EL SALVADORHigh SchoolMission Trip
Upcoming Trip
June 20-27, 2015
(Departing very very early on Saturday and arriving home on Saturday, June 27 in the late evening)
Our Goals
- Build Habitat homes!
- Build and strengthen our relationships with each other and our brothers and sisters in El Salvador.
- Partner with the people of Getsemaníto help them work toward enhanced self sufficiency.
- Create an opportunity for our youth and friends in Getsemani to serve and worship together.
Qualification of Trip Participants
The trip is through Habitat for Humanity. Participants must be 16 years old by June 20 and must be members of Myers Park Presbyterian Church.
Team members should be in good health and have a tolerance for international travel. Youth must be able to drink large amounts of water (provided) and willing to try the local food. The food is really good but this is not a trip where youth can bring all of their own food. Accommodations are very comfortable but not luxurious. Fluent Spanish is NOT a requirement.
Tentative Itinerary
The itinerary will include:
- Early start in Charlotte on Saturday, June 20; arrive in time for lunch in San Salvador.
Overnight in San Salvadorvisiting sites like the grave of Romero and the wall of the disappeared, experiencing culture, assimilating group andmaking transition from Charlotte mindset.
- Monday through Friday in Ahuachapán City (location of the Getsemaní Community):
- Stay together in comfortable, safe environment that provides dinner and breakfast.
- Most mornings we will be working on site, divided into work teams.
- Opportunity to support other holistic community programs such as education or health.
- Afternoon field trips, soccer games, engagement with the local communityand kids.
- End of day fellowship, sharing and worship.
- Friday night visit and dinner in Ataco (eclectic, artsy village)
- Saturday return to Charlotte
Expectations in El Salvador
The climate is tropical. Temperatures are in the high 80s and humidity is high. There are brief rain showers most afternoons. Workdays on the site are generally from 9 to 1 with a lunch break on site followed by afternoon activities. Everyone has skills to contribute to the overall project and there will be opportunities to support a build and also serve in the community center.
Food is primarily chicken (some beef) with rice and beans and cooked vegetables. It is not spicy. Pupusas are a favorite local food (corn or rice patties filled with cheese, beans, meat or a combination). Food prepared by Habitat for Humanity El Salvador volunteers or arranged by HFH-ES is considered safe. Tap water is NOT safe for drinking.Bottled water is provided throughout the trip. Malaria and dengue fever are found in the area, so appropriate mosquito repellant is highly recommended.
Participant Expectations
- Pre-Trip:Willingness to attend4 scheduled entire El Salvador team. Our first meeting will be lunch on February 8 after church. We will have a movie night to watch a film about El Salvador, a night with parents about logistics and a final trip meeting.
- Pay final cost of the trip, or have funds raised by March 29. (You can start raising $ today by creating a Habitat fundraising website)
- Post Trip: Willingness to share the experience with MPPC members.
Trip Leaders:
Charlie Shaffner and Julia Ehringhaus are the trip leaders.
Rev. Michelle Thomas-Bush will also be on the trip along with 9 other chaperones.
½ of our leaders have been on this trip previously and ½ are new to this trip.
Cost of Trip
The actual cost of the trip is $2400 per person, but this is not the cost you will pay.
Through fundraising and church budget, we will work together to get that trip cost to the rate of $1800.
This cost includes airfare plus ground transportation, meals, and accommodations.
You have the option to raise money through donations to Habitat for Humanity. You can create a website to raise $900 of this $1800. Many of the youth have found that they are able to raise more than necessary.
Vaccinations. Passport Health provides all the vaccinations you need for the trip. You schedule your own appointment. They have several locations but this seems to be the best:10801 Johnston Rd, Charlotte, NC 28226 (704) 921-5663
If you have any questions: Please email
Registration is online at myersparkpres.org
You can get information on the youth website at youth.myersparkpres.org