Mom 2 Mom & Thanksgiving season / Giving Thanks for the Joys of Motherhood!

Cherie Castellano LPC

Mom 2 Mom Program/1-877-914-6662

University Behavioral HealthCare – UMDNJ

Although many of us Moms struggle balancing the many tasks associated with our Motherhood, I think we all cherish the sound of our child’s voice saying “Mommy, I need….!” During this season of giving thanks, let’s consider how grateful we are to call ourselves “Moms.” Throughout our lives, we can consider that most of us have the opportunity to be actively raising our children for about one third of our lives, a precious span of time! Visit a fertility center on any given day when you want to complain about the demands of your children and you can find a dozen women who would change places with you in a moment.

Once we recognize the miracle of motherhood in the first place we can begin each day grateful for the chance to experience such love. In addition, a wise elderly woman once shared with me that although she had a spotless home, she wished she had cared less about the everyday tasks and played more often and enjoyed her children. Some enjoy keeping “gratitude journals,” others make a point in prayer of quiet moment to give thanks for their blessings, or even as you go to sleep and review the events of the day. You may choose to tell your children and husband how happy you are to be a Mother. This expression of gratitude will emphasize the importance of your role on the days you may feel overwhelmed or taken for granted. Joe Vitale, author on positive thinking gives away a formula to achieve what you desire in "Life's missing instruction manual": 1. Be grateful for what you already have.2. Declare what you would like to have with positive emotion. 3. Act on the opportunities that appear in front of you."

This Thanksgiving season take a moment as you carve your turkey and gather together to share some wisdom. A greater sense of peace and joy from gratitude can be traced throughout history shared by Tecumseh, Shawnee Chief, who explains “When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food, and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself."

Your “attitude of gratitude” about your motherhood and all the love that comes with it will create a more loving and positive environment for your families now and forever.