
Christensen-They received many clearances to leave for the field while at ABWE headquarters.

Depue-Daughter Becky and her husband Brad are expecting their first child around the middle of March.This will betheir 2ndgrandchild.They will be able to be with them in May when they travel to the USA for Sara's wedding.

Nieves-Furniture & appliances for her apartment have been provided.

Please remember the following needs:

Karen Forbes-Having surgery this month for cancer on her face.Also seeing a doctor for heart problems.

Jamie Venneri-Needs to find a rehab facility.

Jack Thurman-Still has congestive heart failure and fluid in the lungs, but is doing better.

Sharaf-Imran is studying for his Trans Esophageal echocardiogram Board exam in July 2014.Pray for their mom,

Violet Alam who is in Jefferson following a stroke due to a heart valve infection. Will have antibiotics and rehab for

4-6 weeks. She is also on dialysis.Pray for guidance for homeschooling the children this year.

Lorraine Monska-Has blood clot in her leg.Pray that it will dissolve with no complications.

Daisy Carrasquillo- Recovering from surgery on her foot.Able to get around somewhat better.

Tashjian-Pray for the salvation of Helen’s parents and for Sarkis’ job search.

Friend of Cheziks’-Mary Alice Bouchard- has ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease.She is not saved.

Joanne Blickley-Has stress fracture in foot.Will wear a boot for a few more weeks.Son-in-law, Nick, is still out of


Ray Carrasquillo-Needs a kidney transplant.On dialysis

President Obama-Pray for him as he travels, and for the issues that surround him and the Affordable Care Act.Pray

about all the logistical issues involved in leaving Afghanistan while still fighting against Taliban insurgents.

Israel-Pray for God’s protection over the land and people of Israel as they live among hostile nations.

Our armed forces, esp.Michael Selfridge, Leslie’s grandson, stationed in Germany,Matt Clark,stationed in Afghanistan,

andGeorge Warren, Betty Mangin’s grandson.

Steve Nolan, Ray Carrasquillo-Safety as they serve in the police force.

Our Missionaries

Armijo, A.(Chile)- Alejandro needs to wait 6 more months to send in the forms and papers for his citizenship.Once

the papers are processed, he has to wait a couple of months until they call him for an interview.Hopefully, he will

have his citizenship by the fall of 2014.

Armijo, H.(Chile) – Pray for their ministry at the church in Iquique.

Brooks(Word of Life)- Pray for each WOL S. Pacific country leader planning conferences $ youth ministry outreaches.

CEF-Please keep their finances in your prayers.They need a minimum of $6000 p/m to meet basic needs.

Christensen(Bangladesh) – Pray for them as they visit a supporting church on 12/15.

Cranmer(Ga)-Pray for the outreach of sending military Bible courses to our troops.

Depue(Argentina)-Please pray as they consider ways to reach out to their community during the Christmas season.Eberhardt(SC)- Pray for his mom to remain in good health though dealing with Alzheimer’s.

Enterline(FL)- Pray for churches to be established on the outer islands in Chuuk & Yap in Micronesia.

Hancik(Czech Rep) – Pray for Marek as he prepares for the Bible course he will be teaching in Jan. at the local

education center in Tisnov. He is scheduled for 8 two hour lessons, meeting twice a month.

Heap Him(Cambodia)-Pray for their preparations to return to Cambodia in mid Dec.

Kessler(Voice of Victory Prison Ministry)-Pray they will raise enough funds to purchase gifts for inmates and their families.

Kestler(MN)-Pray for Lance as he studies at New Tribes School in WI.

Debbie Murphy(Mex)- Pray for her as she keeps up with each of her study groups.

Judy Murphy(Guatemala)-Pray that the teachers will so reflect the love and light of Jesus, the incredible reality of His

grace, that their students will know the Truth and understand true freedom in Christ

Melissa Nieves(Ecuador)- Pray for wisdom in seeking opportunities for medical ministry in Ecuador.

Odanga (Kenya)- Pray for the camps that are now running through the first week in Jan.

Patefield(Brazil)- Pray for the health of the congregation.A problem erupted in Aug. that has some lasting effects.

BekyPoteat(Togo)-Pray 5 year old Grace who flew to the US 12/7 for heart surgery.Her dad was working on his

papers to go with her, but he died suddenly of a heart attack at the age of 36.This is very traumatic for Grace

who will be flying with someone she doesn't know and most likely does not speak her language.Please also pray

for her mom. Thankfully she will stay with a surgeon and his wife who come out often to help the hospital.
Schlegel(Spain)-They are holdingWed night English conversation classes, Coffee Talk, in a local coffee shop.Pray

that God would use these times to open the hearts of the students to the Gospel message.

Schultz(Kensington)-Pray for them as they gear up for all the Christmas activities.

Sigafoos(Germany)-Pray for their annual Advent program in the town hall 12/15. The children's choir and others are

working on this musical presentation.

Simon(India)- They need $1,000 in order to hold Ladies’ Seminars.

Stupak(Ukraine)-Pray for safety as they travel so much.

Teen Haven-Pray for their ministry with inner city teens.

Tuley(WV)-Pray for Jim as he is retired but still helps keep up the property in WV.

Venlet (Athletes Empowered Ministries)-His next blood test is 12/10.Pray for good results.

Wickliffe(Children’s Bible Fellowship)- Pray for their ministry to the children of NY.

Yoder(Brazil)- Pray for unity for the current church leaders as they formulate new goals for next year and continue the

process of turning the church over to national leadership.

Shut-ins-Pam Dorland, Dave Leporati, Helen Mattner,Marilynn Parr

Those with ongoing health needs

Betty Berdel-multiple myeloma

Christine Coppinger-has MS

Dickson Family

Wayne Eckert-cancer

Sharon Rose Enterline Williams

Karen Forbes

Dan & Marie Giangiulio

Lenny Gimbel-cancer

George Kilcrest

Rich Krug

John Larsen-cancer

Dave Leporati

Helen Mattner

Gladys Mitten

Lorraine Monska

Janice Nakon-losing eyesight

John Oldach

Pastor & Mrs. Parr

Kim Posey

Paul Reid-has Parkinson’s

Julia Rudoi

Claude Rudiuk

Walt Scarborough


Pat Steinbrecher

Dave Stewart

Jack & June Thurman

Rhoda Watson

John Winton

Joanne York