Forthe people of Lixnaw, Irremore and Rathea –23rd june 2013
Tel. No’s Lixnaw Presbytery 0667132111 Fr. Hegarty’s Mobile No. 087 2589682
OFFERTORY COLLECTIONS: Lixnaw € 1100 Irremore € Rathea € 190
ALL DUTY TASKS TO BE DIRECTED TO FR.MARTIN HEGARTY: Please note that Fr. Martin Hegarty is on duty and covering the parish until further notice. All enquiries and duty tasks to be directed to him on the mobile (087) 2589682 or ring the Presbytery at (066) 7132111.
PADRE PIO NOVENA FINISHED ON TUE.NIGHT: A sincere thanks to the thousands of people who supported the prayer meetings since last Sept. Thanks to the Padre Pio Liturgy group who guided the meetings. Finally thanks to JJ Walsh who afforded parking facilities for the pilgrims.
DIOCESAN COLLECTION – Weekend 6/7th July for the Sick & Retired Priests. Please use envelopes (white with green band) from your box for this collection. Thanks.
GRAVEYARD MASSES: Kilsinan – 12th Jul 8pm. Kilfeighney 2nd August at 8pm. Kiltomey 5th Aug. 8pm
NEW READERS ROTA FOR IRREMORE please take copy from table next to Baptisimal Font.
USED CLOTHING COLLECTION brought in a whopping € 1,560. A million thanks to everybody who supplied clothes etc and to Margaret Griffin and Anne Kelliher who supervised operations. Monies go to Parish Debt MARKS GOSPEL: A dramatisation of the life of Christ will continue at the Presentation Hall Lixnaw on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8pm .. Entry fee € 10
V DE P COLLECTION taken up at all masses next weekend 29th/30th. 2. Chiropodist in the Day Care Centre on Wed. 26th June from 9.30 – 12.30. 3. Monthly meeting Day Care Centre Thu. 4th July at 8pm.
ICE CREAM SUNDAY takes place after all masses this weekend in aid of Down Syndrome. Please support BEST OF LUCK TOLinda Mc Carthy and Michael Clifford of Baile an Gharrai who were married in Lixnaw on Friday. BENEFIT BINGOThe Stack Family are holding a Benefit Bingo in Memory of Estie Stack Ahabeg Lixnaw formely of Fortwilliam Abbeydorney, all money raised on night goes to Killahan School and Tir Na Nog Autism Unit. Bingo held in Ardfert Community Centre on Thursday 27th June at 8 o clock Mini Sheet Payout Line €20 House €40 Jackpot Sheet line €50 Full House €150 everyone welcomecalling all Past-Pupils and Families of Present pupils to support, and all friends and family of Estie Stacks to attend on night
LIXNAW COMMUNITY GAMES Congrats to Mikey Kelliher, Banemore won Silver CU12 Long Puck
QUILTERS BAR LIXNAW Sat 29th June meet the hurlers, Sonny Egan & Friends. Sun. Lixnaw Horse Fair, Terrier Racing etc. Banjo & friends music.
ST SENANS LOTTO JACKPOT OF € 4,200–No’s 2, 8, 29, 32 € 30;; Mary McElligott, Glenoe; Hilda Doody, Tullig; € 20 Aiden Walsh, c/o Paul Walsh,; Pat Kennedy, Ballylongford; Bottle of whiskey Mary Greaney Toornageehy Next weeks jackpot€4300
LIXNAW HURLING CLUB LOTTO REACHES € 7100: Nos drawn, ,9. 16, 20, 23 €25winners;,Tom Joy, Mountcoal, Tralee; Eileen Twomey, Ballinageragh; Mossie Walsh, Guhard, Lisselton; Rachel McKenna, Six Crosses, Listowel ;;;, 5 free ticketswinners,Jennifer Conway, Clogher, Lixnaw; Catherine Rahilly convent view ; Next draw The Railway Bar Mon . Jackpot € 7200
OUR 3RD USED CLOTHING COLLECTION WILL BE COMING UP SHORTLY: Do you want to clear out your wardrobe for the summer after communion and confirmation?. Please leave in your unwanted stuff in a plastic bag to the Parish House..
MARKS GOSPEL: A dramatisation of the life of Christ will continue at the Nuns Hall on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8pm . The presentation is directed by Padraig Dennehy with Jer O’Sullivan on lights. The message is portrayed by Mike Mahony. Mike is a professional actor and does a marvellous job on portraying the life of Christ. It is a riveting experience. Please don’t miss out on this great experience in our parish.
COURSE IN PASTORAL MINISTRY accredited by the Diocese of Kerry to commence 30/9/13. 10 nights Autumn 2013 and 10 nights Spring 2014 Wednesdays Ardfert Retreat Centre Cost € 200 Info Frances Rowland (064) 6630538 email