Elsinore High School Agriculture Department
Ag Biology
Instructor: Ms. Proxmire
E-mail: one: (951) 253-7200 x 7220
Course Description
The Agriculture Biology is a one-year laboratory science course, designed for the first or second year agriculture student. Using agriculture as the learning vehicle, the course emphasizes the principles, central concepts and inter-relationships among the following topics: the molecular and cellular aspects of life, the chemical and structural basis of life, growth and reproduction in plants and animals, evolution of modern plants and domestic livestock species, plant and animal genetics, taxonomy of modern agricultural plants and animals, animal behavior, ecological relationships among plants, animals, humans and the environment, nutrition in animals, health and diseases in animals, and the similarities between animals and humans. The course is centered around an extensive laboratory component in order to connect the big ideas of life science with agricultural applications, earth and physical science principles, and other curricular areas, including written and oral reporting skills. Students will participate in FFA and a Supervised Agricultural Experience project.
Weighted Grading Structure
40%A. Classroom Assignments
20%B. Labs
15%C. Tests and Final Exam
15%D. FFA Participation
10%E. Supervised Agricultural Experience/Record Book
- Classroom Assignments Homework: Daily activities such as lecture notes, quizzes, assignments, and homework. All work is due as a packet on Friday. Students are expected to keep all returned packets organized in their binder. Binder checks account for approximately 5% of overall grade.
- Labs: Observationsand data from laboratory activities will be recorded in an organized Agriscience Lab Notebook. After completion, formal lab write-ups will be turned in for most labs.
- Tests/ Quizzes Final Exams: Unit exams and a semester cumulative final are included in this category.
- FFA Participation: FFA is an organization that makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. The FFA is an integral part of every agricultural class. Meetings, events, field days, fundraisers, conferences, community service, and competitions are just a few of the ways students can become involved in the FFA. There is a requirement of 4 FFA Activities per semester. If more than 4 activities are achieved, points cannot roll over nor can they be transferred to the next semester.
- Record Books
Students will complete a Record Book and maintain the information pertaining to their approved Agriscience Project, additional Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Projects, and all FFA Activities. All students are encouraged to maintain an SAE project; first year agriculture students will develop a plan for the coming year. This SAE may consist of a project in the field of agriculture, science, or industrial technology, and will allow students to experience career skills in the industry.
Assignment Policies
- It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to obtain missed work due to an absence. The student will have one day for every day he/she was absent to complete and turn in missing work.
- Tests and quizzes may be made up before school on Wednesday mornings at 7:00 am in room 951 or by appointment. Students have one week to make up tests and quizzes.
- Work that is to be turned in must be complete and typed or written in black/ blue ink or with pencil. Any work that does not demonstrate quality and effort will not be accepted for grading.
- The Elsinore High School AcademicHonestyCode will be strictly enforced and should be reviewed in the Student Handbook. Plagiarism will result in a zero score for all students involved.
Student Responsibilities
The agricultural department is successful because the students have pride in the activities of the department and care about what takes place in their class. It is essential that students who choose to take a class with the Agriculture Department be aware of and assist in meeting the expectations of the department.
Rules and Expectations
- Class begins when the bell rings. Students are expected to BE ON TIME, BE SEATED, BE PREPARED, and BE ATTENTIVE. Students will be considered tardy if they are not in their proper seat at the bell.
- Students are expected to BE RESPECTFUL towards their teachers, classmates, and classroom environment. Disrespectful/rude behavior and inappropriate language will not be tolerated.
- Students are expected to BE RESPONSIBLE and ACCOUNTABLE for their actions and behavior with safety as a priority.
- All potential distractions (backpacks, homework, grooming items, etc.) are to be stored on the floor. Cell phones and iPods are not to be used, seen or heard. Distractions, including all electronics, will be confiscated- See EHS electronics policy in the school handbook.
- Students are EXPECTED to return all materials, tools and supplies to the proper place before leaving.
- Students will be dismissed when student responsibilities are complete and they are quiet.
- Drinks may be kept at your table provided they have a lid. Food is allowed during class, but privilege can be taken away. Chewing gum is not allowed.
- All class policies apply regardless of where the class meets (in a room, lab, farm or any other location).
- The Agriculture Department will strictly adhere to Elsinore High School’s rules, expectations, and policies presented in the Student Handbook.
Materials Needed
*Pen and pencil *Lab Notebook- college ruled 70+ page notebook for this class only
*Loose notebook paper *Binder with section dedicated to Ag Biology
Farm Lab Attire
Farm Lab safety attire consists of long pants and closed toed shoes (NO SANDLES!). The EHS Farm Lab is an extension of the agriculture classroom. Participation in ALL labs is mandatory and graded. Students without proper safety attire will not participate and will receive a “0” (zero) score without exception or make-up work.
Agriculture Department lockers are available for check out. Students MUST provide their own lock, along with the combination or key copy. Lockers are subject to random search- locks cut during searches due to false combinations or keys will not be replaced by the Agriculture Department.
Additional Housekeeping
Photo Clearance
The Elsinore High School Agriculture Department and FFA would like permission to use photographs (taken by FFA members, professional photographers, or provided by the student) of your child in various capacities: bulletin boards, FFA newsletter, community presentations, staff training, recruitment, and the Elsinore FFA website. You may change your mind at any time by rescinding your permission in writing.
Student & Parent Resources
Ms. Proxmire is available for questions, agricultural tutoring etc. through appointment or email. Students are ALWAYS encouraged to try their luck and just “drop by” for help and questions. Students can schedule appointments as needed.
Web Resources:
Elsinore High School Agriculture Department
Parent Contact Information
To be filled out by parent or guardian. Please print clearly in blue or black ink.
In FFA there are many opportunities for your child to travel, earn money, and obtain leadership skills. Parents and Guardians are an integral part of the education process and we would like to establish a parent network. Your involvement would be a great contribution to the Elsinore FFA Chapter.
Student Name:______
Parent/ Guardian Name:______
Phone Number: (______) ______--______
Relation to student:______
Parent/ Guardian Name:______
Phone Number: (______) ______--______
Relation to student:______
Parent/ Guardian email: (may list more than one or just the preferred email)
Would you like to receive Elsinore FFA Chapter updates?
*These emails will contain updates from chapter meetings and
additional information about upcoming events
*At any time you can request to be taken off our email list
Yes ______No ______
I have read and understand the guidelines for this class.
Print name of student______Period ______
Student Signature______Date______
I have received, read, and discussed these guidelines with my son/daughter
Parent Signature______Date______
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