30th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 25 - 10 - 2015
DEATHS: Ned Sheehan
ANNIVERSARIES: Margaret Casey, Jack Casey
Sat. 8.00pm. Margaret & Jack Casey & dec of Family, Castleshannon
Sun. 10.00am. Michael Monson - Month's Mind
Tues 7.00pm. Mass - Holy Hour - Vocal - Confessions
Wed. 6.00pm. Mass
Thurs. 6.00pm. Mass
Fri. 7.30pm. Ann McCarthy - Month's Mind
Sat. 7.30pm. Matt Ashe
Sun. 10.00am. Noreen Barrett-Proske - Month's Mind
READERS: Sat. 7.30pm. Beatrice O'Driscoll Sun. 10.00am. Mary Griffin
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - Thursday - 4.30 - 6.00pm.
HOLY HOUR: Every Tuesday during October - Causeway Church 7.00 - 8.00pm..
PARISH OFFICE: Tuesday - Friday 10.30am. - 1.00pm. 066 7148404.
WELCOME TO GOD'S FAMILY: Baby Luke Brendan Stokes.
SPECIAL MASS for all the dead on Thursday, 5th November - 7.00pm. Eucharistic Adoration will be until 9.00pm. Those who died in the past year will be especially remembered at this Mass with a candle lit for each of them. An Altar of Remembrance will be in the Church by next weekend if you wish to put a photograph of your loved one on it.
NOVEMBER PLEDGE: Be alcohol free for the month of November for the benefit of the Holy Souls and to help an addicted friend. Join online at or phone 018749464 for certificate and emblem.
FEAST OF ST. JUDE - Wednesday, 28th October
EVENING OF PRAYER - CAUSEWAY: Please reserve Tuesday, 18th Nov. for the Annual Evening of Prayer for Causeway Parish at the Ardfert Retreat Centre.
SCOIL CHRIOST RHI DRUMNACURRA - CLOTHES COLLECTION: Please donate all unwanted clothes/Mobile phones to the school on or before Tuesday, 3rd November.
CAUSEWAY HERITAGE & HISTORICAL SOCIETY wish to thank all who supported their Table Quiz including those who donated spot prizes. Your support is appreciated.
KILLURY N.S. are holding a clothing and mobile phone collection on Thursday, 13th Nov. to raise funds for the school. Bags of clothes/Mobile phones can be dropped to the school on the day before or on the morning of the collection. All contributions will be greatly appreciated.
CLOCKS go back this weekend. From next Saturday, the Saturday vigil mass will be at 7.30pm. in Causeway & 6.30pm. in Ballyduff.
CAUSEWAY COMHALTAS: AGM held on 13th October 2015. All Officers re-elected with just one change. Bryan Murphy is now the Vice Chairperson.
LATIN MASS - Dominican Church, Tralee - Sun. 1st Nov. - 1.30pm.
DEATHS: Mary McCarthy (nee Dowling), Nottingham & Leigh,
ANNIVERSARIES: Joan O'Connor, Rory O'Connor, Glennon Flavin, Peggy Treacy, Mary McCarthy, Eddie Joe Walsh, Tom Browne, Kit Browne, Noel Browne, Betty Browne, Joan Browne
Sat. 7.00pm Joan & Rory O'Connor, Glennon Flavin, Peggy Treacy,
Mary McCarthy
Sun. 11.00am. Eddie Joe Walsh
Tues. 10.00am. Mass
Wed. 10.00am. Mass
Thurs.12 noon. Over 55's - Community Centre
Fri. 7.30pm. Tom, Kit, Noel, Betty & Joan Browne
Sat. 6.30pm. Dan O'Connor - Month's Mind
Sun. 11.00am. Joan, Anto, Charlie & Madge Rochford
READERS: Sat. 6.30pm. Sean Quinlan Sun. 11.00am. Bob Scott
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Every Thursday, 11.00am. - 1.00pm.
HOLY HOUR: Every Tues during October - Causeway Church - 7.00 - 8.00pm.
PARISH OFFICE Tuesday - Friday, 10.30am. - 1.00pm. 066 7148404.
CONGRATULATIONS to Brenda O'Brien & Brian Byrne on their marriage.
SPECIAL MASS for all the dead on Tues, 3rd November - 7.30pm. The Mass will incorporate the Holy Hour. Eucharistic Adoration until 9.00pm. Those who died in the past year will be especially remembered at this Mass with a candle lit for each of them. An Altar of Remembrance will be in the Church by next weekend if you wish to put a photograph of your loved one on it.
CLOCKS go back this weekend. From next Saturday, the vigil mass will be at 6.30pm. - Ballyduff - 6.30pm. & Causeway - 7.30pm.
ARDFERT RETREAT CENTRE: "The joy of being a good Parent" - Thursday, 29th Oct. 10.00am. - 12 noon. Bereavement Support Day - Sat. 7th Nov. 10.30am - 4.30pm. - 0667134276
WORKSHOPS - Exploring the issue of Immigration in St. John's, Tralee - Wed., 28th Oct. 8.00 - 9.30pm. Sr. Joan Roddy will address the workshop. Organised by the Diocese of Kerry Committee for Justice, Peace & Integrity of creation. All welcome to attend. No admission charge.
BUDS NEWS: On behalf of Buds & NEWKD, we are wish to invite representatives from Community & Volunteer Sectors and Community Services that play an important role in the Ballyduff Community to participate in a 1 day showcasing and Networking event which gives an opportunity to promote your group. The event will take place on 22nd Nov. Contact Shauna for further details.
LAST WORD: Fences need not be separating barriers. They can often be the meeting place where neighbours become friends!