Minutes of ITA Examiners Conference September 14th 2014 Cork International Airport.

Minutes taken by Master Wheatley.

Errors and omissions graciously accepted.

Attendees: Master Barry, Master Delea, Master Donnelly, Master Forde, Master O’Rourke, Master Wheatley, Mr Buckley, Mr Byrne, Mr B Coughlan, Mr L Coughlan, Mr Leahy, Mr Ryan, Mrs Ryan, Mr O’Mahoney

Apologies from: J Rigney, F Plunkett, N. Jones, D McMullen, AM Kinsella, K Kinsella, C Smullen, S Smullen.

Item 1. Minutes of 2013 Examiners Conference:

Discussion; A proposal that all successful 1st Kup students who pass their black belt test would be presented with black belts at the grading; Mr Leahy is to submit same as an item for the next AGM.

Minutes were then proposed and accepted.

Item 2. Maintaining an acceptable standard – responsibility of instructor – prelim examiners - main panel (Mr Ryan)

Discussion; It was felt by some examiners that the levels coming forward, especially at Dan grade level, were not as should have been, and therefore we were spending time after the tests discussing people who should not have gotten past the preliminary stage. Not everyone is guaranteed to pass on the day, however we need to work towards a higher level coming forward across the board. A full test should be done at preliminary level and the guidelines should be implemented. If no prelim sheets are presented for a candidate when applying they will not be allowed to test. Some of the examiners present asked if a preliminary test being done in all cases ? if so then every instructor must present the results sheets. The candidates should fail at preliminary stage if they are not ready to go forward for the main test. The knock on effect is long discussions generated after the black belt test in the examiner debriefing. We should only be discussing pass/fail and not having a negotiation.

L Ryan proposed : No score sheets then no grading. Seconded by Master Donnelly. Carried unanimously.

Item 3.Debriefings after black belt test (Mr Ryan)

Discussion; In recent tests we has long discussions about candidates whose marks were way off, if way off then we should move on. If marked low then that is what it is. If three examiners or more have failed a candidate then that is the decision. The message that instructor and candidate need to take from a failure is to improve in the areas that they were not successful and present again when ready.

Item 4.Marking – rewarding those of exceptional standard with appropriate marks (Mr Ryan)

Discussion; There is a perception of different criteria for different candidates i.e. if national team member or world champion is performing on the floor to an exceptional level, then performance should be reflected in the examiners scores.

Item 5.Examiners – importance of holding ourselves to the same standards as candidates – (Mr Ryan)

Discussion; We expect candidates performance and knowledge to be at a high level therefore examiners should be seen as role models. How we present ourselves, how we interact. Should be seen training and active in Dobok, be in good physical shape, keep our technical standard up to date, be seen, be respected. At formal events we should address each other correctly, observe correct protocol and don’t allow it to slip. Professional conduct at all times, to be aware of the bigger picture. A positive presentation in Taekwon-do and every day life.

Item 6. Proposal that Performance Management System for grading panel be implemented at prelim and national level (Master Forde)

Discussion; Performance management. Based on last black belt test and subsequent debriefing meeting. K.P.I and propose a subcommitteeto utilise grade results, gather data. How to count it and what we need to do, today’s points will bring K.P.I.s create a matrix to analyse data. New Zealand have an examiner program, perhaps we could look at that. Examiners need training, do we do examiner training, Master Donnelly expressed concern over some irregular scoring, but that this was in a minority of cases. If we can identify K.P.I s then we can identify examiner training. We need an opportunity to discuss what we score. Master Forde suggested training should be as we progress, we have never agreed what each score is, what a black belt is. System IT has been good but if we have two at twenty marks under and another at sixty marks under then is this too extreme. Master Donnelly suggested that the marks are usually pretty close. We need a practical training day for examiners, 3rd degree and up and we should schedule a training day in our calendar.

Master Forde proposed a working committee be set up. Seconded by Master Delea. Carried.

It was suggested that we need education not policing.

Committee: Master Forde, Mr Leahy, Mrs Ryan.

Item 7.Kicking syllabus – readjusting to make some aspects more challenging again (Mr Ryan)

Discussion; Kicking syllabus. Not trying to take away focus as decided previously. Would like to have this made a bit more difficult and challenging for candidates at each level i.e. consecutive kicks. We still need to see the basic kick skills too, buts let us up the ante a bit more. Looks like high performers are not challenged enough. Concerns about kick performance and kick proficiency, leg strength and physical preparation etc.

Proposed by Mr Ryan. Seconded by Mr Buckley. Carried.

Item 8. Self defence – proposal to allow own partner and allow pre-prepared routine as with step sparring, allowing candidates to show own style, strengths, philosophy of instructor etc. (Mr Ryan)

Discussion; Proposal to allow self defence with own partner, concerns about risk when ad-lib routines are surprised on candidates or when working with an uncooperative partner. Further concerns were raised about the self defence becoming prearranged and unrealistic self defence.Suggested that candidates choose routine based on ITA syllabus. It was suggested that we don’t see enough application of Taekwon-Do in self defence at black belt test. We need to take care of what we teach in self defence, needs to be appropriate philosophy of victory with one blow, where appropriate; we are seeing a poor level of other systems at times as some people are trying to copy cat other styles without the correct teaching.

Proposal that candidates can bring their own partner and perform their own routine of self defense. Techniques should be shown slowly at first then applied at speed. Range of self defence from ITA syllabus.

Proposed by Mr Ryan. Seconded by Mr O’Mahoney. Abstain Mr Byrne. Carried.

Item 9.That students presenting for Dan grading are declaring they are in top physical condition. Students with a pre-existing physical condition or injury are asked to wait until they are physically capable of giving their best at grading. (Master Donnelly)

Discussion; Almost like candidates are put forward with excuses, candidates should be physically fit.

Proposed by Master Donnelly. Seconded by Master Forde. Carried unanimously.

Item 10. That the system used by the NTN for grading u-12s be adopted by the Association (Master Donnelly)

Discussion; Should be uniformed system across all ITA. NTN 10thKup 1 – 10th up 2 – 10 Kup 3thencourages students to stay, short term goals and rewards. Quin Taekwon-Do give 5 certs between grades and did not use the different Kup levels per Kup grade because it is not a Taekwon-Do system. Whole point is short term goals and rewards. Not currently ready for 23 tests to black belt, NTN system a big ask at the moment. Reward system in a uniform fashion for ITA, too many systems for U-12s across the group. As ITA instructors we should be uniform in what we do, we should look at what we teach 6 to 10/13s and be uniformed with what we deliver to 6 to 10/12s. Needs further discussion.

Item 11. Review of breaking requirements (Mr Ryan)

Discussion; Concerns about the visual perception of breaking as a testi.e. may look like larger body size, mass have an easier test than those of smaller body types. However consensus was that even if this was the case, it is too difficult to individualise the requirements. Candidates will have areas where they can excel and areas that may be more difficult e.g. some students may find it easier to jump based on body type and genetics, however overall that this balances out across the whole black belt exam.

Proposal by Mrs. Ryan; Remove front elbow strike Seconded by Mr O’Mahoney. Against; Master Donnelly, Mr Byrne. Carried.

Item 12. Discussion on eligibility requirements as per ITA & ITF bylaws (Mr Ryan)

Discussion; Eligibility requirement to eighteen months and umpire at two ITA tournaments and attend technical seminar/IIC. New bylaw to be ratified at AGM.


Mr O’Mahoney asked why are the examiners names not on the score sheets when sent to instructors.

This can be requested by the instructor through Master Wheatley.

Meeting closed.