Standing Rules
Revised 2-11-14
A. Prospective member must attend one meeting at which he obtains an application form, a copy of the Guidelines, and a copy of the Agreement.
B. Application form must be endorsed by two members, one of whom must be a Board member.
C. Application, signed Agreement, and proper dues are to be submitted to the Secretary at the next meeting attended, and the application shall be read to the membership at that meeting. (revised 2011)
D. The Board shall vote on the application at the first Board meeting following the reading.
E. If the Board approves the application, the application shall be submitted to the membership for a majority vote at the next meeting the applicant attends.
F. If the application process has not been completed within six (6) months of initiation due to lack of attendance by the prospective member, the application must be resubmitted and the process begun againunless the Board approves an extension. (revised 2005)
G. The Secretary shall give each new member a copy of the Bylaws and the Standing Rules at the meeting at which he is elected to membership.
H. In the event a person who had been a member in good standing with the Club and AKC reapplies for membership within two (2) years of the membership lapsing, the only requirement for approval for membership shall be approval of the Board. (added 8-10-04)
A. Active member - $15.00 (revised 10-95)
B. Junior member - $5.00
C. Honorary member – exempt
D. Dues shall not be prorated.
E. Dues should be paid prior to the beginning of the June meeting but may be accepted after that date with approval of the Board. (added 2-11-14)
The "Guidelines for Calcasieu Kennel Club Members" shall be mailedor e-mailed to each member with the May minutes and be reviewed if necessary at the Annual Meeting in June. (revised 1999)
A. Whenever possible, regular meetings of the Club shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM at a place to be determined by the membership.
B. Such place shall be considered a non-smoking area.
C. The president shall designate a Club member or members to procure refreshments and other appropriate supplies for a cost of not more than $25.00 per month. (4-12-05)
A. Whenever possible, meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM at a place to be determined by the President.
B. Such place shall be considered a non-smoking area.
A. Determination of Quorum and Call to Order
B. Roll Call and Introduction of Visitors
C. Guest Speaker/Program
D. Minutes of Previous Meeting
E. Financial Report
F. Membership Applications
G. Board of Directors and Committee Reports
H. Unfinished Business
I. Election of Officers (Annual Meeting)
J. New Business
K. Communications
L. Announcements, Brags & Bitches, etc.
M. Adjournment
Copies of the minutes of the previous meeting will be mailed/e-mailed by the Secretary at least five (5) days prior to the next meeting to all members, visitors at the previous meeting, and other interested persons.
A. Shall be held on the second Tuesday of December each year.
B. Ifno member volunteers to host the dinner,the President shall appoint an Awards Dinner Chairman who shall submit choices of locations for a vote by the membership at the October meeting. (revised 2-11-14)
C. AKC Title Plaques
1. An award shall be given for a dog that earns an AKC title(s) and is owned by a Club member(s) at the time the title(s) is earned.
2. Members must submit the following information to the Awards Chairman no less than one week prior to the Dinner
a. complete name of owner(s)
b. complete name of dog including the title(s) earned
c. date title(s) earned
3. Awards shall be purchased by and presented at the Annual Awards Dinner by the Awards Chairman or his designee.
4. If an award is declined, verbal recognition shall be given at the time the awards are given.
5. Verbal recognition shall be given for any awards other than those recognized by the AKC.
6. To be eligible to receive an award for a dog that finished a title, that member should have attended at least four (4) business meetings and/or have donated four (4) hours of service at Club activities during the year. Exceptions must be approved by the Board.
Any member may prefer charges against a member for alleged misconduct prejudicial to the best interest of CKC. Written charges must be filed with the Secretary together with a deposit of $25.00 which shall be forfeited if such charges are not sustained. The Secretary shall then notify the Board who shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised in proceeding with disciplinary action.
The Treasurer shall use a bookkeeping method approved by the Board.
To avoid delay in payment, bills should be sent directly to the Treasurer rather than the post office box whenever possible.
A. Any person receiving or disbursing cash on behalf of the Club shall either give or obtain a receipt for the money.
B. Any person receiving funds for the Club shall submit these funds and cash receipt records to the Club Treasurer within one month of receiving the funds. (revised 1999)
A. Any member may be reimbursed for expenses up to $25.00 incurred on behalf of the Club by providing the Treasurer with a valid receipt or a signed statement of expenses.
B. Any member may be reimbursed for expenses of $25 up to $100 incurred on behalf of the Club by providing the Treasurer with a valid receipt. (revised 10-95)
C. Expenses in excess of $100.00 or those without a valid receipt must be approved by the Board of Directors and/or membership prior to payment by the Treasurer.
A. No more than thirty percent (30%) of the club’s net income for the year as of May 1 shall be donated to any one recipient.
B. Up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) each year shall be available for canine research. The organization(s) and amount(s) shall be determined by a majority vote at any regular Club meeting. (added in 1999)
C. Donations from surplus funds
1. The Board shall recommend no set amount for discretionary spending, but funds shall be allocated by the Board for worthwhile projects.
2. Amounts up to two hundred dollars ($200.00) may be donated upon a motion at any regular meeting.
3. Amounts in excess of two hundred dollars ($200.00) may be donated through the following procedure
a. A written proposal of expenditure shall be submitted to the Board.
b. The Board shall present the proposal to the general membership at the next regular meeting.
c. The proposal shall be voted upon at the next regular meeting after which it was presented by the Board.
A. MSU and LSU scholarships shall be awarded to an area student, i.e., a resident of one of the Old Imperial Calcasieu parishes of Calcasieu, Cameron, Allen, Beauregard, or Jefferson Davis. (revised 1999)
B. Rules for selection of recipients and grade requirements shall be kept on file at the school, and the recipient shall be chosen by the school following those requirements.
C. The membership shall approve the Club's representative to attend the LSU Awards & Honors Banquet usually held the fourth Friday in April and MSU functions whenever invited to attend. (revised 2005)
A. The P.O. Box number should be listed as the address for the Secretary and on any form which specifies Club address.
B. Keys are to be kept by the Secretary and one other Club officer.
Each retiring officer shall turn over to his successor all properties and records relating to that office within fifteen (15) days after election.
18. CLUB EQUIPMENT (revised 1999)
Equipment shall not be rented or loaned to other organizations without the approval of the Board of Directors and without a Club member being directly responsible.
A. Show dates shall be the 23rd AKC weekend (June) with Acadiana and Calcasieu swapping Thurs/Fri. and Sat./Sun. dates each year. (revised 19992-11-14)
B. There shall be a Cluster Agreement signed by officers of Acadiana and Calcasieu that details the responsibilities of each club. That Cluster Agreement should be signed none (9) months before the shows. (added 2-11-14)
C. Show sites
1. The Board is responsible for obtaining show sites.
2. Show sites should be penciled in at least eighteen (18) months prior to the show and contracts should be signed at least eleven (11) months prior to the show.
D. Entry fees
1. The Treasurer shall present a financial report at the June Board meeting for the two (2) preceding shows reflecting the cost per dog. This may be part of the end-of-the-year report.
2. Entry fees must be approved by the Board annually.
E. Trophies
1. The Club shall purchase rosettes equal in size for Best in Show and Best Junior Handler.
2. The Club shall also purchase rosettes for all group placements unless otherwise donated.
3. Trophies may be donated for any placement and may be of the donator's choice. However, a BIS trophy must have a minimum fifty-dollar ($50.00) value.
4. Any trophy not awarded shall become the property of the Club and shall be re-donated in the Club's name for any placement.
5. If not otherwise donated, the Club shall purchase Junior Showmanship trophies for the six (6) first places; there shall be a seventy-five dollar ($75.00) limit for all six trophies. (revised 2005)
6. In order to be listed in the Premium List, trophies must be in the possession of the Trophy Chairman by the deadline set by the Show Chairman (generally 16 weeks prior to the closing date of the show).
F. Catalog advertising rates
1. Catalog advertising purchased by a commercial business shall have a cost of twice the fee charged by the superintendent.
2. Catalog advertising purchased by a Club member shall have a cost of $5.00 more than the fee charged by the superintendent.
G. Judges
1. Judges shall be selected by the Judges Committee with Board approval.
2. The Board must approve the judges' fees.
H. Miscellaneous
1. The Club shall provide lunch for the judges, working Club members, working guests, superintendents, the AKC Representative(s), and the photographer(s).
2. Show records should be kept for one (1) year.
3. The number of catalogs to order should be approximately one for every four entries on Saturday. (revised 1999)
4. Neither the Show Chairman nor the Hospitality Chairman shall exhibit or have exhibited a dog owned or co-owned by him or a member of his household.
5. If not already a member of the Board, the Show Chairman shall be an ex-officio member and be expected to attend Board meetings from the July preceding his show through the July after his show. (revised 1999)
20. OBEDIENCE/RALLY TRIALS (added 2-11-14)
A. Obedience and Rally Trials shall be held on the 42ndweekend each year in conjunction with Acadiana Kennel Club.
B. The details of the trials shall be itemized in the Cluster Agreement which should be signed by members of both clubs approximately nine months before the trials.
21. AGILITY TRIALS (added 2-11-14)
A. Agility Trials shall be held on the 15thweekend and the 47th weekend each year with Excellent on Friday and all classes on Saturday and Sunday.
B. The Trial Chairman and Trial Secretary shall be selected by the Board.
C. The Outdoor Arena at the Burton Complex shall be the site with a contract signed at least one year ahead of each trial. Two rings shall be set up.
D. A toy shall be given for first in each class.
E. Judges should be approved by the Board and be contracted with at least three years prior to the trial.
22. Canine Good Citizen Classes and TEST (added2-11-14)
A. Classes consisting of six (6) classes should be held in the spring and fall on dates approved by the Board followed by the test.
B. The fee for the classes including the test shall be fifty-dollars ($50.00)/dog. The fee for just the test shall be ten-dollars ($10.00).
C. Approximately twenty (20) dogs over the age of six (6) months shall be admitted into the classes.
D. Sallie Shepherd shall be the primary coordinator with members helping with the instruction and test.
23. CONFORMATION CLASSES (added 2-11-14)
A. Conformation classes should be held on Thursdays following the first and second Tuesdays and on Tuesdays during the other weeks.
B. The instructors shall be Milford Cole and Nancy Pearson with Sallie Shepherd helping as necessary.
C. The site for the classes as well as any fee/handler shall be determined by the Board.
A. The Board of Directors elected in odd years shall review the Standing Rules, Bylaws, and Guidelines and make recommendations for revisions as necessary.
B. The Secretary shall provide Board members updated copies of the Standing Rules and Bylaws whenever they are revised.
The Standing Rules may be changed, deleted, or temporarily suspended at any Club meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting.