Tiger Times
Mission: At Eugene Field School, we challenge and inspire students to become productive and successful citizens.
Principal’s PenHello Field Families,
We have officially started the 2016-17 school year. Our theme this year is “Inspiring Students to Dream Big”. Our beginning of the year was such a smooth beginning it felt like we never left for summer break. An assembly was held to welcome new students, review school expectations and share what our new theme meant.
Our staff strongly believes ensuring a positive future for our Tigers. Dialogue around a focused education is one that builds engagement, creates hope for the future, fosters talent and prepares students to participate meaningfully in our nation by finding or creating a good job is consistently integrated.
One score or one project doesn’t define our students. Along with teaching academics we are educating the whole child. Our environment fosters team-building skills, attempting new things without fearing failure, and be safe in their own skin and comfortable with their identity. It’s not just about doing well on a multiple-choice test, but deep understanding of the skills or knowledge.
Check out the new play equipment coming!!
Thanks to the support of our families and the hard work of PTA, this cool new play equipment is slated to be installed by October!!
Over the summer the playground was treated to new asphalt and new lines were painted for outdoor games! Thank you SJSD!!
You might notice these attendance circles around the building! They are helping our students track attendance! Each classroom is responsible for writing their daily attendance! Our school goal is 95% and most days we achieve our goal! Being at school every day is very important!
Additional News:
Counseling Connection:
Counseling lessons are in full force! In each classroom, Mrs. Bramlage is going over what role she plays in the school community, how she can help parents, students and teachers, bullying protocol and the overall plan for the year! The students learn that they will be focusing on the following big ideas: self-concept, contribution within a community, character traits, safe and healthy choices, personal safety of self and others, balancing life roles, quality friendships, feelings, coping skills and respect for self and others. Each student received a brochure describing the counseling program at Eugene Field and how the school counselor can help.
PTA: Please Return Welcome to Kindergarten Signs!
Read Aloud:
Mrs. Owens is visiting each classroom to read the above book that goes along with our theme this year! As a staff we are dedicating this school year to Inspiring Students to Dream Big! This book inspires young students to never give up on their ideas even if they think they are silly.HappyNewYearinMusic!InmusicclassitismygoaltoteachstudentstolearnbeCONTRIBUTINGmembersofanensemble.Wetalkabouthowthiswillhelpthemtobesoughtafterensemblemembersinband,orchestra,and/orchoir;alsohowittranslatestobeingcontributingmembersoftheirclassroom,home,andsociety.Contributingperformersofanensembledo 5 things:(pictures follow to the left)
1.Controltheirbodies 2.Controltheirvoices 3. Havea strong imagination 4. Focus and 5.Cooperate.Askyourstudenthowtheysignacontracteverydaytoshowtheyaregoingtoworkonthese 5 things.
- Nov 10th–Veteran’sDayAssembly
- Dec 20th–SchoolSing-a-Long
- Feb 9th– 4thand 5thgradeprogram
- March 9th– 2nd/3rdgradeprogram
- April 6th– 1stgradeprogram
TigerChoir (4th, 5th, 6thgrades) willstartsoon–TBD!
Sixth grade students are busy trying out all the choices of instruments that are possible for 6th grade music. Band instruments are flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, and percussion. String instruments are violin, viola, and cello. There will be parent information meetings on Sept 15, 7:00pm at Central and the rental fair is Sept 22, 6-8:30 at TMC (3401 Renick). Look for more info from your students.
Exciting News i-Ready Implementation
I am excited to share that Fieldis implementing a Math and Readingprogram called i-Ready. Below, you will find information on the program and how we will be using it in the classroom.
What is i-Ready?
i-Ready is an online program that will help us assess your child’s individual needs and monitor their progress throughout the school year.
- The i-Ready Diagnostic is an adaptive test that adjusts its questions to suit your child’s performance. Its purpose is not to give your child a score or grade but instead to determine where they need the most support.
- i-Ready Instructionprovides students with lessons based on their individual skill level and needs, so your child can learn at a pace that is just right for them. These lessons are fun and interactive, with games and characters to keep your child engaged.
How will i-Ready help my child?
i-Ready will help us determine how we can best support your child in meeting their learning goals and will provide lessons that fit their individual needs. Past data shows that students who used i-Ready for more than 45 minutes per week grew 44% more in Reading and 65% more in Maththan the average student.
Around the classrooms:
Kindergarten students have gotten off to a fabulous beginning! The focus for the last couple of weeks has been on building community and learning school and classroom expectations and routines. This has included setting up our Reader’s and Writer’s Workshops.
In Reader’s Workshop, the students have been learning about how we do our Literacy Centers/Daily 5 stations. These stations are done while the teacher is pulling guided reading or skill groups.
In math, the students are working on becoming problem solvers. Problem solving will include using manipulatives to solve, model, and explain mathematical situations. We are excited to see how much our students grow in these areas throughout the year!
1st:First grade is off to a great start! In the classrooms we have been working on getting to know each other better, learning our classroom expectations and building a trusting community. Our beginning of the year testing is complete and our reading groups are beginning. This is such an exciting time of year!
2nd:Second grade is off to a great start this year! We are finishing up our testing, so we can meet each student’s individual needs in our guided reading groups. The students love our new science curriculum! There are a lot of questions we ask and leave them hanging, so they have to go out and find the answers on their own. Don’t be surprised if they come home and question you with what they are studying in a particular unit. We are looking forward to a great year!
We are off to a great start and dreaming big in third grade! Our students know all of our rules and procedures and have already dove into learning. In fact, we’re already learning multiplication facts! We are super excited to get the chrome books out and start the new I-Ready programs and Reflex Math. Our first writing piece will be a small moment personal narrative and students will take this piece through the whole writing process. There are a few new faces to Field this year and the returning Field kiddos have embraced these new students, welcoming them and forming friendships already!
4th grade has been learning about procedures and building our classroom communities! We set up our first science investigation, by recording our observations of a shoe! We have been learning about the three branches of government in Social Studies. We have also been reviewing character traits, and learning about different genres. Our counselor came in to give us a wonderful lesson on bullying, which the students loved! We have had a wonderful start to the school year in Mrs. Lager and Mr. Charboneau’s classes!
5th: In fifth grade, we are off to a GREAT start reading our independent reading books! Remember, students need one book for August, but three will be required for September. In math this month, the students are working hard adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators. High math fluency (knowing their math facts) will make classwork more efficient and take less time. Please remember to do Reflex at home a minimum of four days a week!! We are having an amazing beginning of the school year!!! Way to go, fifth graders! Keep up the great work!
Sixth graders have been having a blast kicking off their final year of elementary school. We started the year making time capsules to open on the last day of school. We have been generating an abundance of ideas for writing topics with various graphic organizers. We are well into our study of character with our first read aloud The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963. In math we applied a real word scenario of ratios by studying the mullet. Yes, the mullet! And finally, students discovered we are going to be blogging this year. It was a very exciting announcement! We already LOVE our classes and know it is going to be a fantastic year!
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