CAUFIELD, Catherine
Dr. Catherine Caufield, RN BScN MA PhD
Associate Director
The Chester Ronning Centre for the Study of Religion and Public Life
Editor, Religious Studies and Theology
Ronning House
Augustana Campus of the University of Alberta
4606 – 49 Avenue
Camrose, Alberta
T4V 2R3
Key interests______
My key interests across teaching, research and service revolve around engaging globalized mobility through exploring responses to cultural diversity in Canada, including pluralism and multiculturalism. Central to my work is a concern for not reducing complexity in the study of multinational religions in public universities, applying historical-critical methods, analyzing religious perspectives and their place in civil spaces, teaching and learning to nuance thinking about current events and trends, and making use of dialogue based in theoretical understandings that are grounded in the hermeneutic tradition of Hans-Gerog Gadamer and Paul Ricoeur. Combining my education and experience in Nursing and in Religious Studies, I am particularly interested in evidence-based healing and reconciliation in the Canadian context.
1996-2000 Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies)
University of Toronto, Toronto
Hermeneutics of Written Texts: Religious Discourse in Mexican Literature Supervisor: Dr. Mario J. Valdés
o Ontario Graduate Scholarship: 1999-2000
o University of Toronto Doctoral Fellowship: 1998-1999
o University of Toronto Open Fellowship: 1996-1998
1992-1994 Master of Arts (Religion and Culture), with distinction
Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo
The Role of the Divine in the Practice of Traditional Indigenous Guatemalan Midwives of San Pedro la Laguna, Guatemala
Supervisor: Dr. Gail Grant
o Wilfrid Laurier Research Award: 1994
o Wilfrid Laurier Open Scholarship: 1993-1994
1986-1989 Bachelor of Science (Nursing), with distinction
University of Ottawa, Ottawa
English, French, Spanish: fluent oral and written
Biblical Hebrew: some reading
Awards and Fellowships______
2015-present Scholar
Integrative Health Institute
Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta
2015-present Visiting Academic Fellow
Institute for Christian Studies and Society
Concordia University, Edmonton
2015-present International Research Fellow
Chester Ronning Centre for the Study of Religion and Public Life
Augustana Campus in the University of Alberta, Edmonton
2014-2016 Research Affiliate
Immigration Research West
University of Manitoba
2014 Long-Service Award
College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CARNA)
2014 Research Associate
Department for the Study of Religion
University of Toronto
2011-2015 Research Associate
Chester Ronning Centre for the Study of Religion and Public Life
Augustana Campus in the University of Alberta, Edmonton
2010-present ArtsHumanities in HealthMedicine(AHHM)Directory
Faculty of Medicine
University of Alberta, Edmonton
2009-2013 Research Affiliate
Women's Studies Program
University of Alberta, Edmonton
2003-2007 Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
Mu Sigma Chapter No. 304
University of Alberta, Edmonton
2000-2001 Post-Doctoral Fellowship
University of Toronto, Toronto
1999-2000 Junior Fellow
1997-1998 Massey College, Toronto
1998-1999 Foreign Government Award
Universidad Nacional Autónomo de México
Distrito Federal, México
1997 Latin American Liberation Theology
Instituto Bartolomé de las Casas, Lima, Perú
University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto
Career Track______
2015-present Associate Director
Chester Ronning Centre for the Study of Religion and Public Life
Augustana Campus in the University of Alberta, Edmonton
2015-present Consultant, Muslim perspectives within Healthcare in Alberta
Centre for Health and Culture
Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta
2014-present Project Coordinator, Senior Fellows Initiative
Chester Ronning Centre for the Study of Religion and Public Life
University of Alberta, Augustana Campus, Camrose
2014-present Copyeditor, Equinox Publishers
London, England
2014-2015 Contract Lecturer, Religious Studies
University of Alberta, Augustana Campus, Camrose
2013-present Individualized Study Tutor
World Religions and Advanced Studies in Hebrew Bible
Athabasca University, Edmonton
2007-2013 Assistant Professor
Office of Interdisciplinary Studies
Program in Religious Studies
Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
Program in Spanish and Latin American Studies
University of Alberta, Edmonton
2003-2007 Assistant Professor
Faculty of Nursing
University of Alberta, Edmonton
2002-2003 Project Coordinator
International Research Capacity-Building Program for Nurses to Study the Drug Phenomenon in the Americas
Faculty of Nursing
University of Alberta, Edmonton
1994-1996 Director of Education
Tillsonburg and District Memorial Hospital
Tillsonburg, Ontario
My research interests are focused on relationships between institutionalized religions and civic spaces in contemporary local and global sociopolitical contexts. I have a related interest in the expression of religion/spirituality in fictional literature, music, film and art. This substantive work is situated within theories of religion and theories of fictional literature, with particular attention to how hearing and understanding is developed within religious traditions and within overlapping religious and secular contexts. This work connects closely with healing/integraton/reconcilitation between people, peoples, and natural environments.
A Hermeneutical Approach to Religious Discourse in Mexican Narrative. American University Studies. Series VII. Theology and Religion. 225. New York: Peter Lang, 2003.
· Reviewed by: Reference and Research Book News 18.3 (2003); Hispanorama 103 (2004)
Shmiot Fugue: Neomysticism in Contemporary Jewish-Mexican Fiction
· Currently in peer review
Co-authored Books
Miyomahcihowin: Plains Cree and Oblate Stories of Trauma Recovery and Reconciliation
· Anticipated date for submission of outline and sample chapter: June 30, 2016
Book chapters – Peer Reviewed
Ogilvie, L., D. Fleming, A. Kirova, L. Ortiz, S. Rastin, C. Caufield, E. Burgess-Pinto, and M. Dastjerdi. “Matching Policies to Needs in Early Childhood Development Programs in Newcomer Populations.” Working with Immigrant and Refugee Families in Canadian Schools. Courtney Brewer and Mike McCabe, Eds. Edmonton: Brush, 2014. 65-88.
Articles – Peer reviewed
“Teaching Women in World Religions.” Teaching Theology and Religion. In press.
“Narratives of Jesus: Hermeneutics and the Co-creation of Meaning.” Bulletin for the Study of Religion. 44.3 (2015): 26-44.
“Exilio espiritual en Tierra adentro de Muñiz-Huberman.” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. 92.2 (2015): 185-197.
“Oblates and Nation-building in Alberta.” Religious Studies and Theology 32.2 (December 2013): 145-161.
“Clarice Lispector’s The Passion According to G.H.: Articulating an ontology, with recourse to Jewish paradigms.” Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 40.4 (2011): 497-510.
“Novelando y leyendo: Una aspiración al conocimiento lúcido.” Cuadernos Americanos 137.3 (Julio-Septiembre 2011): 31-46.
“The Moradas of Muniz Huberman, Seligson and Teresa of Avila: Exile as Spiritual Experience." Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 6.2 (2009): 1-13.
“El Popul Vuh de los Quiché-Maya.” Artifara. 9 (December 2009): WEB.
Ogilvie, L., E. Burgess-Pinto and C. Caufield. “Challenges and Approaches to Newcomer Health Research.” Journal of Transcultural Nursing 19.1 (2008): 64-73.
Musayón, Y. and C. Caufield. “Violence and Drug Use in Women Workers in a Peruvian Barrio.” International Nursing Review 54.4 (December 2007): 339-345.
Black, K. and C. Caufield. “Approach to Standardization of Telephone Triage in Pediatric Oncology.” Journal of Pediatric Oncology 24.4 (2007): 190-199.
Caufield, C., J. Gilbert, V. Radünz, and J. Olson. “Nurses and Multicentric Research on the Drug Phenomenon in the Americas: Benefits and Challenges.” Texto y Contexto Enfermagem 15.4 (Oct.-Dec. 2006): 685-688.
“Challenges for a North American Doing Research with Traditional Indigenous Guatemalan Midwives.“ International Journal of Qualitative Methods 5.4 (December 21, 2006). WEB.
“Health of Immigrant Hispanic Families: Narrative and Phenomenological Hermeneutics.” Nurse Researcher. 13.3 (2006): 22-31.
Alonso Castillo, M. M., C. Caufield, and M. V. Gómez Meza. “Consumo de Drogas y Violencia Laboral en Mujeres Trabajadoras de Monterrey, N.L. México.” Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 13 (November-December 2005): 1155-1163.
Wright Miotto, M. G., C. Caufield, G. Gray, J. Olson, M. M. Alonso Castillo, M. C. Bernal Roldan, S. A. Frari Galera, A. C. Ludueña, F. Y. Musayón Oblitas, S. Pillon, H. M. Scherlowski David. “International Nursing Scholarly Leadership on the Field of Demand Reduction: The Case Study of Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) and University of Alberta—Faculty of Nursing Partnership Experience.” Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 13 (November-December 2005): 1102-1117.
Wright Miotto, M. G., C. Caufield, G. Gray, J. Olson. “International Research Capacity-Building Programs for Nurses to Study the Drug Phenomenon in Latin America: Challenges and Perspectives.” Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 13 (November-December 2005): 1095-1101.
Musayón Oblitas, F. Y. and C. Caufield. “Consumo de Drogas y Violencia en el Trabajo Feminino Zapallal-Lima/Perú.” Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 13 (November-December 2005): 1185-1193.
Schlerowski Leal David, H. and C. Caufield. “Mudando o foco: um estudo exploratório sobre uso de drogas e violência no trabalho entre mulheres das classes populares da cidade do Rio de Janeiro.” Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 13 (November-December 2005): 1148-1154.
“El papel del discurso religioso en Oficio de tinieblas de Rosario Castellanos.” Carmen Ruiz Barrionuevo, Francisca Noguerol Jiménez, María Ángeles Pérez López, Eva Guerrero Guerrero, Ángela Romero Pérez, eds. La literatura iberoamericana en el 2000. Balances, perspectivas y prospectivas. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. 1759-1764.
“The influence of liberation theology and the Lucan hypertext on the fate of Jesucristo Gómez in Vicente Leñero’s El evangelio de Lucas Gavilán.” Hispanic Journal 21.2 (Fall 2000): 527-548.
“God and Satan: The Ephemeral Other and the Self-consciousness of Jesus Palancares in Hasta no verte Jesús mío.” Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos XXIV.2 (Winter 2000): 275-294.
“Partners in Health: A Case Study of a Comprehensive Disability Management Program.” Healthcare Management Forum 9.2 (1996): 36-43.
Articles – Invited
“International Fellows Now a Reality.” Chester Ronning Centre for the Study of Religion and Public Life. Newsletter 10.2 (Fall 2015): 9-13.
Caufield, C. and Nicholas Wickenden. “Ronning Centre Press Room Offers Ready Access to CRC Resources.” Chester Ronning Centre for the Study of Religion and Public Life. Newsletter 10.2 (Fall 2015): 14.
“Bibliography of Works by Ibrahim Abu-Rabi‘.”Religious Studies and Theology. 32.2 (December 2013): 123-130.
“Reflection and Action in the Valley of Mexico.” Inside Faith Series. Edmonton Journal. B.6. Saturday, January 24, 2004.
“Religious Studies . . . and . . . Theology.” Religious Studies and Theology. 34.1 (June 2015): 1-4.
Book reviews
Apostles of Reason: The Crisis of Authority in American Evangelism, by Molly Worthen. Religious Studies and Theology. 32.2 (December 2013): 260-261.
Homosexuality and Following Jesus, by Paul Flaman. Religious Studies and Theology. 31.1 (June 2012): 202-203.
Revise and resubmit
“Feminist Methodologies: Theorizing the Intersection Between Theological Studies and the Academic Study of Religion.” Journal for the Academic Study of Religion. Revise and re-submit. July 29, 2015.
“Metaphoric Narration in Vision 1 of Hadewijch of Brabant.” Religions. Revise and re-submit. June 15, 2015.
Articles – currently in peer-review
“Inculturation: Mapping a Path of Struggle to Inclusivity and Diversity.” Canadian Journal for Scholarship and the Christian Faith. Submitted: November 1, 2015. In review November 2, 2015.
“Angelina Muñiz-Huberman’s Castillos en la tierra: Narration of Spiritual Exile.” Religion & Literature. Submitted: October 24, 2015.
“Emancipatory Possibilities beyond Kyriarchy: A Mexican Woman's Story.” Fieldwork in Religion. Submitted July 10, 2015. In review August 4, 2015.
Public Lectures
September 22, 2015. “Theology of Inculturation of the Faith and its relationship to the Oblate-Aboriginal Encounter in Alberta.” Inaugual lecture. Concordia Institute for Christian Studies and Society. Concordia University of Edmonton.
Presentation – Peer-reviewed
March 4, 2016. "Religious Diversity in the Rural Community of Camrose, Alberta." Getting Results: Migration, Opportunities and Good Governance. National Metropolis Conference. Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto.
June 2, 2013. “Inculturation: Mapping A Path of Struggle to Inclusivity and Diversity.” Annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Religion at the Congress of the Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Victoria, Victoria.
May 3, 2013. “Scientific Enquiry into the Spiritual Dimension of Healing: Contemporary Catholic approaches.” The Social Sciences and the Christian Faith. Canadian Centre for Scholarship and the Christian Faith. Concordia University College, Edmonton.
October 27, 2012. “Narratives of Jesus: Hermeneutics and the Co-creation of Meaning.” Modernity, Ideology, and the Novel. Simon Fraser University's Harbour Centre, Vancouver.
May 29, 2012. “Religious Tradition on the Prairies: Trauma and Healing.” Annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Religion at the Congress of the Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo.
February 21, 2012. “Metaphoric Narration in the Work of Angelina Muñiz-Huberman.” International Conference on Religion and Spirituality in Society. University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
July 27, 2011. “Sabina Berman’s Bubbeh: Narrative techniques for Representing the Body-Self-World.” International Human Science Research Conference. St. Catherine’s College, Oxford.
May 29, 2011. “Contemporary Jewish Writers in Mexico: Angelina Muñiz-Huberman and Sabina Berman.” Canadian Society for Jewish Studies at the Congress of the Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences. University of New Brunswick and St. Thomas University, Fredericton (did not attend due to lack of funding).
August 16, 2010.”Canadian Religion in a Global Context.” International Association for the History of Religions. University of Toronto, Toronto (did not attend due to institutional budget restraints).
May 30, 2010. “Expressions of Jewish Religiosity in Clarice Lispector's The Passion According to G.H.” Annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Religion at the Congress of the Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Concordia University, Montreal (did not attend due to lack of funding).
May 24, 2009. "The Moradas of Muñiz-Huberman, Seligson and Teresa of Avila and the Problem of Representation." Annual meeting of the Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas at the Congress of the Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Ottawa, Ottawa.
May 25, 2007. “Spiritual Practices and Pediatric Nursing Care.” Exploring Spirituality and Health: Our Search for Meaning. Capital Health, Glenrose Hospital, Edmonton.
June 1, 2008. "Spirit in the literary imagination of Angelina Muñiz-Huberman." Annual meeting of the Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas at the Congress of the Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences. University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
October 13, 2006. “Health Care Technician or Health Care Professional: Feminist-informed Liberal Arts in Nursing Education.” Not Drowning But Waving: Women, Feminism, and the Liberal Arts. Women’s Studies Program. University of Alberta, Edmonton.
May 13, 2004. “The Book of Lamentations: Religious discourse and women’s identity.” Women and Religion Series. Program for the Study of Women Writing and Reading. CRC Centre for Computing in the Humanities. University of Alberta, Edmonton.