within the District are appended to this Update Report. The figures cover the period between 1 April 2011 and 31 March 2015. Since 31 March 2015 the housing commitment figures have changed in relation to settlements affected by this agenda as follows (and as shown on the appended sheet):-
Bishops Itchington – 2 additional commitments.
[NB Bishops Itchington is a Category 1 LSV which the current version of Policy CS.16 of the Core Strategy envisages taking no more than around 112 dwellings over the plan period. The settlement has had a net increase of 120 units so far in the plan period which is already in excess of what the Core Strategy envisaged. The addition of the proposed (up to) 84 units would further take it over the anticipated maximum additions]
Tredington – No additional commitments.
[NB Tredington is a Category 3 LSV which the current version of Policy CS.16 of the Core Strategy envisages taking no more than around 59 dwellings over the plan period. The settlement has had a net increase of 2 units so far in the plan period and the addition of the proposed (up to) 52 units would leave an envisaged residue of around 7 dwellings to be provided]
Oxhill – No additional commitments
[NB Oxhill is a Category 4 LSV which the current version of Policy CS.16 of the Core Strategy envisages taking no more than around 32 dwellings over the plan period. The settlement has had a net increase of 8 units so far in the plan period and the addition of the proposed (up to) 15 units would leave an envisaged residue of around 9 dwellings to be provided]
Quinton–No additional commitments.
[NB Quinton is a Category 1 LSV which the current version of Policy CS.16 of the Core Strategy envisages taking no more than around 112 dwellings over the plan period. The settlement has had a net increase in 63 units so far in the plan period and the additional of the proposed 30 dwellings would leave an envisaged residue of around 19 dwellings to be provided]
3:In relation to the Housing Land Supply section – after the 4th bullet point summing up the Inspector’s interim report add “Council on 22nd July 2015 agreed a revised OAN.”
14/03419/OUT –Knightcote Road, Bishops Itchington
Additional comment from Parish Council in relation to footpaths improvements.
Officers consider that the financial contributions set out in the officer report can provide for footpath improvements.
Revised planning balance
Since writing the report, there has been a revised OAN, agreement of identified key sites to accommodate the higher OAN and ‘Housing Completions and Commitments – Settlements’ published. Having regard to these material considerations, the Inspector’s interim report comments in relation to Local Service Villages, evidence base relating to CS.16 and the housing strategy for Local Services Villages, and in the absence of any other justification, it is considered that the impact of further housing over and above what has been identified as being suitable for the village of Bishops Itchington over the Plan period, indicates that the settlement does not have the necessary supporting infrastructure, services and facilities for day to day living to support further housing growth. This, along with the adverse ecological impact of the development, results in greater disbenefits than benefits and an unsustainable form of development. Regard has been given to the recently published 5 year housing land supply figure, but the harm significantly and demonstrably outweighs the benefits.
Revised recommendation:
That permission be refused for the following reason:
1: The proposed development seeks to erect 84 dwellings on the edge of the village of Bishops Itchington, which is a Category 1 Local Service Village. The village has been identified as having 118 dwellings, both built and committed, between 1 April 2011 and 31 March 2015. Since that time an additional 2 dwellings have also been committed. On 20th July 2015 Members resolved to agree a revised Objectively Assessed Need of 14,480, and identified key sites to deliver this. This, combined with the Core Strategy Inquiry Inspector’s interim report which identified the lack of evidence for sustainable development above 2000 houses overall in the Local Service Villages (LSVs), and the evidence base supporting Policy CS.16 of the Core Strategy identifying no single Category 1 Village should take any more than around 25% of the total 450 dwellings to be accommodated within that category , would mean that proposal would result in an unsustainable form of development in excess of the number of dwellings which the settlement can sustain in the Plan period. The settlement does not have the infrastructure, shops, services, or employment opportunities to accommodate the proposed increase in numbers of dwellings. In addition the development would result in an adverse impact on ecology at the site.
Having regard to paragraph 14 of the NPPF and notwithstanding the lack of a 5 year housing land supply, and in light of the ‘Housing and Completions Commitments as of 31st March 2015’ and subsequent commitments, the harm identified significantly and demonstrably outweighs the potential benefits of the scheme, and results in an unsustainable form of development. The development is therefore contrary to saved policy EF.7, emerging Core Strategy policies CS1 and CS6 and the NPPF including paragraphs 109 and 118.
14/03600/OUT – Blackwell Road, Tredington
Highways Consultation response (Page 42) – should also refer to 2nd response dated 23.6.15 removing objection following submission of tracking details.
Amended text (page 54) –Healthcare section, delete “based on cumulative impacts from this and other development in Kineton.”
Condition 1 to relate to submission of reserved matters for layout, scale, appearance and landscaping for approval.
14/02168/OUT – Leys Field, Whatcote Road, Oxhill
•Affordable Housing Provision: The report indicates that the proposed development would seek to provide a total of 35% affordable housing. However, the proposal would in fact provide 3 Local Choice houses and 2 dwellings for rent, in addition to the 10 market houses as per the description on the front sheet of the report.
•Comments on the Committee Report have been forwarded by a local resident and endorsed by the Parish Council. On this basis the Parish Council have requested that the application be deferred pending a site visit.
•Under S106 contributions ‘Education’ should read just ‘None requested’
•The Report does not refer to Great Crested Newt study which was considered by the County Ecologist. This report showed that in more recent surveys, small populations were found in nearby ponds, as well as small population of smooth newts and a grass snake. The ecologists comments and recommended conditions were based on this information, and so it does not materially alter the planning balance.
•An additional 6 objections have been received since the report was written. These objections have not raised any new issues.
•A Planning appeal for 4 detached dwellings in Oxhill was dismissed by the Inspectorate on the 29th June 2015. Planning balance included reference to backland development harming settlement pattern in area.
15/01356/OUT – Land off Main Road, Lower Quinton
Two additional conditions are recommended (21.07.2015) by the County Archaeologist:
Condition 23: A Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI), programme of archaeological evaluative work and associated post-excavation analysis, Archaeological Mitigation Strategy
Condition 24 -Archaeological Mitigation Strategy document
14/01165/FUL – Dallas Burston Polo Grounds
No updates to report

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