1. Introduction
1.1 The CHAMAN procedure, by which the designated CHAMAN at an aerodrome swaps flights on the RCA terminal, has been in place for Frankfurt, Vienna and Zurich aerodromes since the winter of 2002/2003.
1.2 Following the experience acquired during this period, it was observed that the expected results in handling chaotic situations, particularly during de-icing in Zurich in January/February 2004, were not met in full.
1.3 Following the de-icing situation at Zurich of the 27 January 2004, Zurich FMP formally requested a change to the current procedure.
1.4 FMD has investigated the possible causes of the problems encountered during CHAMAN Operations, and a decision has been made to modify the procedures during chaotic situations at aerodromes, particularly in the event of de-icing conditions, whilst retaining the ‘CHAMAN’ functionality in ETFMS for other uses.
2. Observations
2.1 From the investigations carried out, the following observations can be drawn:
a) The CHAMAN procedure is used only rarely, and so there is no continuous practice by the aerodrome ‘CHAMAN’ of its functionality
b) FMP reported an inability to plan with enough time in advance, the swapping of flights which are ready to depart with those that are not - resulting in flights becoming activated in ETFMS and so impossible to swap
c) Internal communications at the aerodrome did not function as expected and there was no correlation in the order between the flights being de-iced and the slot list in the CHAMAN regulation
d) Flight Activation Monitoring at the departure aerodrome added another complication to the already chaotic situation
2.2 From the comments sent to FMD by Zurich FMP, it resulted that between 0600 and 1400 UTC on 27 January 2004, when de-icing was in force, 159 flights departed from Zurich, of which 22 were with slots (14%).
3. New CHAMAN Procedure - Details
3.1 FMD has decided to modify the procedure during chaotic situations at aerodromes, in particular when de-icing is in force.
3.2 The principle of ‘CHAMAN’, i.e. swapping of flights which are ready with those which are not, will still remain, but this process will be managed by FMD. This will be used as a last resort, when all other methods have been exhausted without success.
3.3 This procedure will apply to all aerodromes where the use of CHAMAN has been approved.
3.4 FMP
3.4.1 Whenever de-icing conditions exist at an aerodrome, the relevant FMP shall ask FMD to use all possible measures to solve the de-icing and sequencing problems associated with such conditions - i.e. taxi-time increase, slot extension request for regulated flights, etc. The FMP shall instruct the relevant aerodrome to respect the CTOTs of regulated flights
3.4.2 When all possible measures to solve de-icing and sequencing problems have proved unsuccessful, the relevant FMP, having co-ordinated with the appropriate unit at the aerodrome, informs FMD and requests a ‘CHAMAN’ departure regulation to be put in place. No access shall be given to the ‘CHAMAN’ position at the aerodrome to swap flights in this regulation.
3.4.3 The ‘CHAMAN’ regulation will cover the de-icing period and the FMP will coordinate with FMD the rates to be used, including, possibly, an initial period of 40 minutes with rate ‘0’.
3.4.4 The FMP shall monitor carefully the list and shall receive information from FMD relating to ‘sensitive’ slotted flights that must respect the CTOTs in the regulation. The CTOTs of these flights shall be strictly adhered to.
Note: Sensitive flights refer to flights that are affected by other heavy regulations (e.g. destination low-rate regulation).
3.4.5 Flights, other than these ‘sensitive’ flights can be swapped/forced by FMD following the request by FMP. The FMP will provide FMD, as early as possible, with a list of the next 5/6 flights that are being de-iced and will be ready for departure, specifying the expected departure time. FMD will then move these flights in the slot list of the ‘CHAMAN’ regulation. Updates to these times shall be passed on to FMD as soon as possible.
3.4.6 The FMP shall inform FMD when there is no more need for a ‘CHAMAN’ regulation. The regulation can be terminated or, if necessary, be extended with a higher agreed rate, as appropriate
3.5 FMD
3.5.1 Whenever the relevant FMP informs FMD that de-icing conditions exist at an aerodrome, FMD shall assist by applying all possible measures to solve the de-icing and sequencing problems (e.g. taxi-time increase, slot extension request for regulated flights, etc,) after co-ordination with the FMP.
3.5.2 When all possible measures to solve de-icing and sequencing problems have been found to be unsuccessful and a request arrives from the relevant FMP for a ‘CHAMAN’ regulation (e.g. for de-icing), the FMD Supervisor shall instruct the relevant CASA position (or alternatively the TNC or a dedicated position depending on the workload circumstances) to create a ‘CHAMAN’ regulation with the rates coordinated with the FMP, possibly including an initial period of 40 minutes with rate ‘0’.
3.5.3 The FMD-CHAMAN shall identify those flights (sensitive) which are affected by other ‘heavy’ regulations and shall transmit a list of these flights to the FMP as soon as possible, specifying clearly that these flights will NOT be swapped and will adhere to their CTOTs.
3.5.4 If applicable, the FMD-CHAMAN shall open the flight list of the regulation and ‘undo’ Flight Activation Monitoring for all the departing flights within the agreed CHAMAN period, with the exception of the ‘sensitive’ flights. This process has to be repeated at 20-minute intervals, as only flights that are already TACT-activated can have FAM undone.
3.5.5 The FMD-CHAMAN shall receive from the FMP a list of ‘non-sensitive’ flights with their expected departure times. These flights will be forced/swapped in the ‘CHAMAN’ regulation to their expected departure times.
3.5.6 The FMD-CHAMAN shall terminate the CHAMAN regulation when asked to do so by the relevant FMP, or if necessary extend it as a ‘normal’ departure regulation with a higher agreed rate, as appropriate.
3.5.7 During a CHAMAN scenario, the FMD-CHAMAN shall monitor continuously the situation, taking in consideration the impact of the swapped flights in other regulations/sectors. The FMD-CHAMAN shall work closely with the TNC.