AiSC Proposal
Team number: MelHS34 School: Melrose High School
and House High School
Area of Science: Ecology
Project Title: Jellyfish
Project Idea:
This year we want to do our Super Computing project on Jellyfish. We have been interested in jellyfish since we saw them in an aquarium this summer, and we wanted to learn more about them. So to do that, we’re going to make a simulation of them and their life.
We want to show how they go through their life cycle, and how they act on a daily basis. By learning about jellyfish and doing a project on them, we want to be able to show how they affect the oceans, and why they’re important there.
Model Information:
We want our model to show a spot in the middle of the ocean where jellyfish live. There will be several things that work together to make it realistic. These things are the jellyfish, their food sources, the water conditions ( temperature, pollution levels, and how well jellyfish like it), and any predators that might eat the jellys.
We are going to use NetLogo to model the area because we have learned about it in our first years. Also, we can get some help with it if we need it.
If we can get the jellyfish simulation to work, we would like to add other parts of the ocean ecosystem to make things complete. We might add different plants and animals that live in different depths of the ocean.
We think this project can be important by showing people how beautiful and useful jellyfish are in the ocean. Also, when we learn what things affect jellyfish numbers, we can work to make sure that they are preserved and protected.
Team members: Madison Garrett, Evelyn Garrett
Sponsoring Teacher: Alan Daugherty
Project Mentor: