Allenby Primary School
2016-17 Impact Report
The Featherstone School Sports Partnership would like to highlight the outstanding work that has been achieved by working in partnership for the 2016-17 academic year. This report has been written by you PE Mentor and gives you an overview of what has been offered in conjunction with the service level agreement.
Government guidelines for allocation of Sport Premium Spend in 2016/17 are broken into five areas:
-Healthy active lifestyles
-Using PE as a tool for whole school improvement
-Professional learning of all staff.
-A broad offer to all pupils
-Competition for all
Featherstone School Sports Partnership ensures that the support we provide to schools compliments the ambitions for the Sport Premium funding. Within the full year report schools we will be providing schools with:
-An overview of the support your PE Mentor has provided within your school and the ambitions for the summer term.
-List of competitions which have taken place this year so far and your school’s attendance.
-List of Professional Development opportunities and your school’s attendance.
-Focus areas for school to ensure they achieve accreditations which highlight the Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity offer within your school.
As part of the requirement of the Sport Premium funding schools must place on their school website an outline of the impact the funding has had within their school. Please feel free to use this document as part of your evidence.
Thank you for your on-going support and we look forward to working with you in the Autumn term.
Stuart Weston
Partnership Development Manager
Featherstone School Sports Partnership
PE Mentor Support
Priority 1: Building Partnerships / Priority 2: Quality of Teaching / Priority3:PE CPD / Mentoring hours 2016/17
Achievements 16/17 / Support has been given school staff to run sports clubs within the school and compete in football league for children to have more opportunity to compete. / Two teachers have received a Term block of support to help improve confidence in teaching and assessing PE. / Whole school INSET delivered on developing active Literacy and Numeracy lessons. / 28 hours
Children have accessed level 2 competitions in football making links with London Tigers and London Bronchos. / Worked alongside one additional KS1 teacher on 1:1 mentoring of Real PE.
Evidence : Teacher feedback forms highlighted increase in confidence in teaching PE / PE lead teacher has attended external Dance CPD session and attended Youth Sport Trust training focussing on the impact of physical activity on whole school development.
Sports Days run for both nursery classes Reception and Key Stage 1 and 2.
Evidence: quote from staff –‘ best sports day we have had in years’ / Year6 Sports Leaders have been trained in multi skills activities to lead Change4Life activities.
London Broncos RFL have lead Chnage4Life Clubs for YR3&4
Evidence : 15 pupils took part on a weekly basis
Level 2 Competition Attendance: September – July
Half Term 1 CompetitionsHigh 5 Netball / Football / Cross Country / Tag Rugby
1 team
Half Term 2 Competitions
High 5 Netball / Football / Girls Football / Sportshall Athletics
1 team / 1 team
Half Term 3 and 4 Competitions
Boccia / Kurling / Handball / Quicksticks
1 team / 1 team
B Team Football / 3v3 Basketball
1 Teams / 1 Team
Half Term 5 Competitions
Quad Kids Athletics / Girls Cricket / Tri Golf
Half Term 6 Competitions
Mini Tennis Red / Mini Tennis Orange / Best team Cricket / Athletics
Key Achievements:
-7 competitions entered in 2016/17
-5 different sports
-Providing opportunities for approximately 55 pupils to take have a competitive opportunity.
CPD programme attendance September – July
Term 1 and 2 Professional Development coursesReal Gym KS2 / Real PE EYFS / KS1 refresher course / First Aid at Work / YST Active Numeracy / Inclusive PE / Imoves Dance
1 teacher
Term 3 Professional Development Courses
Real PE Introduction (3 days) / Create Development Family FUNS (2 days) / Real PE refresher (KS2) / Real Gym KS1/EYFS / YST Power of an Active School / Change 4 Life CPD
1 teacher / 1 teacher
School Games Mark 2016-17
2016 – 17 award achieved: Silver
Key Achievements:
-Provides all pupils with 2 hours of PE in the curriculum per week
-61% of young people engaged in extracurricular sporting activity.
-11 different level 1 sporting competitions provided on your school site.
-15% of pupils have had leadership opportunities through the School Games
Youth Sport Trust Quality Mark 2016-17
2016-17 award achieved: Bronze
Key Achievements:
-Expansion of the competitive opportunities for pupils in 2016-17
-CPD programme in place for classroom teachers to improve the standard of PE teaching across the whole school.
-Increased links with local providers to provide exit routes for pupils outside of the school environment.