Name ______English 4

Brave New World: Final Test Study Guide

Part I: Matching and Multiple Choice and True/False

*Follow this link on my website for more info on Huxleyan terms:

Know the following terms:

·  World State

·  New Mexico Reservation

·  Caste System: Alpha, Delta, Epsilon

·  Soma

·  Soma-holiday

·  Synthetic music (Sexophone)

·  Violent Passion Surrogate (VPS)

·  Feely

·  Freemartin

·  Obstacle Golf

·  College of Emotional Engineering (Department of Writing)

·  Department of Hatcheries and Conditioning: Hypnopaedia, Bokanovsky Process, Podsnap’s Technique, erotic play, electrocution for books and flowers

·  The word “Mother” in the World State

·  Caste system- alphas, betas, deltas, gammas, epsilons

·  “Viviparous” – human birth

·  Pregnancy substitute

·  “Orgy Porgy”

·  Solidarity Service

·  Death Conditioning

·  Neo-Pavlovian Conditioning (Pavlov’s dog salivating experiment inspired this type of conditioning)

·  Epigraph

·  Henry Ford

·  The TempestAllusion and connection to book title

·  Style, Form, and Structure: Utopia and dystopia, humor, irony

·  Point of View

·  Cyprus Experiment

Know the following characters:

(Key quotes, character conflicts, general characterization)

·  Bernard Marx

·  Henry Foster

·  Mustopha Mond- World Controller- “History is bunk.”

·  Lenina Crowne

·  Fanny Crowne

·  Helmoltz Watson

·  John- The Savage

·  Linda

·  Pope (Linda’s bf)

·  Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning- Thomas

Part 2: Short Answer

Be prepared to answer several short answer questions about some of the following…

-  Huxley’s message, warnings, and themes presented in the novel

-  Compare/contrast the “individuality” of Bernard, Helmholtz, and John the Savage. What qualities do these men have in common? What are their roles within the novel’s plot and in society?

-  Ford and the assembly line’s impact on the structure of the society and its people generated in the Hatchery and Conditioning Centers in BNW. How does Ford’s method create stability in the world state?

-  Stability and happiness- what role do these hypnopaedic teachings play in the World State? What price did Mustafa Mond pay for happiness? Does stability equal happiness?