Troop 442
Merit Badge Counselors
(As of September 8, 2010)

Note 1: To get the telephone numbers or e-mail addresses of these counselors, see the troop roster or contact the Troop 442 Merit Badge Coordinator, Mr. Phil Bossert, at (281) 996-1019 or . Good luck on your badges!
Note 2: There are additional resources in the Houston area available to earn some of these merit badges. These resources are listed on the last page of this handout and include some fantastic opportunities for scouts and their entire families. Have fun!

Merit Badge / Counselors
1. / Camping / Mr. Miniot, Mr. Hoffman, Mrs. Menchaca, Mr. Weeks, Mr. Robinson
Mrs. Rita Rowden
2. / Citizenship in the Community / Mr. Nemec, Mr. Bossert, Mr. Hunt, Mr. Nate Weeks, Mr. David Watson, Mr. Thornsbury
3. / Citizenship in the Nation / Mr. Weaver, Mr. Bossert, Mr. Hunt, Mr. Weeks, Mr. Thornsbury
4. / Citizenship in the World / Mr. Bossert, Mr. Alan White, Mr. Hunt, Mr. Thornsbury
5. / Communications / Mr. Miniot, Mr. Wiley, Mr. Nemec, Mr. Hsu, Mr. Thornsbury
6. / Cycling / Mr. Miniot, Mrs. Rita Rowden
7. / Emergency Preparation / Mrs. Benson, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Wiley, Mr. Weeks, Mr. Hetsko, Mrs. Tammy Rowden, See notes below
8. / Environment Science / Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Wiley, Mr. Ricaldi
9. / Family Life / Mr. Miniot, Mr. Brown, Mr. Weeks, Mrs. Estes, Mr. White, Mrs. Babb
Mr. David Watson, Ron Ricaldi, Mr. Matt Robinson
10. / First Aid / Mrs. Brown, Mr. Robinson, Mrs. Benson; See notes below
11. / Hiking / Mr. Miniot, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Nemec
12. / Lifesaving / Best done at summer camp
13. / Personal Fitness / Mr. Brown, Mr. Melis, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Nemec, Mr. Hetsko, Mr. Weeks, Mrs. Babb
14. / Personal Management / Mr. Weaver, Mr. Miniot, Mrs. Menchaca, Mr. Brown, Mr. Hetsko, Mr. Weeks, Mr. Melis,
Ron Ricaldi, Mr. Thornsbury, Mrs. Carolyn Babb
15. / Swimming / Best done at summer camp
/ Mr. Gillespie
Mr. Hodge, Mr. Hunt, & Mr. Williams
Mr. Hodge, Mr. Ricadli
American Business / Mr. Miniot, Mr. Brown, Mr. Weeks
American Cultures / Mr. Hsu, Mr. Hodge, Mr. Thornsbury
American Heritage / Mr. Thornsbury
Animal Science / Mrs. Babb
Archaeology / See notes below
Archery / Mr. Weeks
Art / Mrs. Estes, Mrs. Smith
Astronomy / Mr. Faxel, Mrs. Estes
Athletics / Mr. Gregory, Mr. Weeks
Auto Mechanics / Mr. Hetsko, Mr. Weeks
Aviation / Mr. Bossert, Mr. Payne, Mr. Hunt
Backpacking / Mr. Miniot, Mr. Weeks, Mr. Robinson
Bird Study / See notes below; Mr. Hunt, Mr. Robinson
Bugling / David Gillespie
Canoeing / Mr. Miniot
Chemistry / Mr. Brown; See notes below
Cinematography / Mr. Brown, Bobby Brown
Coin Collecting / Mr. Brown, Bobby Brown. Mr. Hoesl
Computers / Mr. Melis, Mr. Brown, Mr. Hoesl; , Mr. Williams, See notes below
Cooking / Mrs. Menchaca, Mrs. Brown, Mr. Hoesl, Mr. Weeks
Dentistry / See notes below
Disabilities Awareness / Mr. Payne
Drafting / Mr. Brown, Mrs. Estes; See notes below
Dog Care / Mrs. Cyndi Menchaca, Mr. Hunt, Ms. Babb
Electricity / Mr. Brown, Mr. Ricaldi, Hoffman, Mr. Hoesl
Electronics / Ron Ricaldi
Energy / Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Brown, Hr. Hsu, Mr. Hetsko; See notes below
Engineering / Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Hsu, Mr. Hetsko, Mrs. Estes;
See notes below
Fingerprinting / Mrs. Benson, Mrs. Estes; Mr. Williams, See notes below
Fire Safety / Mr. Weeks
Fishing / Mr. Gregory, Mr. Hunt
Fly Fishing / Mr. Hunt
Genealogy / Mr. Hetsko, Mr. Thornsbury
Geology / See notes below
Golf / Mr. Miniot, Mrs. Brown, Mr. Hetsko, Mr. Bossert, Mr. Weeks
Home Repairs / Mr. Hetsko, Mrs. Rita Rowden
Indian Lore / Mr. Hunt, See notes below
Insect Study / See notes below
Journalism / Mr. Alan White
Landscape Architecture / See notes below
Law / Mrs. Brown, Mr. Williams
Medicine / Mr. Robinson, Mrs. Miniot, Mr. David Watson, See notes below
Model Design and Building / Mr. Alan White, Mrs. Estes
Music / Mr. Wiley, Mr. Weeks, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Hoesl, Mrs. Linda Smith
Nature / Mr. Wiley; See notes below
Nuclear Science / See notes below
Oceanography / See notes below
Pets / Mrs. Menchaca, Mrs. Babb
Photography / Mr. Brown, See notes below
Plumbing / Mr. Hollub (713-899-9056)
Public Speaking / Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Weeks, Mr. Thornsbury
Public Health / Mr. David Watson, Mr. Thornsbury
Radio / Mr. Hoesl; See notes below
Railroading / See notes below
Reading / Mr. Bossert, Mr. Watson
Reptiles and Amphibians / See notes below
Rifle Shooting / Mr. Hetsko, Mr. Gregory
Rowing / Mr. Miniot
Safety / Mr. Miniot, Mr. Weeks
Salesmanship / Mr. Miniot, Mr. Weeks
Scholarship / Mrs. Benson, Mr. Weeks, Mrs. Linda Smith, Mr. David Watson
Shotgun Shooting / Mr. Hetsko, Mr. Gregory
Small boat sailing / Mr. Matt Robinson
Snow Sports / Mr. Ralph Faxel, Mr. Weeks
Space Exploration / Mr. Hsu, Mr. Bossert, Evan Weaver, Mr. Alan White, Mrs. Estes, Mr. David Watson
See notes below
Sports / Mr. Brown, Bobby Brown, Mr. Bossert
Stamp Collecting / Mr. Hoesl
Theater Arts / Mrs. McDonald & John McDonald
Traffic Safety / Mr. Hoesl, Mrs. Estes
Waterskiing / Mr. Hunt
Weather / Mr. Hunt; See notes below
Woodcarving / Mr. Wiley

Houston Area Resources for Merit Badges:

HYPERLINK " American Red Cross - 1st Saturday of each month (except July)
* This is the course for boys working on their First Aid merit badge, as well as adult leaders. It covers: Rescue Breathing, Choking (conscious & unconscious), Heart Attack, and CPR for adults. Also includes controlling severe bleeding, splinting, and other first aid information.
* There are 4 requirements for the first aid merit badge that are not covered: 1, 2b - Show a first aid kit; 6 - improvise a stretcher; 7 - Teach another Scout a first-aid skill.
* Cost: $25.00 per person (includes text). No spaces will be held without payment.
* Registration deadline is 2 weeks prior to class date (no drop-ins).
* Contact Gidget Swift, 713-526-8300 ext. 606 at the American Red Cross, 2700 Southwest Freeway, Houston, TX 77098 for further information, or visit the website at HYPERLINK "

HYPERLINK " Bechtel Engineering Day - Annually in February during National Engineers Week
* MB workshops offered: Nuclear Science, Chemistry, Computers, Drafting, Electricity, Engineering, Radio.
* Pre-work is REQUIRED.
* You must use their website to read the "pre-work" requirements for the merit badge class you prefer. A Scoutmaster or an Assistant Scoutmaster must e-mail Bechtel with your request. The request should include the Scout's name, Troop No., Merit Badge preference, and a statement from the Scoutmaster that the Scout is committed to doing the pre-work for the merit badge, and committed to reading the book, and completing this by the date given on the webpage.
* Betchel will issue a "pre-registration" committal to the Scout. The scout may then begin the pre-work.
* The Scouts "pre-work" must be completed and sent to Bechtel by a deadline. Only after the pre-work is received and approved by Bechtel will the Scout be considered to be completely registered to attend Bechtel Engineering Day.
* Workshop cost:FREE !
* Scouts can register and potentially earn up to two merit badges in just one day.

HYPERLINK "Galveston Island Railroad Museum :
Click here for --> HYPERLINK " Railroading MB

Click “Requirements” button on web page to see what requirements are covered.

Houston Railroad Museum: They also offer this MB periodically. Visit their website at:

HYPERLINK " Houston Arboretum & Nature Center
* MB workshops offered: Bird Study, Nature, Reptiles and Amphibians
* Workshops are rotated monthly.
* Workshop Cost: $12/member; $16/non-member per scout

HYPERLINK "Houston Museum of Natural Science HYPERLINK " HEB Scouting Programs at HMNS.
* MB workshops offered: Archaeology, Astronomy, Bird Study, Chemistry, Energy, Geology, Indian Lore, Insect Study, Reptiles and Amphibians.
* Workshop cost: $25-$30.
* To register, call 713-639-4629 and press options 1 and 3. If you have any questions, please call the Scout Program Coordinator at 713-639-4680, or email us at HYPERLINK "mailto:" .

HYPERLINK " C. Freeman Weather Museum
MB workshops offered: Weather Merit Badge.
Offered 4th Saturday of each month at 10:00AM
Call 713-529-3076 or email: HYPERLINK "mailto:" to register.
For pre-work, do requirements 6 (Water Cycle Diagram) & 10 (Weather Career Research) to class for credit.
Requirement 9 will have to be done after class (Weather Related Talk)
Click here for --> HYPERLINK " Merit Badge Brochure

HYPERLINK " Moody Gardens
* Monthly Merit Badge Days - Offered workshops vary.
* Call 1-800-582-4673 or 409-744-4673, x4325 for information and reservations.
HYPERLINK " Space Center Houston
* Overnight Camp-in. Workshop for Space Exploration MB.
* Click link above and/or call 281-244-2148 or email for more information.


INCLUDEPICTURE " \* MERGEFORMATINET / Merit Badges Offered: Communications, Landscape Architecture, Nature, Oceanography, Photography, Weather. Astronomy Merit Badges are also available in conjunction with Star Parties.
INCLUDEPICTURE " \* MERGEFORMATINET / Costs: Vary $10-17; More for overnight sessions
INCLUDEPICTURE " \* MERGEFORMATINET / Schedule: The class schedule is updated in the fall and spring on the website
Registration: Please call (800) 582-4673, x4325 or x4320

Merit Badge University at the University of Texas at Austin:

The Houston Health Museum offers First Aid, Emergency Prep, Fingerprinting, Medicine, Dentistry, and Weather. Visit them at: