Curriculum vitae
Personal information
Name / Kocziszky György dr.
Address / 3529 MISKOLC, Apáczai Csere János út 2.
Telephone / 06-36-20-96-18-796
Fax / +36-46-367-865
E-mail /
Nationality / Hungarian
Date of birth / 06-07-1949.
Work experience
Dates (from – to) / 2014-
Occupation or position held
Name and address of employer / Research Center of Social Sciences
University of Miskolc
3515 Miskolc - Egyetemváros
Dates (from – to) / 2006–2014.
Occupation or position held / Dean (Faculty of Economics, University of Miskolc)
Name and address of employer / University of Miskolc
Dates (from – to) / 2011-
Occupation or position held / member
Name and address of employer / National Bank of Hungary Monetary Council
1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 8-9.
Dates (from – to) / 2000–2014.
Occupation or position held / Director of Institute of World and Regional Economics
Name and address of employer / Institute of World and Regional Economics
University of Miskolc
Dates (from – to) / 1991–1997.
Occupation or position held / Economic vice-rector
Name and address of employer / University of Miskolc
Dates (from – to) / 1996–2012.
Occupation or position held / Head of professorship
Name and address of employer / University of Miskolc, Department of Regional Economics
Dates (from – to) / 1994-
Occupation or position held / university professor
Name and address of employer / University of Miskolc
Dates (from – to) / 1988-1994.
Occupation or position held / Associate professor
Name and address of employer / University of Miskolc
Department of Business Management
Dates (from – to) / 1978-1988.
Occupation or position held / Assistant professor
Name and address of employer / Department of Industry Economy, Technical University for Heavy Industry,
Dates (from – to) / 1973-1978.
Occupation or position held / Assistant lecturer
Name and address of employer / Department of Industry Economy, Technical University for Heavy Industry
Dates (from – to) / 1972-1973.
Occupation or position held / organising engineer,
Main activities and responsibilities / System organizer
Name and address of employer / National Rubber Company, Budapest
Education and training
Dates (from – to) / 1994.
Title of qualification awarded / Dr. habil
Main subjects / practice training / Regional economics, economy development
Name and type of organization providing education and training / MiskolcUniversity
Dates (from – to) / 1984.
Title of qualification awarded / Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Main subjects / practice training / Organizational Behaviour and Management Science
Name and type of organization providing education and training / HungarianAcademy of Sciences
Dates (from – to) / 1984.
Title of qualification awarded / Dr. Ing TH.
Main subjects / practice training / Simulation modeling of Flexible Production Systems
Name and type of organization providing education and training / TH. Otto v. Guericke, Magdeburg, NDK
Dates (from – to) / 1977.
Title of qualification awarded / dr. techn.
Main subjects / practice training / Simulation model
Name and type of organization providing education and training / Technical University for Heavy Industry, Miskolc
Dates (from – to) / 1975.
Title of qualification awarded / engineer specialised in economics
Main subjects / practice training / engineer specialised in economics
Name and type of organization providing education and training / Technical University for Heavy Industry
Dates (from – to) / 1972.
Title of qualification awarded / mechanical engineer
Main subjects / practice training / Chemistry engineer
Name and type of organization providing education and training / Technical University for Heavy Industry
Personal skills
and competences
Mother tongue / Hungarian
Other languages
Self-assessment / Understanding / Speaking / Writing
European level (*) / Listening / Reading / Spoken interaction / Spoken production
Germany / C2 / Proficient user / C2 / Proficient user / C2 / Proficient user / C2 / Proficient user / C2 / Proficient user
Russian / A1 / Basic user / A1 / Basic user / A1 / Basic user / A1 / Basic user / A1 / Basic user
(*) Common European levels of Reference
Social skills and competences / Education – research works (Management and organization of Faculty of
Economics, University of Miskolc
Presentation and publication practice
Practice in field of Team work management
Organisational skills
and competences / Practice in tender operation / DEPURE, ROP, JEAN MONNET, TEMPUS,
PHARE ESZA, other Hungarians /
Project management practices
Computer skills and competences / Computer word processing
Internet platforms
Other skills
and competences / Method in examination of innovation potential
Regional economy development, econometric models
Regional development
EU policies
Driving licence / B category
Additional informations / Study tour:
2009 : India (2 week)
2008 : Kína ( 2week)
2005- : Babes-Bolyai University, in Faculty of Economics visiting-professor of Regional development subject
2002 : MegdeburgUniversity, visiting -professor (1 month).
2001 : Ovideo University, Spain (1 month).
1997 : LeobenUniversity, visiting -professor (1 month).
1996 : FederalRepublic of Germany (study of the structural changing in Ruhr Field, 1 month).
1996 : Canada, University of New Brunswich (1 month).
1996 : Fraunhofer Institut Magdeburg (2 months).
Member of corporations:
DE Doctoral Committee of Social Sciences, External member (2015-2018)
Economy and finance Hungarian publication 2014- )
Doctoral and Habilitation Council member of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary (2014- )
University of Debrecen, Committee of Social Sciences Habilitation, member (2014- )
Scientific Journal Marketing Menedzsment Innováció (MАРКЕТИНГ I МЕНЕДЖМЕНТ IННОВАЦIЙ/ Marketing and Management of Innovations), Editorial Board, member (2012- ).
Hitelintézeti Szemle Editorial Board, member (2011- ).
CESCI president (2010-2011).
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, External member (2009- ).
Member, Editorial board of the periodical Észak-magyarországi Stratégiai Füzetek (2006- ).
Economic Council of Hungarian Accreditation Committee (2006-2009).
Council of Hungarian Economics - member (2004- ).
Member, Regional Scientific Specialist Committee, HungarianAcademy of Sciences (2004-).
Head of Hungarian Association of Spatial and Urban Developers (2000- ).
Member, Regional Studies Assoiation (1998- ).
Member, Editorial board of the periodical Észak-magyarországi Gazdaság, Kultúra, Tudomány (1998- ).
Member, Advisory Board of the Austrian-Hungarian Action Foundation (1992- ).
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Committee on Economics, Commission of Scientific Qualification, member (1988—1992).
Awards and Prizes
2016: Dr. Hantos Elemér prise
2016: Honorary citizen of Miskolc City
2015. Dr. Honoris Causa, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Kolozsvár
2014. Honorary citizen of University of Miskolc
2014. Excellent teacher
2012. Grosse Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich
2009 Miskolc Academic Council of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, certificate of merit.
2005 Head of JeanMonnetCenter of Excellence (European Committee).
2004 Jean Monnet Chair (European Committee).
2004 Tudomány Mécsese (Candle of Science) (Regional Research Centre of the HungarianAcademy of Sciences).
1998 Memorial Medal Super Institutum Oeconomicum. (Pannon University of Agriculture, Hungary).
1995 Signum Aureum Universitatis (University of Miskolc). Theoretico Practicum 1995 Signum Aureum Universitatis (Miskolci Egyetem).
1986 Diploma of Merit of the Ministry of Education.
Number of publications:
- Textbooks, teaching materials, lecture notes: 61 pieces.
- Papers in periodicals: 148 pieces.
- Papers read at main conferences: 79 pieces.
- Number of independent references: 86 pieces.