Meeting Record
1.30pm – 3.30pm
•Shane McLennan, Representative, Aboriginal health
•Nerissa Fry, proxy forLiz Brooks,Representative, Department of Health and Human Services (regional office)
•Kerrie Thomsen, Representative, Higher education providers (Chair)
•Lesley McKarney, Representative, Higher education providers (Deputy Chair)
•Angela Cahill, Representative, Private health
•Angela Crombie, proxy for Robyn Lindsay, Representative, Public health
•Mark Savage, Representative, Public health
•Karen Laing, Representative, Public health
•Simone Heald, Representative, Public health
•Penny Wilkinson, Representative, Victorian Medicare Locals
•Jasmine Vendargon, Representative, Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers
•Maureen Dillon, Secretariat, Loddon Mallee CTN Coordinator, Department of Health and Human Services
•Karen Andrews, Minute Secretary, Information Support Officer, Department of Health and Human Services
•Linda Henderson, Representative, Community health
•Merrilyn Bergbauer, Representative, Mental health
•Liz Simpkin, proxy forColleen Worbs, Representative, Aged care
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- Apologies
- Declaration of conflict of interest
- Listed above.
- No conflicts of interest were declared.
- Nil
- Business arising from previous meeting
- There was no business arising.
- Nil
- Sector Representative Reports
- Victorian Medicare Locals representative updated the committee on the transition to Murray Primary Health Network.
- Public health representative reported that the Small Rural Health DONs group has noted a high rate of failure to attend clinical placement in more remote locations often at late notice, ahigh level of cancellations (over 75% cancellations reported at CPPs) and thenegative impact of this on recruitment of Graduate Nurses.
- Aboriginal health representative reported on the current restructure within the sector due to a decrease in staffing.
- Private health representative reported onthe inclusion of a private health facility in the Simulation Patient Safety Research Project.
- VET Sector representative reported on the success of the CPP2015 planning meeting.
- For information
- Victorian Clinical Training Council (including reporting entities) update
- 20 March 2015 meeting update
- 19 June 2015 meeting agenda items
- State-wide Advisory Groups update:
- Advisory Group on Standardised Student Induction (AGSSI)
- Relationship Agreement Advisory Group (RAAG)
- Clinical Training Symposium for former Clinical Supervision, Simulation and Expanded Settings Expert Advisory Groups
- The chair provided an update on the 20 March VCTC meeting.
- Chair advised members of the agenda items. Main item for discussion, the revised fee schedule.
Clinical Training Symposium
All members of the former Clinical Supervision, Simulation and Expanded Settings Expert Advisory Groups were invited to a symposium on 12 May at the department, where a facilitated discussion on the best structure for advisory group consultation and advice was conducted. The recommendationwas that there would be one advisory group to provide advice to the department, where sought, on innovation and quality in clinical education/training.
The department will:
- consider membership of a single Advisory Group
- communicate with former EAG members regarding the work program
- aim to establish a new advisory group, with an initial meeting in late July.
- Meeting record available at
- Committee Members to complete and returncompleted form to the Loddon Mallee CTN coordinator by Friday 12 June
- Department of Health and Human Services programs update
- Networks & Governance – Clinical Placement Planning 2015
- Clinical Training Programs (Expanded Settings, Simulation and Clinical Supervision)
- Data, Quality and Funding – Best Practice Clinical Learning Environment (BPCLE) Framework
- The meetings have been conducted and Phase 2: Preparing for planning in viCPlace will commence on 22 June. viCPlace training and support is available for new and existing users via the CTN staff.
- As discussed atitem 4
- BPCLE is a world first and has been implemented for the past year.The survey results are positive and there will be an update at the next VCTC meeting on 19 June 2015.Ongoing data collection and the survey will inform ongoing developments.
- For information
- Simulation Based Education and Training Project
- Simulation Technician workshop is being held in the Loddon Mallee on 11 June 2015.
- For information
- Implementation Planfor Workforce Development - Initial Consultation: Key Questions
- As per the VCTC Agenda item 6 supplied with the meeting papers, the department is developing an implementation plan for workforce development to guide the work for the next 4 years.
- The Committee discussed the VCTC agenda item 6 and noted the following feedback:
- Structure meetings between EP & CPP twice a year to discuss and address relevant issues.
- Online resources could be an attractive resource for students to complete prior to placement / or whilst on placement. An opportunity exists for the development of online resources which arereadily available to students, educators and academics.
- The inclusion of ‘additional disciplines’ into health workforce. .e.g. Welfare, alcohol & other drugs, HSAs.
- The expansion of simulation & assistant roles.
- Explore alternative Clinical Placement models.
- Sharing change management models, resources and experiences.
- DHHS funds a forum in each CTN to discuss all of the above questions
- Committee Members to provide feedback to Loddon Mallee CTN Coordinator by Friday 12 June
- Other Business
- Loddon Mallee CTN Committee Terms of Reference 2015
- The Loddon Mallee CTN Committee TOR were provided and are for noting.
- Members to note the TOR
Next meeting 9September 2015
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