Parkman PTO Minutes–May 4, 2011
The meeting was called to order by Corrina Raymond at 6:38
Executive Members in Attendance: Corrina Raymond, Carolyn Kita, Jennifer Soroka, Sarah Cooney and Kim Bryson
Principal’s Report – Maureen Sampl
Mrs. Sampl let us know that both Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Motto will be retiring at the end of this year. The 4 primary schools Open House Night will be June 13th from 6:30-7:30 and the 3 intermediate schools will be June 15th from 6:30-7:30. The next year’s principals and new staff will be in their new schools on these nights. Everyone will meet in the café and then families will be allowed to tour the school after that. Teachers will be in their assigned classrooms for children to meet. Mrs. Sampl asked the PTO to supply the cookies and juice. Corrina asked that we have a table to set up for the PTO. Vicki Dean offered to be there with room parent information. Bus routes have not been determined as of today and neither has the start and stop times for the primary and intermediate schools. June 22nd and 23rd will be early dismissal days with June 23rd being the last day. The high school and middle school’s last day will be June 24th. Mrs. Nadeau will be closing the library the end of May, the beginning of June. Mrs. Sampl said that Mrs. Nadeau needs help taking inventory of the library. Anyone interested should get a hold of her Monday-Wednesday. Mrs. Sampl thanked us for the goodies for teacher appreciation.
Treasurer’s Report – Jennifer Soroka
Checks were sent out for the 6th grade committee to the firehouse and DJ. A check was made out for the grade 3 in-school field trip. Reimbursements were given to Carolyn Kita for supplies for various committees andCorrina for the ice cream social. We donated $150 to Cindy Lurie’s charity, Habitat for Humanity, for her author appearance. We purchased new visitor labels for the office. We deposited $683.70 from Box Tops, $1,413.02 from the ice cream social and raffle baskets, $119.75 from 5th grade committee and $25 from an employer matching donation. The Scholastic money was also deposited and a check was cut to pay Scholastic.
Jen Soroka walked us though the proposed budget for 2011/2012.
Corrina inquired as to whether Mrs. Sampl knew if more in house field trips will take place next year due to the number of classes in each grade. She was not sure what next year will bring with the new staff.
The treasurer’s report was approved with motions from Robyn Radziewicz and Allison Daly.
Corresponding Secretary – Sarah Cooney
Nothing to report.
April Minutes – Sarah Cooney
The April minutes were approved with motions from Vicki Dean and Trudy Heck.
Committee Reports
Ice Cream Social
It was a huge success. The new set up worked well but there was still a backup with the toppings. We went through all the donated ice cream and Corrina needed to run to Friendly’s and purchase more.
Food Boat
Three parents have stepped to run this committee the third week in May.
Field Day
It is set for June 8th with a rain date of June 9th. Kim is still working on the schedule. She is asking for volunteers to help out that day. This year the volunteers will be more scheduled. The high school kids will again be volunteering at the field events however Ms. Wilk wants an adult at each field event as well. Kim said that the souvenier this year are blue rubber dog tags.
There were 10 applicants and Carolyn selected the winner. Mrs. Sampl asked Carolyn to make sure the winner got invited to our endof the year assembly.
New Business
End of the year celebration
We will be doing hot dogs, drinks, a bounce house, a game truck, lazer tag, hamster balls and ice cream truck. We need many volunteers that night in increments of 15 minutes. Corrina is thinking this will be very well attended and is hoping people can give a little bit of their time. The lazer tag and hamster ball will run from 6:30 to 8:00. The game truck will run from 7:15-8. Discussion took place about the age restrictions on some of the equipment and how to handle it. More discussion took place on how to handle the lines for the different activities to make sure each child gets a turn on everything. Maybe hand stamps after you complete an activity? Set up will begin at 5:00, dinner served at 6:00, ice cream truck at 7:00, the activities end at 8:00. A notice will be sent home soon asking whether or not you will be attending and how many. This will be attached to an envelope with the child’s name so the parents know they need to respond. The notice will also ask if you will be willing to volunteer and for how long. Each family attending will get tickets that they will need to bring with them that night. If they forget they will need to go home and get them.
They came today to remove the old swings so hopefully the new swings will be going up soon.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:39.