
Henry laite Earle of Cumbreland His Lpp. Father of his Indenture dated the last of June in the 5th and 6th yeres of the Reynes of the lait Kinge phi (lip) and Quene Marie Did Demise unto John Atkinson of Burntwood one mess and laithe one garden one Crofte one oxgang of land and medow and Certen pcells of Demeanes there with thapptnnces lyinge unto the said mess by that name of on Tenement or farmhold with the apptnnce in Gigleswek then in the ten and occupacon of Rich Ratcliff of the Rent of 28s 8d To have and hold the pmisses to the said John and his assignes from the deathe or end of the naturall lief of the said Richerd Ratcliff or the the dermynacon of a warrant granted by the said Earle unto the said Rich Ratclif to the full end and terme of 21 years then next and imediatlie following Reserving therefore to the said Earle & his heirs the said Rent of 26s 8d to be paid at the feaste of penticost and St Martyn the Bisshop in the winter or within 10 daies followinge if it be lawfully Asked with a Coven
Richard Brashaw son of Robart brashaw haithe taken of the said Commissioners one mess one laythe one garden tow closes of medow called overbrigholme and netherbrigholme 6 acres of lande in the fields there with the apptnnces lyinge unto the said mess pcell of Demeanes lands there now in the tenure of the said Robarte of the Rent 21s 4d And 2 pcells of waiste laitlie improved at Stubynge and beggerswathe of the Rent of 1d. To Have and hold the said mess and pmisses with the appurtnnces unto the said Richerd for tearme of lief of the said Earle and the said Richerd and unto his wife after his deathe the therde pte of the said pmsses. During her pure and lawfull widowhood yelding And payinge for his fyne £15 Provided that he shall pmytt the said Robarte his father to occupie the pmisses During his lief and the wyef of the said Robart the therd pte thereof During her Lawfull widowhood

Thomas Brashawe son of John Brayshaw haithe taken of the said Commissioners one Cotaige one laithe one garden half one acre of of medow in Smytheyng with the apptnnce lying to the said Cotage of the rent of 3s And 1 little close of medowe at overbrigholme lait pcell of the tenure of Robart Brayshaw his brother of the rent of 20d now in the tenure of the said John To have and hold yelding And paying for his fyne £4 16s.

Provided that he shall pmytt the said John his father to occupie the pmsses During lief and the wief of the said John the therd pte thereof During her lawfull widowhood

Willm Browne son of James Browne Deceased haithe taken on mess one laithe one garden half an acre of arable land in the fields there neire to the bridge with the apptnnces of the Rent of 6s And half an acre & half one rood of land laytlie improved at Crossraynes of the rent of 16d lait in the holding of James his father. To have and hold Yelding And paying for his fyne 103s 3d

Hughe Claphamson haithe taken of the said Commissioners one mess or Inn called the signe of the Bell and all houses & Buildings with thappertnnces unto the said mess or Inn belonging unto the tenement of the said Hughe of the rent of 6s Also one howse covered with slate Laytlie erected and buylded neire unto the said mess on the northe pte of the heighe way leading from thence unto Settle & one garden lying there unto of the Rent of 8d And one close of medow and pasture by estymacon one Acre and a half acre at Broadehead of the Rent of 4d & one close of land and medow cont by estymacon one Acre and a half acre of a Rent of 12d at Springclose of the rent of 12d And half one acre of land improved beside feilds thereat rent 12d & half one oxgang of land and medow & certen pcells of demeane lands there with the apptnnce sometime pcell of one tenement in the tenure of Rawlyn Newhouse of the rent of 11s & lait demised for tearm of yeares unto Richerd foster deceassed & now in his Lordshipps hands to demise and let as forfayt Provided that he shall permit Jenet foster lait wiefe of the said Richerd To occupie the moytie of the said stone house and garden & close at broadhead & the one half of the said half oxgang & of the said pcell of demeane lands during her widowhood of the rent of 6s 2d And also shall pmytt margret foster lait wife of george foster During her widowhood & and after her widowhood Richerd her son During his lief to an ayge the 4th pte of the said half oxgang & pcells of demeane lands of 2s 9d And also shall pmytt the lait wiefe of Bernarde Browne to occupie the said close lying at Springclose aforesaid of the rent of 12d for and during the residue of the yeres yet to come of the said lease maid of the pmisses unto said Richerd foster and after during her lief natural

Hugh Stackhouse did hold by Indenture mayd the 8the day of Aprill 6th yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Ladye the Quene matie tha now is unto Robart Stackhouse his father one mess 1 laythe one Stable 2 gardens garden 2 little close of medow lying at Crossraynes & Suttergarthe half one Rode of land neire little wood with the apptnnces unto the said mess lying from the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed virgin mary next before the dait of the said Indenture for and during the tearme of 21 yeares then next folowing paying the yearlie Rent of 7s Which pmisses the said Hughe by his last will did bequeathe unto Issabel his wife during her widowhood And duringe the nonaige of suche Child as there then was & that is with all if it please god the same leive & so dyed. And for that the said wiefe is yet undelynered? the Demising of the pmisses at this tyme was respected Also the said Hughe did hold at will of the L(ord) Certen pcells of land laitlie improved at Croked raynes & hoo Ridding cont by estimacon half one acr

Thomas Payley son of Willm Paley of deceased haithe taken of the said Commissioners one Mess one laythe one garden one Oxgang and a half of land medow cont by estymacon 7 acres with the apptnnces lyinge unto the said pmsses of the rent of 10s And 2 pcells of land laitlie improved at lenardtwhat head & Brakenbarr by estimacon one Rode & the 4th part of one Rode of the Rent of 7d lait in the tenure of the said Willm his father. To have & hold Yelding And payinge for his fyne £6 15s

John Brayshaw second sone of Thomas Brayshas haithe taken of the said Commissioners one mess one Laythe one garden one oxgang & a half of land & medow cont by estimacon 7 Acres with the apptnnces Lyinge unto the said mess now in the tenure of the said Thomas his father of the Rent of 10s of the Surrendre of the said Thomas To Have and hold And payinge for his fyne £8 Provided that he shall pmytt the said Thomas his father to occupie the pmsses during his lief And the wife of the said Thomas the therd pte thereof During her pure & lawfull widowhood

Richard Brayshaw eldest son of Thomas Brayshaw haith taken Of the said Commissioners one mess one Laythe one garden one oxgang of land and medow and pasture with the apptnnce lying unto the said mess of the rent of 15s And certain pcells of land laitlie improved at pighill Dawday & Feildyeat &Brakenbarr Close of the rent of 2s2d now in The tenure of the said Thomas his Father. To have and hold Yelding And paying for his fyne £14 10s Provided that he shall pmytt the said Thomas his father to occupie the pmysses During his lief And the wiefe of the said Thomas the therd pte thereof Duringe her lawfull widowhood

Henry Thompson haith taken one messuage one laythe one garden one Crofte one oxgang of land and medow 7 certain pcells of Demesne lands cont by est 16 acres with the apptnnces lying unto the said mess of the rent of 20s 9d And certen pcells of land laitlie improved at raynes close & dawday of the rent of 10d now in the tenure of Wm Rome whose daughter the said Henry haithe maryed To Have and hold Yelding And paying for his fyne £20 Provided that the shall pmtt the said Wm Rome to occupie the pmsses during his lief And the wife of the said William the therd pte thereof during her lawfull widowhood

Thomas Foster sone of Wm Fosterhaithe taken of the said Commissioners Tow mess 2 laythes one garden one croft one oxgang of land and medow with the apptnnce And certen pcells of Demeane lands there cont by estimacon 12 acres with the apptncces unto the said mess Lyinge of the rent of 12shillings now in the several tenures of the said Wm his father & of one Wllm Lownd who haithe surrendered before the said Commissioners his pt and porcen thereof unto those of the said Thomas And also one pcell of land laitlie at Brakenbarr of the rent of 4d To have & yelding And paying for his fyne £16 13s 9d Provided that he shall pmytt and suffer the said Wm Lownd during his lief and after his deathe the wyef of the said Willm Lownd during her Widdowhood to occupie the one of the said mess and the moytie of the Resydew of the pmsses with the Appurtnnce which now are in the tenure of the said Willm Lownd And so the said Thomas is admitted

Georg Lawson haithe taken of the said Commisses one mess one laythe 2 gardens on Crofte tow oxgangs of land and medow the thapptnnce lying to the said mess now in the tenure of the said Georg of the Rent of 24s 8d And one pcell of land lait improved at Brownwaitacres of the Rent of 5d to have and hold And paying for his fyne £17 11s 2d

William Bankes sone of Thomas Bankeshath taken one mess one laythe one garden one oxgang of land and medow & certen pcells of demeane land there cont by est 16 acres lying unto the said mess with the apptnnces And ½ pte of one fulling mylne standinge upon Ribble of the Rent of 30s 6 ½ d And certen parcels of ground laitlie improved of the L(ords) waiste at Kirkacre mains & lenertwhat & Brakenbarr Close of the rent of 2s 5d now in the tenure of the said Thomas and Wm his grandfather. To have and hold Yelding And paying for his fyne £21 9sProvided that he shall pmytt the said Willm his grand father to occupie the moytie of the pmisses during his lief And the wife of the said Wm after his death the therd of the pmsses during her lawfull Wydowhood Md that said 2 pts of the fulling mylne above specified is demised afterwards to Thomas Brashaw sone of John and the said 2nd pte of the said myln & the Rent thereof is to be lefte one of warrant

Thomas Hynde haithe taken of the said Commissioners one Cotaige one laythe & one certen pcell of ground called the Cragg of the rent of 3s9d lait in the tenure of hughe Sailbanck of the surrender of the said hughe To have and hold yielding And paying for his fyne 52s 6d

Cristofer Cocket haithe taken one Cotaige one laithe one garden one Crofte Tow Closes at the Corner of the Springe of the Rent of 23d lait in the tenure of Richerd knowlles of the surrender of the said Rycherd To have & hold yelding And paying for his fyne 30s

Provided that he shall pmtt the lait wife of John Grave to occupy the moyty the pmisses during her lawfullWidowhood

Wyllm Craven haithe taken of the Commissioners on Cotaige one laithe one garden lyinge neire unto the Scolehouse there of the Rent of 3s1d now in the tenure of the said Wllm To have Yelding And Paying for his fyne 39s4d

Mychell Gigglisweeke haithe taken of the said Commissioners one Cotage with the apptnnces thereof the Rent of 6d lait in the tenure of Thomas Saylebank To have and hold and Paying for his fyne 8s

Thomas Paley haythe taken one cotaige & one howse to a kytchyn adionyninge to the same of the rent of 2s 9d now in the tenure of the said [Thomas] to have and to hold yielding and paying for his fine 35s

Henry Claphamson sone of Thomas Claphamson deceased haithe taken of the said Commiss One cottage one laythe one garden one pcell of land adjoining to the said garden ..Laitlie improved lait in the tenure of the said Thomas his father of the Rent of 2s5d. To have and hold Yelding And paying for his fyne 33s 11d
Provided that he shall pmytt his mother To occupie the therd parte of the pmsses During her pure and lawfull widowhood

Robert Carr haithe taken of the said Commissioners one Cotage with the apptnnce theire lait of the tenure of Cristofer Cocket of the Rent of 6d of the Surrendre of the said Cristofer. To have and hold Yelding and paying for his fyne 8s

Mathew Newhouse haithe taken one cottage with th appurtnnce there now in the tenure of the said Mathew of the rent of 4d. To have and hold Yelding and paying for his fyne 4s

John Armysted haithe taken of the said Commissioners One cottage one laythe & one garden with the apptnnce there laite in the tenure of James Iveson deceased and assigned unto the said John by Thomas Iveson clarke next cosen of the said James of the Rent of 2s To have and hold Yelding And paying for his Fyne 32s

James Foster haithe taken one Cotage one garthe with thapptnnce there of the Rent of 12d lait in the tenure of Richard Clapham and conveyed unto him the said James frome the said Richerd To Have yelding And paying for his fyne 16s

Thomas Hall haithe taken one Cotage one laythe one garden one Crofte one close lying neire to the field yeat with th apptnnce unto the said cottage lyinge of the rent 3s4d And the moytie of one fullinge mylne standing at the fote of the tarne ther of the rent 3s 4d lait in the tenure of Thomas paycocke now in he Lpp hands as forfayted by an alienacon thereof maid by the said Thomas contrary to the condicon of a lease which he had thereof To have & hold And paying for his fyne £6

Hugh Sailbanke haithe taken of the said Commiss One Cotaige one Laythe & one garden with the apptnnces there of the Rent of 6d lait in the tenure of Thomas Hynd by him surrendred unto the said hugh to have and hold Yelding And paying for his fyne 6s

Richerd Claphamson haithe taken of the said commissioners one mess one Laythe one garden one Crofte one oxgang of land meadow and pasture and certen pcells of the Demeane there of the apptnnce cont by estymacon then acres & one Rode unto the said mess lying rent 20s And also one pcell of land laytlie improved at fieldyeat of the rent of 12d now in the tenure of the said Rycherd. To have and hold yelding And paying for his fyne £12 12s

Thomas Taylor haithe taken of the said Commissioners one Cotaige one laythe one garden the moyty of one Crofte one Rod of land at the Spring yeat with Comon of pasture in the more and fields belonging thereunto now in the tenure of the said Thomas of the rent of 3s 7d To have and hold yelding And paying for his fyne 40s Provided he suffer Tho his father to Occupy the pmysses during his lyef Thomas hall haithe taken of the said Commissioners the moytie of one Croft Or Close lyinge under Craven bank lait pcell of one Tenement in the tenure of Thomas Tayllor & by him with the licence of the lait Earle his Lpp father assigned unto Willm Tayllor brother of the said Thomas of the rent 12d To have and hold yelding And payinge for his Fyne 15s

Richerd Burton haithe taken of the said Commissioners one mess one laith one garden one croft one close of medow at Brownwate acres containing by estymacon one acre and 3 acres of land & medow in the fields there by estimacon with thapptnnces unto the said messuage lyinge now in the tenure of the said Rycherd of the Rent of 9s6d To have and yelding And Paying for his fyne £6 8s

Willm Wilson haithe taken of the said Commissioners one mess on laith one garden one crofte one oxgang of land and meadow and certain pcells of the Demeane there with the apptnnce cont by est 13 acres & one half acre unto the said mess lyinge of the rent of 21s 4d And Certen pcells of land laitlie improved of the waiste within the newclose cont by estimacon 1/3rd pte of one Rood of the Rent 4d now in the tenure of the said Wllm To have and hold Yelding And Paying for his fyne £14 2s 2d