VIP Award Application – Spring 2018
Warren Batts VIP Innovation Award, Austin Brown VIP Innovation Award
The Warren Batts and Austin Brown Innovation Awards recognize students who experience academic and professional growth through VIP and who substantially contribute to their VIP projects.
Eligibility: / -Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering majors.-Students enrolled in VIP in the current semester.
-Students previously enrolled in VIP, but who are not currently enrolled because of a Co-op, internship, study abroad, etc.
-Strong preference is given to students who participate for two or more semesters.
Applying: / Step 1 / Student completes the award application form.
Step 2 / Student submits the form to his/her VIP advisor via email.
Step 3 / Advisor completes the advisor section of the form.
Step 4 / Advisor submits the form via email to .
Dates: / Mon, Feb 26 / Applications available to students
Mon, March 5 / Suggested deadline for students to submit forms to their advisors. This gives advisors 5 workdays to complete their section and submit the form to VIP.
Mon, March 12 / Deadline for advisors to submit forms to VIP.
Student Section
VIP Team:
Current academic rank: / Sophomore Junior Senior Masters PhD
Anticipated semester of graduation:
Please describe your current role on and contributions to your VIP team.
(300 words maximum)
Please describe specific way(s) in which you encourage effective teamwork within your VIP team, or describe a setback your team experienced and how the team moved forward.
(300 words maximum)
Please describe your most innovative contribution to your VIP project.
(300 words maximum)
Advisor Section
Advisor Name:Email:
These awards recognize students who exemplify teamwork and innovation. Strong preference is given to students who participate for more than one semester, but new students will be considered. What is your recommendation?