The Origin of Marriage – Part I
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. He, the LORD GOD set the parameters, the foundation and created the institution of marriage. He created Adam and Eve. He officiated the first marriage. It is not the decision of the United States Supreme Court, the President of the United States, or man to legalize or legislate what God has established as His institution. To do so is an insult to the LORD.
Mankind in our evolving history has believed that we have the autonomy to change the principles of the Almighty God. We do not. The sanctity and origin of marriage are from God.
The Lord recognized in His creative and Divine plan that it was not good for man to be alone. He caused a deep sleep to come upon Adam and the Lord God created Eve, a woman.
In God’s infinite Deity, He could have created any being, shape, gender, or any creature. He createdtwo genders-maleand female. He brought the woman to Adam. Eve was fashioned to emotionally, physically and spiritually join with her husband.
The Lord recognized that Adam needed completion, companionship, and cooperation. Marriage is a consecrated union between a man, a woman and the Almighty God. There is no authority in this universe to change God’s origin.
As we quickly approach the coming of Jesus Christ, what we believe about Him and His Truth must be paramount. We must stand on His Word.
The time is at hand,Christian brothers and sisters that we stand for Jesus Christ (the Living Word). The scripture says – having done all – STAND.
What we cannot do is “stand idly by” as the untruth about the LORD’s institution of marriage is assaulted.
The Word of God teaches us that in the last days man will become weaker and have more knowledge.
The Bible teaches that as in the days of Noah, people will be eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage when Christ returns. We are in the last days.
Mankind is becoming more reprobate. What God proclaimed in the scriptures is coming to pass. The news, movies, internet and mass media are filled with evil.Times will only worsen.
To most people the discussion of marriage is now controversial and political. Christians are expected to stay silent or risk offense and punishment. Speak the truth.
Christians need to beclearthat God,(not man) is theInstitutor and Creator of Marriage. He, as the only HOLY Forcein this universe has all authority over marriage. What He accepts we should accept. What He rejects as sin we must reject.
Every purpose in His Godhead is according to His Divine Plan. A Divine Plan that was Redemptive from Genesis to Revelation.
Have you not wondered how Adam was formed without man or woman? Have you wondered how Eve was formed with just man’s rib? That’s DIETY in action.
Jesus Christ was supernaturally formed in Mary’s womb with no use of man’s seed or woman’s egg.
GOD IS THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH. God is the Author of Eternity. He is the Author of Life. His Word is clear that He changes not.
In His Word He speaks to what He abhors and views as abominations. In His Word He is clear that our thoughts are FAR from HIS THOUGHTS.
The world’s attempt to legalize what God has rejected is broadcast day to day.
We Christian believers need to study the Word to understand that God is the ultimate Supreme authority on marriage.
Here are five (5) simple FACTS below relevant to the Origin of Marriage. If you are opposed to them then you are opposed not to me, but the revealed Will of God’s Holy Bible.
FACT 1: God, our Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer ordained and instituted human marriage. Genesis 2.
FACT 2: Only God can change what He ordained marriage to be: a marriage between 1 man and 1 woman.
FACT 3: Mankind CANNOT change institution of marriage.
FACT 4: God hates sin.
FACT 5: God declared, I am the LORD, and I do not change. Malachi 3:6
Think about the sanctity of what happens at a wedding ceremony.
At the wedding, man and woman come before Him to be joined together in Holy Matrimony.
Man and woman come before Him to make covenant with Him to become one flesh. He cannot be in the presence of SIN.We cannot dictate to God.
We have to stand on the principles of God for marriage. Only then will we see the strengthening of our homes, community and society.
The time is at hand to stop closing our collective eyes and mouths to all the unauthorized relationships by both heterosexual and homosexual people in our lives. Both situations God calls SIN. We can continue to stay silent but there are consequences to accepting what God rejects. Marriage is under assault and it’s time to stop being afraid to speak the truth. You are either standing with God or against God.
Transportation Ministry Our church has a lot of people, who want to come to worship service and Bible study, but they have no transportation or they are unable to drive due to age or disabilities.For years, Resurrection Baptist Church has been carpooling members near and far. We are in prayer and seek your financial support toward our Transportation Ministry. It’s time to procure a Transit Vehicle to meet the needs of allowing all who want to come to Worship Service and Bible Study to come. The cars are full to capacity. If you know me, you know I believe God’s Word and know He is BIG and He can provide. This little Shuttle bus graphic will be in our Newsletter as a reminder to you who are blessed by Trans4Mation Valley to share and support Resurrection.We are lifting up Jesus Christ in all we say and do.
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