Caring for the Sick Child

Goal of this workshop - Improved care for the Pediatric Patient

Objectives: This workshop will provide tools and techniques that can improve age appropriate care with a focus on current medications, fluid and electrolyte replacement, child development, and poisoning issues

Target audience: Nurses working in emergency, ambulatory care, operating room, or pediatric units. Nurse educators, pediatric office and maternal/child health nurses.

Date/time:October 13, 2005 from 8 am to 4 pm in the Education and Research Building at the VA Medical Center in White River Junction.


Developmental Strategies for the Pediatric Population / Jessica Laperle, CCLS
Interim Coordinator, Child Life Program
Children's Hospital at Dartmouth
Toxic Time bombs: Poison Control with children / Matt Choate, RN, BSN
Manager – PICU; PALS Instructor
Children's Hospital at Dartmouth
Pediatric Fluids and Electrolytes: The Game of Application
Pediatric Medications: Assuring Staff Competency / Bridget Mudge, RN, MS
Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist
Children's Hospital at DHMC

Contact hours - 6.6 Contact hours applied forProgram sponsored by: NVRH

Description: Developmental stages birth through adolescence will be discussed within the framework of stressful reactions to hospitalization and medical experiences. Specific strategies to help reduce pain and anxiety will be described for each developmental level. Highlighted topics will include common anxieties, approaches for the health care provider, poisoning risk and prevention, managing fluid/electrolyte balance, and assuring staff competency with medication administration.

Driving Directions: Take Interstate 91 to the White River Junction Exit, then go south on Route 5. The VA Medical Center is on the right.

Registration Fees: $40 for Vermont Inservice & Continuing Education (VICE) members and $60 for non-members. Fee includes educational materials, lunch and refreshment breaks. Space is limited, so send your registration ASAP to ensure inclusion.

Please make checks payable to VICE and mail to:

VICE Workshop, c/o VNIP Office, 289 County Road, Windsor, VT 05089

RegistrationWorkshop - Caring for Sick Child

October 13, 2005 from 8 am to 4 pm in the Education and Research Building at the VA Medical Center in White River Junction.

Name RN ? yesno


Agency of employmentSpecialty area?

Vegetarian menu request Yes ____ No ____ Other special needs? ______

Registration fee included:

_____ VICE member - $40

_____ Non-member - $60

Please make checks payable to VICE and mail to:

VICE Workshop

c/o Nursing Internship Project

289 County Road

Windsor, VT 05089