NSPCC Gillingham Service Centre
Referral/Initial Information Record
Domestic Abuse: Recovering Together
Please return to :
or by post to:
Gillingham Service Centre, Pear Tree House, 68 West Street, Gillingham, Kent ME7 1EF
Tel: 01634 564688 Fax: 01634 564685
We would encourage completion of referral form with parent/carer. Referrals not signed by family members will not be considered
Please refer to the eligibility criteria for inclusion in the group work when completing this referral
Please note we can only accept referrals for:
· Children aged 7-14 years old
· Only one sibling per family
· Children who are not living with the perpetrator of abuse.
Mother/Carers Surname:Telephone No.:
Referrer details
Contact Name(s): / Town: / Postcode:Agency Name (if any): / Tel:
Ethnic Origin: (please refer to table below)
Service user details/family composition
Name of Child being referred / Gender / DOB / Relationship to referred adult / Child looked after by Local Authority / Ethnic Code / First language / Religion / DisabilityAddress of child being referred as above
Which school does referred child attend?
Name of Woman being referred
Ethnic origin code
Ethnic Origin: / 1 White2. Black African
3. Black Caribbean
4. Black other
5. Indian / 6. Pakistani
7. Bangladeshi
8. Chinese
9. Asian other
10. Other / 11. Mixed origin
12. Refusal
13. Not known
14. Welsh
15. Not asked / Self identified: / Yes
Perpetrators details
Name: / Current address:Relationship to service user:
Date of birth:
Ethnic origin: 1 / Tel:
Any contact with the child: Yes No
Please outline the nature of this contact:
Is perpetrator on IDAP or Strength to Change programme? Yes No X
If yes, please specify and provide details:
Please include information about any criminal convictions relating to domestic abuse:
Significant others (extended family/friends/professionals) who are not members of referred person’s household.
Name: / Name:Relationship: / Relationship:
Address: / Address:
Tel: / Tel:
Reason for referral
Why do you think this mother and child could benefit from attending the DART group work programme? Please describe any current difficulties and give relevant background information, including information regarding the history of domestic abuse.Difficulties parent is experiencing and/or concerns
Please outline difficulties the parent/ carer, identified child and or other children in the family may be experiencingSignificant events and issues
Parent/ Carer, identified child and other children in the familyIs the child aware of this referral? Yes No
If so, what support do they want, if known?
What are the views of the parent/carer to this referral?
Are they in agreement with other agencies being contacted? Yes No
There will be a period of assessment prior to the group to gather information about the domestic abuse and its impact on the relationship between mother and child. Are both agreeable to this? Yes No
How long has it been since the woman left the violent relationship? (please state timescales)
Please advise us of the best way to contact the family, and any issues that may need to be considered when making contact to ensure the safety of the woman and her children
Has there been a history of violence or intimidation towards professionals?
If yes, please give brief details:
Child Protection Information:
Is the child subject to a Child Protection Plan? Yes No
Name of Child subject to a Child Protection Plan / Category of Abuse / Registration and De-registration DatesAre there any Court Orders in place? Yes No
If YES then please state the type of order, date issued and duration:
Other Agency Involvement:
Agency / Worker’s Name and DesignationCHILDREN’S SOCIAL CARE
Tel. No.:
Tel. No.:
Tel. No.:
Tel. No.:
Tel. No.:
Would any agencies be able to assist with childcare/transport arrangements to
enable the woman and child to attend the group? Yes No
If YES please state:
Any other relevant sources of information? eg:
Initial Assessment (please attach)
Core Assessment (please attach)
Common Assessment (please attach)
Any other form of documentation (please attach)
Signature of Mother: ………………………………….
Date: ……………….
Signature of Referrer: ………………………………….
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