Human Resources Department
Date: 07/05/16 / Third Party Administrator for Worker’s Compensation Claims
ADDENDUM No. 1 (page 1 of 2)
Question 1: Will the City provide a copy of the current AmTrust contract?
Answer 1: Yes, Attachment 1 to Addendum No. 1 is a copy of the executed contract between the City of Jacksonville Beach and AmTrust, effective date 10/01/2005, Amendment 1 signed and executed 07/26/2007, and Amendment 4 signed and executed 09/30/15.
Question 2: Have there been any issues with the current TPA agreement?
Answer 2: No, there have not been any issues with the current TPA agreement.
Question 3: Will the City provide five years of loss data in Excel format?
Answer 3: Attachment 2 to Addendum No. 1 is the Monthly Workers’ Comp Report for 2012, 2013, and 2014. Page 27 in Section C: Technical Specifications is the Monthly Workers’ Comp Report for 2014, 2015 and 2016.
Question 4: In Section D: Evaluation and Award Procedures, Item 2, Part A – Evaluation Process, Qualifications and Experience of Firm, page 30, the RFP referenced the following:
Is your firm able to fulfill the “Administrative Services/Responsibilities” delineated in Section 3.1. Indicate “yes” or “no” for each statement and explain your answers.
Is Section 3.1 actually referring to Section C: Specifications?
Answer 4: The reference to Section 3.1 on page 30 is a typo. The correct reference is Section C: Specifications, Items 4 – 6, on pages 23 – 25.
Question 5: You have indicated that 40 claims are reported each year. Can you give us the breakdown – medical and lost time?
Answer 5: The dashboard summary in Section C: Specifications, page 27, as well as Attachment 3 to Addendum No. 1, Open Claims Loss Run Summary as of 05/31/2016, provides this information.
Question 6: Do you report any “incident only – no medical treatment” claims?
Answer 6: Yes, we do “report only (R/O)” claims.
Question 7: What is your first year of self-insurance? What year do claims go back to for the data conversion?
Answer 7: The City has been self-insured up to $150,000 prior to 2000. The Florida League of Cities provides insurance for claims over $150,000.
ADDENDUM No. 1 (page 2 of 2)
Question 8: Of the eighteen (18) pending claims, can you relate the accident year?
Answer 8: The breakdown of the eighteen (18) open claims is in Attachment 3 to Addendum No. 1, Open Claims Loss Run Summary, as of 05/31/2016.
Question 9: Does the City have a formal Managed Care Program or has the City opted out?
Answer 9: Yes, we have a Managed Care Program.
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