Operational Services & Interventions Group
Unit 6 Forder way
Cygnet Park
Tel: 01733 4433103
Mr Joseph Perumpillichira
26th November 2013
Dear Mr Perumpillichira,
Thank you for your email of the 28th October requesting information on the catering provision at HMP Manchester (was Strangeways).
Your email has been passed to me for a response and is being treated as a general enquiry rather than a freedom of information request, as such this allows me to respond in a more general fashion I hope this is acceptable to you. For specific information on menus, how the prison kitchen works, budget costs and staff structure you will need to contact the prison direct as I do not hold that information centrally. I suggest direct contact by letter to the Governing Governor at HMP Manchester, 1 Southall Street, Manchester, M60 9AH.
In general, catering policy applicable to all prisons is managed by National Offender Management Services (NOMS), an agency of the Ministry of Justice.
Prisons work to a number of orders and instructions which NOMS issue. Meals for prisoners are covered by a set of requirements or specifications which all prisons are expected to meet. To assist you in your assignment the main specifications are listed below. These are known as specification outputs and whilst a requirement prisoners will be provided with 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for example what is actually provided is left to the discretion of each individual prison to decide.
By providing you with the specification outputs I hope to inform your assignment and assist you in framing the information you require from HMP Manchester. Additionally there is more specific information available to you on the internet, a useful report on prison food can be found in the National Audit Office report titled Serving Time: prison diet and exercise published in 2007.
I hope you find your research rewarding and trust your assignment is well received.
Yours sincerely
Owen Sidaway
Head of Catering & PE Service
PSI 44/2010 Specification Outputs
All equipment used in the provision of food for prisoners will be maintained in safe working order.
Catering staff are not expected to actually maintain equipment but the establishment will have in place systems of reporting and managing the maintenance locally.
Where prisoners are employed they will be supervised and searched in line with National and local arrangements.
This output ensures that where prisoners are employed in the catering operation, the relevant security measures are in place in line with national and local guidelines. These measures include activity allocation risk assessments, area risk assessment and levels of searching.
All food premises will be clean, pest free and maintained in good condition.
This element ensures that the building fabric in all food areas is kept in good repair and all staff involved in the catering operation maintains a hygienic, pest free area. There is a responsibility to ensure sufficient funding is made available to allow this to occur.
Prisoners will be provided with 3 meals a day; normally breakfast, lunch and dinner.
This element of the specification ensures that prisoners receive 3 meals a day. It also specifies a continental breakfast to ensure that all establishments offer this meal as a minimum option. The minimum contents of a breakfast packs are laid out in this Manual.
Drinking water will be made available to all prisoners at all times.
This is mandated in the Prisons Act and usually addressed by integral sanitation. Where prisoners are in special accommodation arrangements must be made for provision of drinking water.
A multi-option (minimum 5 options to meet differing dietary requirements i.e. vegetarian, religious needs etc), pre-select menu including a minimum of one substantial hot meal choice per day will be provided for the lunchtime or evening meal. A multi-choice, pre-select menu will be provided for the lunchtime or evening meal. Menus are to include 2 main choices; one Vegan choice; one Vegetarian choice and one Halal choice. Each prisoner will have the option of selecting a hot meal at least once a day.
The menu cycle will be for a minimum of 4 weeks.
This element sets a minimum menu cycle which allows caterers to prepare future menus whilst allowing for seasonal variation. Menu cycles reduce waste and give prisoners an opportunity to exercise some choice over their meals
The menu will reflect the diverse needs of the establishment’s population. This element requires prisons to take into account prisoner’s religion, cultural norms, dietary and medical requirements. It will also take into account an element of prisoner choice and offer a range of planned variation. The dietary requirements of male and female prisoners are outlined in Food Standards Agency guidelines.
The menu provides information which enables prisoners to make decisions about their menu choice. This element of the specification ensures that prisoners have enough information to make an informed choice of menu. This may included published menus, symbols and nutritional guidance. It will also ensure that foreign national or non-English speaking prisoners or prisoners with disabilities can make informed choices.
Prisoners are consulted about and can make comments on the catering provision.
This element ensures that systems are in place to ensure that prisoners are consulted about the catering process and have an identified input into menu provision and quality issues.
Stakeholders are consulted about, and can make comments on the catering provision.
This element of the specification ensures that any stakeholders who have a direct interest in the catering provision consulted about the catering process and are able to make comments about food quality and the catering provision.
Comments on food quality will be made and recorded by a manager independent of the catering operation.
This element of the specification ensures that a manager, other than the Catering Manager and one designated by the Governor, samples the meal and makes comment on food quality.
Meal times will be specified and the timings agreed with the Regional Manager Custodial Services / Director of High Security Prisons.
This element of the specification ensures that the meal times which are proposed by an establishment are agreed with the Regional Manager Custodial Services or Director of High Security Prisons.
Staff and prisoners will know when meals are served.
This element of the specification ensures that prisoners and staff are aware of the agreed timing of the meals in the establishment.
Prisoners received into the establishment after the serving of the last meal will receive a hot meal.
This element of the specification ensures that any prisoner received into an establishment after a set meal time, which has been agreed, will still receive a hot meal.