ESOL Meaning and Significance of Eucharist VOCAB LIST
This can be copied and cut up to be used as a matching activity or as vocabulary prompts.
*These words are common to the RE programme in general not just this topic.
Body of Christ / At each celebration of Mass the blessed bread is transformed into the body of Christ and shared at communion time.* Sacrament / Seven (7) special Church rituals where the power of God is made visible through ordinary things.
Gestures / Certain movements of the body (often the hands) that have a special meaning
Vestments / Special clothing worn by the priest to indicate the sacred nature of what is happening
Covenant / A very special agreement between people involving promises on both sides.
Consecrated / Made holy, special to God and God’s people
Benediction / A name for a blessing prayer. It often refers to the prayer where the Blessed Sacrament is used to bless the people
Blessed Sacrament / A name for the consecrated bread and wine, especially when they are kept safetly in the tabernacle.
Tabernacle / A special cupboard or container in the Church where Holy Communion is kept.
Devotions / Prayers and practices that are not part of the Mass which help people to become closer to God
Monstrance / A special object designed to hold a host and make it visible during Eucharistic adoration
Adoration / The prayerful acknowledgement that God is God the Creator of all that is
Memorial / An action that remembers something special and significant in a person’s life
* Ritual / The form of words and actions for a ceremony that is repeated often. The actions often have a special meaning.
Martyrs / A person who is killed for their beliefs
Denominations / Different groups of Christians that are organised around a common set of beliefs. Each group is slightly different.
Chalice / A special container or cup used for the wine which becomes the Lord’s blood at the celebration of Mass
Ciborium / A special container used to hold the consecrated (blessed) hosts that will be given to people at communion.
This is a very vocab intensive unit and there may be a need to do a few literacy based exercises so that all students understand the meaning of key terms.