Revised THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA, by Ernest Hemingway

TENTATIVE RESOURCE GUIDE and homework assignments

We also will be working on a grammar unit on CAPITALIZATION during the same time period. Our goal is 10 minutes of grammar each day and 25 minutes of reading/thinking/writing.

Resources of note:

1. Hardcopy of The Old Man and the Sea, published by Scribner, is @ 128 pages long.

2. FREE on-line copy of book is 50 pages long: (You can click on PDF version +then click on microphone in upper rt corner IF you want to hear an inferior reading of the book, line by line.

3. FREE AUDIO on Read by famous actor Charlton Heston

4. The Original Movie Trailer:

5. Spencer Tracey in Movie (Spanish subtitles)

6. 22 Essential Quotes from The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway


1) Higher Order Thinking Mind Maps! Each graphic organizer = 2-3 quizzes and will “cover” many pages! Write very neatly and/or download and type!

As you read the novella, you must complete the following THREE graphic organizers on an ongoing basis. Try to stop and WRITE in great detail after every 10 pages. You must include the page number + T/M/B for each of your TEXTUAL references. In other words, each night add on to these graphic organizers.

· Setting (Names specific evidence of time/place/climate/social traditions/occupations)

· Conflict (What do Santiago/Manolin/the big fish each desire? What obstacles are in each’s way? What specific strategies does each use to deal with their conflicts? Outcomes for each??

· Character Analysis (Scholastic): this graphic organizer will be your BEST resource to use when writing your ESSAY TEST. Be very conscientious when filling in this g.o.

2) ACTIVITY PACKET: In addition, you must stay current with the pages in TOM&S activity packet that correspond to the daily/nightly reading. The pages will be collected and graded DAILY! Each page is a separate reading quiz. The crossword puzzle (page??) is an extra credit option.

3) HOMEWORK READING SCHEDULE If you are absent; stay current as much as possible. Always take home each day your book and Activity packet, so that you do not fall behind.

If you are reading the paperback version, you are expected to read 10 pages per night; 20+ pages on the weekends. The book must be completed by Wednesday, January 18th. You will be given 10 -15 minutes in class to read and/or work on your assigned activities in your ACTIVITY PACKET on The Old Man and the Sea. If you are reading the 50- page PDF version on line, then you will complete 5 pages per night; 10+ on weekends. Stay current with those reading the paperback.

Online audio is available and is highly recommended for struggling readers. Your comprehension quotient will be higher than those who ONLY read and/or ONLY listen.

HW: Before reading, skim the pages in the Activity Packet. The pages correspond to the pages read in the novel. See if you can answer as much as you can within 1-2 pages in the activity packet each night. Sometimes you will have to go back and “finish” a page because the activities might span 20-30 pages.

Also note that the book does not have chapters, but it can be divided into three stages:

Stage 1: before Santiago hooks the big fish

Stage 2: the long struggle with the big fish;

Stage 3: the return trip home.

See if you can identify which page numbers correspond to these sections.

Daily/Nightly Assignments in reading and activity packet and re graphic organizers:

Date: Thursday, 1/5; HW pages 1-10. Be prepared to complete a 5W g.o. in class (quiz)

Date: Friday/weekend 1/6 ; HW pages 11-30; complete setting graphic organizer; Include page #’s. Due Monday before HR (quiz).

Date: Monday 1/9; HW pages 31-40 (Work in activity packet + conflict graphic organizer.)

Date: Tuesday 1/10; HW pages 41-50 (Activities #1-4 +7 in packet.)

Date: Wednesday1/11; HW pages 51-60; conflict graphic organizer due with page #’s

Date: Thursday 1/12; HW pages 61-70. [Activity packet: On page 8, Activity 8, complete all questions pertaining to those pages. In addition, FIND and LIST on ACTIVITY PAGE 9 FIVE NEW VOCAB WORDS related to a BOAT or the SEA. You only have to find and list those words in the spaces


Date: Friday/MLK weekend 1/13; HW pages 71-100) [Activity packet: complete Activity 8 and any questions on Activity 11 that are included in tonight's assigned reading. Be aware that all the following pages need to be completed in a timely manner, so check nightly to see if you can answer any question in the Activity Packet as your read going forward: pages 9,10,14,15,17, 20.

Date: Tuesday 1/17; HW pages 101-110

Date: Wednesday1/18; HW pages 111-128 (end) [Complete ACTIVITY 11.]

Date: Thursday 1/19; character analysis graphic organizer due with page #’s

Date: Friday 1/20; IN CLASS 5 paragraph essay TEST on a CHARACTER ANALYSIS of Santiago; focus on three personality traits he showcases throughout novella + how these traits impact who he is as a man, hero (tragic?), role model.


FUN RESEARCH to enrich our understanding of TOMATS= 2 quizzes for each topic.

· You alone (or your table mates) may choose to choose one of the 9 enrichment topics listed on the back of the first page in your packet.

· You should add 1940’s CUBAN MUSIC to the list, if someone is interested.

· Go online and cut and paste the most informative and interesting info you can find about those topics/Cuba BEFORE Fidel Castro.

· Make sure you use a FULL HEADING, so that you are given credit for your research.

· You MUST include a “works cited” section at the bottom of your page. Copy and paste the URLS from where you found your info.

· Each topic = 1 page.

· Include photos/maps whenever possible of the 1940-1950’s in Cuba, etc.

· ALL info must fit on ONE PAGE per topic.

Also the Crossword puzzle in Activity packet is an extra credit quiz. Must be neatly completed and answers easy to read.

Any other ideas of interest to you?

?? Videotape yourself dramatically performing the 22 famous quotes from The Old Man and the Sea?

E. C. Eberly 1 1 17; revised from 3 1 16