Application ID
Date Received
Nurse, Midwife and Allied Health Professional Consultant
Development Needs Analysis Tool
Job Holder
Job Title
Organisation / Department
This tool is to help you reflect on your job role and to identify any areas where you may benefit from further training, education and development in your role as consultant. The more honest and accurate you are with this, the more effective will be the resulting personal development plan. The tool is designed to be used in conjunction with the joint review process as part of personal development planning.
You will be assessing yourself against learning outcomes from the attached development framework. To complete this analysis tool you will need to refer to each outcome to confirm the standards for performance and knowledge and skills required.
Please put a tick in the appropriate box, indicate the type of evidence available to support your assessment (a list of suggested evidence can be found on the last page of this document )and make any notes in the right hand column.
3. I require training and development in most or all of this area
2. I require further training and development in some aspects of this area
1. I am confident I already do this competently
Learning Outcome Number and Title / Level of Confidence /Evidence to Support Achievement
3 / 2 / 11. Expert Practice:
1.1 Demonstrate broad knowledge in own sphere of practice
1.2 Demonstrate advanced specialist skills in own sphere of practice
Learning Outcome Number and Title / Level of Confidence /
Evidence to Support Achievement
3 / 2 / 11.3 Analyse, synthesise and evaluate expert practice in own area
1.4 Act as an expert resource internally, regionally and nationally, on the care and services for clients and their families
1.5 Is visible within own expert practice area and acts as a positive professional example to other staff
Learning Outcome Number and Title / Level of Confidence /
Evidence to Support Achievement
3 / 2 / 11.6 Demonstrates autonomy of practice and expert decision making in meeting the needs of patients in own practice area
2. Practice and Service Development:
2.1 Influences the national, regional and local policies and strategies for own area of practice
Learning Outcome Number and Title / Level of Confidence /
Evidence to Support Achievement
3 / 2 / 12.2 Influences practice development by supporting and developing innovative and lateral thinking in self and others
2.3 Interpret implications of health policy in the management of change and the development of practice
2.4 Promote collaborative across boundary and interagency working that reflects local health planning, national policies and strategies
Learning Outcome Number and Title / Level of Confidence /
Evidence to Support Achievement
3 / 2 / 12.5 Demonstrate strategic thinking in developing own role, practice of others and across a service
2.6 Initiate, influence and lead new developments and services
2.7 Articulates the risks and benefits of new developments in own area of practice
Learning Outcome Number and Title / Level of Confidence /
Evidence to Support Achievement
3 / 2 / 13. Professional Leadership and Consultancy:
3.1 Demonstrates through leadership and consultancy activities that make a difference to patient care
3.2 Provide strong and effective clinical leadership across professional and organisational boundaries with a focus on service excellence
Learning Outcome Number and Title / Level of Confidence /
Evidence to Support Achievement
3 / 2 / 13.3 Think creatively and work collaboratively to overcome obstacles to the change process
3.4 Provide a leadership role locally, regionally and nationally in area of relevant practice
Learning Outcome Number and Title / Level of Confidence /
Evidence to Support Achievement
3 / 2 / 14. Research and audit:
4.1 Influences policy at local, regional and national levels by highlighting evidence in support of proposed service and practice developments in own area of practice
4.2 Identifies appropriate research questions relevant to daily practice and lead in the commissioning, design, implementation and reporting of these projects
Learning Outcome Number and Title / Level of Confidence /
Evidence to Support Achievement
3 / 2 / 14.3 Works collaboratively with appropriate others to influence the development and utilisation of evaluation and audit methods to review practice standards and guidelines
4.4 Ensure dissemination of evaluation /audit results and take necessary action to support practice change
4.5 Use scholarly activities and research to promote and evaluate the integration of evidence based practice in care for clients and their families and influence the development of the learning environment
Learning Outcome Number and Title / Level of Confidence /
Evidence to Support Achievement
3 / 2 / 14.6 Support staff in the development and use of critical appraisal skills in order to differentiate between research that will improve practice and promote change at an individual and organisational level
4.7 Disseminates knowledge by writing for publication and speaking at conferences locally and nationally
Learning Outcome Number and Title / Level of Confidence /
Evidence to Support Achievement
3 / 2 / 15. Education and Development:
5.1 Utilise a whole system approach in identifying the educational and training needs of core health professionals in order to meet the needs of the service user
5.2 Works in partnership to develop, deliver and evaluate local and regional higher education courses in own area of practice
Learning Outcome Number and Title / Level of Confidence /
Evidence to Support Achievement
3 / 2 / 15.3 Promotes innovative ways to influence and optimise learning
5.4 Leads the development and implementation of educational initiatives for patients, a range of staff and the wider service in general
5.5 Develops skills in lecturing and facilitation for a range of educational programmes
Learning Outcome Number and Title / Level of Confidence /
Evidence to Support Achievement
3 / 2 / 15.6 Work collaboratively with appropriate academic departments to establish educational and development opportunities and to deliver education in practice
5.7 Initiates and provides skilled supervision for members of team and peers
Producing Evidence
The suggestions below are an example of what could be used as evidence. The examples are not exhaustive, and alternatives may be produced for consideration by the individual undertaking the analysis.
q Observation and critical analysis of every day practice
q Audit and notes review
q Case presentations
q Observed Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs)
q Excerpts from a reflective diary, with self assessment of competence, identified development needs and action plan
q Testimony of the individuals positive and effective contribution to nursing practice
q Active contribution to policy groups, developing revising guidelines, standards, audits
q Evidence of change or project management
q Certificate of attendance accompanied by evaluation of learning outcomes for the day
q Demonstration of evidence based practice with supportive literature
q Course descriptors, definitive course documents, lesson plans and evaluations – evidence of the planning, delivery and evaluation of teaching sessions
q Individual personal review
q 360 degree appraisal and feedback
q Personal development plan / personal portfolio
q Active involvement in clinical supervision, action learning, mentorship
q Observation of involvement in strategic working and personal testimony from observer
q Contribution to national documents or published journals