Hilliard Music Boosters Meeting Minutes
Davidson Chapter
August 10, 2009
Janet Prior, Jeff Keller, Tim Bowers, Charles Prior, Michele Barregarye, Julie Elliott, Carol Handshue, Dave Handshue, David Rose, Melinda Rose, Angela Sanders; Brandi Fisher, Ruth Miller, David Jakes, Donna Weber, Sue Ellen Shoup, Dave Shoup, Beth Edwards, Mark Eberle, Kim Eberle, Pam Hammond, Rob Maple, Cathie Maple, Robb Fox, Wendy Fox, Carla Wittum, Amy Bouhall, Ron Noel, Eric Desmond, Renee Stabile, Deb Armentano, Norma Wilcox, Jean Truxall, Lisa Carter, Rob Brammell, Ron Seymour, Kim Seymour, Jackie Fessel, Beth Moore, Kelli Schneider, Barb Smith, Lucille Gill, rich Boettner, Brenda Cabus, Cindy Stachowick, Bethanne Witt, Greg Witt, and Jaron Terry-Smith
Welcome and Introductions:
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:00 p.m by Chapter Vice President, Janet Prior. She took a moment to offer a special welcome to freshman parents. She introduced Corporate Booster Officers, Randy Smith (President), Charles Prior (Treasurer) and Jackie Brown (Secretary) and noted that because so many Darby parents went to Bradley, the Corporate level is populated with Davidson parents who have stepped up to this very important role.
She then talked about the “Clippers Volunteer Opportunity” for parents and students to generate funds for students’ individual accounts to pay band fees (including Disney trip in June 2010). Openings on 18th and 19th of August and a list of brand new games was circulated. Donna Weber and Babette Schere have been the leads with Karen Holt as new lead. We also now have ability to work at OSU for a variety of other events, but not football games as our own schedule conflicts with that.
Band CampCookout–For lunch this Wednesday, parents are asked to donate items for the picnic. Those who can help should arrive around 10:30 so that lunch is ready to serve at noon. Hotdogs, chips, donated desserts and fruit punch is the fare.
She then asked if the Davidson Chapter could move our meetings from 2nd Monday of month to 3rd Monday. Jeff Keller so moved; Lisa Martin seconded, motion carried unanimously.
Secretary’s Report:
Chapter Secretary, Jaron Terry-Smith presented the minutes of the May 11, 2009 meeting. Rob Fox moved to accept with one correction (“Jeff Evans” should be changed to “Jeff Keller” as Davidson Transportation chair). Ruth Miller seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
Tim Bowers had no report.
Committee Reports:
Invitational – Jim Sites reported that the program will be Saturday 9/19 at BradleyHigh School. He called for volunteers to complete forms indicating their willingness to work before, during and after the event.
Fall Concessions – Lucille Gill/Jackie Brown – Lucille reported that Jackie is in charge of ordering supplies. She said we have serious need for Tuesday or Thursday volunteers to open for soccer games (arrive at 3:30 or 4:00) to be ready to sell by 5:00. This Saturday helpers are needed to clean the stand, as well. Janet added that all money raised is split among band, orchestra and choir.
Ice Cream Social – Renae Slagle/Carol Handshue – 6:00 p.m. for ice cream; music at 6:30 p.m. Carol reported that she and Renae will meet tomorrow. Janet added that this is the culmination of band camp. All are invited – desserts are served prior to hearing the show music for the first time in the Commons, followed by the early marching on the practice field. Mrs. Handshue thanked those who have already signed up to help setup/cleanup, purchase pop/water and donate desserts, toppings, etc. Jackie Fessel had asked if we need parents to bring ice cream, Mrs. Handshue suggested that an additional donation (in addition to the $5.00) would be helpful.
Tag Day – Julie Elliott – Julie began by asking for driver volunteers. Saturday, Sept. 12, 8:30 am for drivers; 9:00 am to 11:00 am for kids. This ismandatory for students who will go in teams of four with adult driver. This is our single most lucrative fundraise - last year we cleared $6,400 for two hours of work. Signup sheets will be at the ice cream social. We have 51 routes identified this year and only had 36 drivers last year. Mr. Handshue then reemphasized to parents that this day is mandatory – for those parents who do not want their kids knocking on doors, there are other jobs they can do in the band room during that time period that will help contribute to the event – just talk to him.
Uniforms – Pam Hammond – Pam announced that we will have new, washable uniforms this year. She asked for volunteers to wash, explaining the procedure. She also asked for volunteers to help with fitting uniforms next week during the evening. As soon as uniforms come in,Mr. Handshue will send an email about which evening that will take place.
Chaperones – Ruth Miller – Ruth noted that she is light on chaperones – it is a fun and great way to get to know the kids. She noted that we usually take 5-6 buses with three parents on each bus, distributed around. We only need parents 15 minutes before busses roll out, once you get to the venue, you are usually released to the stands to watch the contest/game with half-time participation needed to monitor concession/restroom (outside of restroom) areas.
Cookie Patrol – Lisa Price – Lisa was not present, so Mr. Handshue explained the procedure for home games: sections are asked to donate cookies which are shared with visiting band members during 3rd quarter.
Volunteer List – Lou Ann Conrad–Lou Ann noted that if parents had already returned forms, she has the information and will compile a roster as well as a master list of who volunteered for what. If you have not filled out a form, it is on the website.
Spirit Wear – Donna Weber/Jim Alley – Janet noted that last year she bought a shirt for $25 at the Locker Room and felt that the Band could benefit by producing our own shirt. She and Donna Weber found an 8th grade Weaver band parent who owns a screen printing company. She displayed a hoodie and t-shirt with “Hilliard Davidson Marching Band” on the front. The shirts sell for $15 each. We will also be doing polos, possibly. She then asked Mr. Handshue about if we will have a “show shirt. He indicated that there will be one, but Mr. Alley is working on it and we will have one in time for sale or order at the Ice Cream Social.
Transportation – Jeff Keller (chapter) /Wade Giffin (corporate) – Jeff said how much fun the Pit Crew has and encouraged parents to sign up for this much-needed activity. He explained that the Pit Crew shows up 15 minutes before kids, they do work hard, but have fun and get into contests/games for free. The group is mainly male, but women who are willing to lift are welcome to help. We are in desperate need of funding to support trailers/trucks – he asked that every time you see that combination on the road, say a prayer because we need it.
Directors’ Reports:
Carol Handshue –Mrs. Handshue said that Weaver is expecting a great year, with numbers up because 6th grade retained musicians and the way it shook out with redistricting, we gained students. Handouts will go out first day of school for parents, including asking for parent volunteers. She noted that Jeannette Muzzalupo is the new choir director with Mrs. Faulker back as Orchestra, taking a break for maternity leave. Eight grade night
Ginny Faulkler - not present; see above
Jeannette Muzzalupo –not present; see above
Don Ley –not present; Mr. Handshue noted the drumline is working hard to prepare for the new show, as are all band members.
Mark Scholl –not present; Mr. Handshue noted that Orchestra will play 12/17 at 11:30 a.m. at the national Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic – only two high school orchestras are selected from across the world to play, making this a highly coveted honor.
Dave Handshue - no report at this time, as he conducted the “parent meeting” after this Booster meeting to explain the 2009 Parent Handbook and the 2009 Hilliard Davidson Wildcat Marching Band season.
Old Business:
No old business.
New Business:
Jackie Brown moved that funds be released to purchase a $100 grill from Walmart to cook brats for the concessions. Discussion ensued, noting that the grill could also be used for the cookout picnic this Wednesday, as well as on 8th Grade Night and should therefore be a substantial grill that can stand up to use and movement. The motion was changed to purchase an “industrial” grill; Julie Elliot seconded – motion passed unanimously
Randy Smith, Corporate Music Booster president, asked for a show of hands as to who is a member of Hilliard Music Boosters. He responded to a smattering of hands that all are members if they have a child/children in band, choir or orchestra. He asked parents to look at and plan to attend all meetings and get involved. Links are available there for all other music programs, too. He explained that we are a corporation to raise money and help directors – we are here to help the directors. We have a corporate entity; the board is made up of four officers, who were introduced tonight, plus the vice presidents from the three chapters, as well as appointed positions, including Transportation Chair. The three head directors from three high schools are also Board members. Corporate oversees the three chapters’ programs, and holds the Invitationalthat supports all three schools’ Marching Band programs. Charles added that unlike Athletic boosters, where each high school has its own entity, our structure is different in that each school has a chapter.
Randy Smith moved to adjourn the meeting; Robb Fox seconded. Janet Prior adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:48 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Jaron Terry-Smith
Hilliard Davidson Chapter Secretary