- Call to Order and Attendance
- Meeting called to order at 6:02
- Officer Reports
- Tyler Childress, Chairperson
- Tyler Childress: Tonight should go very quickly. We will be taking the Burge fee off of the table today.
- Mady Womack, Vice Chairperson
- Absent
- Madeline Sniezek and AllyssaCastilleja, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer
- AllyssaCastilleja: $1200 going through tonight.
- Allyssa: Motion to untable bill 2016-057 and move it to the regular agenda.
- Motion passes
- AllyssaCastilleja: Move to call to question on the consent agenda.
- Consent agenda passes
- Consent Agenda
- 2016–063: A Bill to Fund Photo Media Student Advisory Board
- 2016–064: A Bill to FundStudent Advocates for Financial Education (SAFE)
- 2016–065: A Bill to FundKU Clinical Child Psychology Graduate Student Organization
- 2016–066: A Bill to FundKansas American Planning Students (KAPS)
- 2016–070: A Bill to Fundthe House that Hawks Built
- 2016–071: A Bill to FundClassics Club
- 2016–072: A Bill to FundVietnamese Student Association
- Regular Agenda
- 2015-057
- Mattie Carter: A speaker is coming November 7. This event is free for everyone
- Student: Hi we are bringing in a speaker who runs a cooking school. There is a spiritual component to the work he does as well. We are asking for $300 from senate.
- Jessie Pringle (negative speech): Hey, this is coming from Tyler. We are changing the Honorarium line to list his name.
- AllyssaCastilleja: Motion to call to question on the amendment
- Amendment passes
- AllyssaCastilleja: Ishis spiritual message religious
- No it is holistic
- Chance Maginness: Motion to call to question on the bill
- Bill passes
- 2016–067: A Bill to Fund Active Minds at KU
- Harrison Baker: This bill is a honorarium for $145. Its going to be on October 23rd and we are expecting about 50 students
- Student: We are going to have a woman named Gretta come and speak about trans individuals and the struggles they face
- AllyssaCastilleja (negative speech): We are going to change the event budget to $1560 from $1500, $40 to $80, and change the date and place of event.
- KurtisLieber: Motion to call to question on the amendment
- Amendment passes
- Chance Maginness: Motion to call to question on the bill
- Bill passes
- 2016–069: A Bill to Fund Spectrum Drag Show
- Marcus Pepperdine: We are asking for $244.50 for lighting for an event
- Student: The drag show will be held October 27th. It will be between tow scholarship halls so we will have a good space.
- Haris Vrahliotis: How many students are expected?
- Marcus Pepperdine: 100 to 300 perhaps
- Chance Maginness: Motion to call to question on the bill
- Bill passes
- 2016–073: A Bill to Fund Students United for Reproductive and Gender Equity (SURGE) Event
- Haris Vrahliotis: We are asking for an amendment for $130.
- Student: We have put on this event for a few years now. It is a tabling event for a few days where we pass out things to encourage safe sex such as condoms. We passed out about 3000 condoms last year.
- Omar Rana: We will need an amendment for $100 for general funding and $75 for general funding. SURGE needs a new banner since they changed their name.
- Tyler Childress: Two or three years ago we bought a tablecloth that was pretty expensive even though we knew you would be changing your name maybe
- Student: We can still use the runners
- Tyler Childress: Will this be similar to the past banner or vinyl
- Speaker: It will be vinyl probably
- AllyssaCastilleja (negative speech): Amendment for $100 general funding and $75 for printing
- Nick Steiner: Motion to call to question on the amendment
- Amendment passes
- Chance Maginness: Motion to call to question on the bill
- Bill passes
- Jessie Pringle: Motion to take bill 2016-062 off the table for consideration
- Motion passes
- Tyler Childress: We are going to take the bill off the table and vote today. We have made a few changes. We are taking out lines 151 and 152 because that is against the rules. We are also taking out the lines that say it will be called the Burge Union which are lines 204 and 205. We did not want it to be named after a donor but they might name it after distinguished alum. The Board of Regent can name it whatever they want I believe. Donors generally aren’t whom they look at to name the building after. Line 275 and 277 they wanted us to take out the FCI index because we aren’t sure what the number will be. If it is less or more than .3 it wont be much. We took out Diane’s name at some point. There was some talk about how the lease might be 40 years but we made it 30. We are now waiting on full senate to vote on this.
- Chance Maginness (negative speech): I move that we make all of Tyler’s changes an amendment
- NobusOghenekaro: Motion to call to question on the amendment
- Amendment Passes
- Chance Maginness: Motion to call to question on the bill
- Bill passes
- Chance Maginness: Student Senate outreach week is November 2nd through the 6th.
- Tyler Childress: Make sure you are reaching out to your groups. This was another light legislative cycle.
- Adjournment
- Meeting is adjourned at 6:33
410 Kansas Union University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045 (785)-864-3710