Please read this carefully as some of the rules & requirements may have changed.


Eventing Rally


Kosse, TX

March 27-29, 2009

Tammy Wood,127 Oakview Dr. Weatherford, TX76087

Date for Intent to attend by club: Friday, February 20, 2009

Number of teams attending/club via email.

CLOSING DATE:Tuesday, March 3, 2009postmark


Late Entries will be accepted until March 10, 2009 with a 25.00 late fee per competitor.Changes from original entries will be assessed $5 fee per change, due at rally. Withdrawals after closing date will receive full amount refund less $25, if space is filled or with doctor’s/veterinarian’s letter or a death in the family. DC may fill vacancy with another club member, the $5 change fee will be waived for this type change only.Club members will make checks payable to the club including advertisements and then the club treasurer will provide a single club check to cover the total. DCs should mail completed entry forms, club check (made to Red River Region), and all other paperwork to the Rally Coordinator. Direct all questions to Susan Garland at 903-557-0645 or email

or Tammy Wood at 817-917-6765 or email at

QUALIFYING FOR CHAMPIONSHIPS: This rally is the official qualifying eventing rally for Red River Region. Pony Clubbers from this region may qualify for the 2009 USPC EventingChampionship at this regional rallyonly. Those wishing to qualify must declare at time of entry, be members in good standing of their club, receive recommendation of the DC and include an Eventing Affidavit with the rally section completed for the TD to sign at rally. A Horse trial affidavit will be required with Championship Entry.

Exciting new changes for Championships- Beginner Novice can now qualify for Championships, a qualifier must be 12 as of 1/1/09 and a C1 or higher. Please read the Eventing Newsletter for all changes. One thing to note is that qualifying affidavits and level ridden at rally can be at qualifying level or HIGHER.

1.For the Novice level, a qualifier must be 12 as of 1/1/09 and a C2 or higher.

2.For the Training level a qualifier must be 13 as of 1/1/09 and a C2 or higher.

3.For the Preliminary level a qualifier must be 14 as of 1/1/09 and a C3 or higher.

4.Qualification is for horse and rider combinations.

  1. Membership in USEA/USEF is waived at the Novice level. At Training/Preliminary USEA membership is required and rider must supply number. At Preliminary, USEF membership is required if you attend Championships.
  2. Horse registration in the USEA/USEF is waived at the Beginner Novice and Novice level. At Training/Preliminary horse registration is required and number must be supplied.

HM’s may be C1’sor above and have the same age requirements for the appropriate levels as posted for the riding qualifiers.

Championships will be held in Lexington, Virginia.

TEAMS: Teams consist of 3 or 4 riders and a Horse Manager. Each team must have a chaperone, at least 21 years old. We encourage entries for individual riders or horse managers for the Rally Coordinator to combine into teams or complete short teams. Scramble teams will be arranged at the discretion of the Rally Coordinator. Teams should also designate a coach before rally. See coaching form for limitations and requirements. Team members must ride in the same rally division but may be qualifiers or non-qualifiers. See rally divisions below.

RALLY DIVISIONS: “D” division - D1 through D3 See specifications belowOR“BN-N-T-P”division - D3 (with permission of DC) through A

LEVELS OF COMPETITION*: Dressage Test: D1 – 2007USDF Intro Test A, D2 – Option 1: 2006 USEA Beg. Novice Test A or D2—Option 2: 2006 USEA Beg. Novice Test A, D3 – Option 1: 2006 USEA Beg. Novice Test A, Those riding Beg. Novice(D3+) will ride 2006 USEA Beg. Novice Test A, Novice(C1+) will ride 2006 USEA Novice Test A, Training(C1+) will ride 2006 USEA Training test A, Preliminary(C2+ & 14 yrs or older) will ride 2006 USEA Preliminary Test A. Please note that levels of competition are different from Qualifying levels.

All dressage will be in small arenas: 20 meters X 40 meters

Cross-country for D1s – 1) will compete in large enclosed arena max height 12”

Cross-country options for D2s – 1) compete in large enclosed arena max height 2’

2) compete on the Restricted BN course in the open with 2’ max heights

Cross-country options for D3s – 1) compete on the Restricted BN course in the open with 2’ max heights

2) compete in the BN-N-T-P division on the BN course

(requires DC approval)

*Those (D3s @ BN) riding above their rating level MUST have experience at this level and MUST have approval of your DC.

RULES: 2008 USPC Rules for Eventing Rallies—available at

the Pony Club Bookstore or onlinecurrentEventingSpring Newsletter.

2007 USPC Horse Management Handbook & 2008 Horse Management Newsletter

FEES: Rider $165

HM $ 65

Chaperone or Advisors$ 20

HOUSING: Parents and clubs must make their own reservations. Cost of the Hotel is not included in the rally fee. You must make your own hotel reservations at one of the following:

Limestone Inn 20 mi. Groesbeck 254-729-3017, Marlin Inn 22mi Marlin 254-883-3521, Budget Inn 23mi Marlin 254-883-2573, Relax Inn 21 mi Marlin 254-883-2581, New Holiday Inn Mexia 888-897-0084 Best Western Mexia 28 miles 254-562-0200; Best Western Franklin 979-828-9090.

Camper hook-ups are available for $45at the horse park. MUST PAY UPON ARRIVAL. Please contact Sam Lindsay at 254-375-2719 o make individual arrangements.


Address: 1332 South Hwy. 14, Kosse, TX76653

From I-45 Centreville: Hwy. 7 W to Kosse 45 miles to Hwy 14 S. for 2.5 miles to gate.

From I-35 to Marlin: Hwy. 7 to Kosse to Hwy 14 S. As above.

From Dallas: I-45 S to Richland (Hwy 14) thru Mexia & Groesbeck to Kosse to Hwy 14 S. See above.

MEALS: Friday and Saturday Night DinnerandSaturday and SundayLunches will be provided as part of the entry for competitorsAND chaperones/advisors at this rally. You are responsible for lunch before arriving on Friday, as well as breakfasts. The Welcome Party will serve LIGHT refreshments during move in. Additionally, there will be an option to purchase extra mealsdirectly from Robin Stringer. She will send an email with ordering instructions. A concession stand will be available for snacks and drinks during the rally. If you have any questions please contact Robin.


STABLING: We will have separate feed and tack stalls. One bag of shavings will be provided in each horse’s stall. If you require additional bags, they must be purchased from the facilityfor $7/bag or you may bring your own.

JOG OUT: Jog out will be done in bridle and the competitor should either be in khaki type pants (not necessarily color) and a polo type shirt or breeches and polo type shirt. This is done at championships and at regional rallies out of respect for the CHMJ. Please inform your competitors of this requirement. Club wind suits may be worn at all other times during rally with the exception of rides.

RIDING ATTIRE: In the D division, dress for all competitors may be Formal,Informal, or simply clean, well-fitted conventional ridingclothing and footwear in good repair and correctly worn. Attiremay be adapted to suit local climate and conditions. Polo type shirts are permitted. For all divisions, coats may be waived due to heat concerns. The information about Formal and Informalattire is located in the rulebook.

COACHING: Each team should supply a coach who has read and signed the Coaching Form. See the Eventing Rulebook for specifics.

ADVISORS: C level advisors may apply and will be assigned to assist in the “D” division. Advisors must submit a 2009Medical Release, fees to cover meals, have the recommendation of their DC and a signed Regional Code of Conduct. Advisors may not also compete in this rally and they may only advise in the barn.

FACILITY RULES: All dogs must be on a leash at all times. A Farrier and Vetrinarianwill be on call with numbers posted in the rally program. Falls Country EMTs will also be on site Saturday for the Stadium phase and for the Cross-country phase Sunday morning. We will provide a qualified designated person to serve as Nurse for other times during the rally. Please make note of these emergency numbers in the Rally program.

AWARDS: Awards will be Team rosettes to 6th place for Over All and First for Horse Management in each division. If entries warrant, divisions may be divided further by the organizer. Also, the Novice award and the Training/Preliminary award will presented to the novice & training/preliminary rider with the best total individual scores for the rally.

END OF RALLY STALL CLEANING PROCEDURE: This facility only requires the stalls to be PICKED out. Please insure that your competitors have picked the stalls for wet spots, manure AND hay remnants. Team Captains will need to have their teams RELEASED by the HMJ team. Failure to do so will result in the club being charged $20 per stall.

VOLUNTEERS: Each club will provide a list of volunteers for this rally. Volunteer meeting on Friday evening.

DCs, please provide your chaperones with a copy of the medical release for each child for whom they will be responsible.

Please donot send in incomplete entries/packets. Your entries will not be counted as on-time without all the required paperwork and signatures. You may be assessed late penalties.

Check List:

Necessary forms per competitors: _____Individual Entry Form

_____2009 Medical Release form ORIGINAL SIGNATURES

_____Activity Release form

_____Current proof of negative Coggins

_____Good Luck Ad (Optional--but lots of fun!)

_____Chaperone form if applicable, include cell number

_____Volunteer sign up form for DC/Club rally organizer

_____Qualifying Affidavits, for those wishing to Qualify

Necessary forms per club: _____Fee page!

_____Team Entry Form(s)

_____All competitor Individual Entry forms

_____All competitor 2008 Medical Release forms

_____All competitor Activity Release Forms

_____All copies of Coggins test results

_____All Good Luck Ads (at least one required from Club)

_____Chaperone forms, 1 per team to include cell number

_____Compiled list of all club volunteers for rally & volunteer forms

With cell numbers

_____All Qualifying Affidavits & USEA #s as required for Qualifiers

_____Permission from DC for D3s wishing to go BN

_____All applications for C Advisors and signed required paperwork/fees

_____Club check for all competitors, chaperones, advisors, ads, extra meals, etc.


Friday, March 27th

Welcome Party for Pony Clubbers during Barn Opening - Refreshment provided

Barn Opens/Set-up 3:00 pm

Competitor/Parent Briefing/Helmet check 5:00 pm

Initial Jog-out – all competitors 5:45 pm

Dinner Pick-up (HMs) Front Porch of Guest House 6:30 pm

Official Course Walk GAG-BN-N-T-P division 6:45 pm

Barn Closes 8:30 pm

Saturday, March 28th Barn Opens 7:00 am

Coaches Meeting 8:00 am

First Formal Inspections 8:30 am

Dressage begins 9:30 am

Stadium begin 1:30 pm

Barn closes 7:00pm

Dinner Pick-up 7:00 pm

Sunday, March 29th Barn Opens 7:00 am

2nd Jog-out for Qualifiers 8:00 am

Jump Judges check in before going to fence 8:30 am

Cross-country begins 9:00 am

Awards Ceremony

30 minutes AFTER the posting of the final scores and sign off by Captains.

Get your parents involved -- this is a good way to keep entry fees down!


Include payment with club check.



Eventing Rally 2008







“GOOD LUCK! WISH (Let us pick the graphic!)




Size: (circle one) Full page/$50 Half page/$25 Quarter page/$15

Commercial Business Ads: May send business card or other advertisement.

**Bonus: With each paid, commercial AD, $5 will be taken off any personal Ads.

Ads must be included with the entry packets to be included in the program.



Be a leader, work hard, share your experiences

from last year w/your team


MOST of all have FUN!

Love, Dad, Mom, & Buster

Office Use:

Rider #_____ Stall #_____Coggins:_____

Medical Release ____ Rally/Equine Release: ____

Individual Entry Form

Pony Club: ______

Rider Name: ______Sex______Age______Rating______

(as of Jan. l, 2009)(as of closing date)

Phone Number: ______Email:______

Name of Mount: ______Age _____Sex ______Breed/Ht ______

Special Stabling Instructions:______

I wish to ride in the following:

(circle the appropriate level) D Divisionor BN-N-T-P Division

D1 Beginner NoviceNovice

D2 Option 1 (D3 Option 2)

D2 Option 2

D3 Option 1TrainingPreliminary

DCsPERMISSION D3 OPTION 2: I, ______(signature), as DC of this member, give permission and have verified that this rider is safe to ride at this level. The rider has provided me with the verification of competition at this level without elimination in any phase.

LONGEING PERMISSION (Required if longeing is necessary)

Name of Owner of Horse ______Name of Horse______

I, name stated above, give my permission for my horse to be longed at the Red River Region pony Club Dressage rally by

______if it appears that it is necessary due to the issue of safety of horse and/or rider.

(An adult or C3 or higher rated pony clubber)

Signature of Owner______Date______

Notice to DC’s and parents:Only suitable mounts should be sent to rallies. If a D level rider’s mount requires longeing on a
regular basis prior to being ridden, it may not be suitable to send to a rally. A safe and appropriate area is not always
available at rally facilities. All longeing MUST be done according to the USPC Standards.


This Pony Clubber is a member in good standing of USPC, Inc., and our local pony club, with all dues and insurance paid as of this date. The horse entered is the regular mount of the rider, regularly ridden at local mounted meetings, and to my knowledge, is qualified to ride at the level entered.

Signature of DC______Date______

DECLARATION of CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFICATION: Must be filled out by all competitors

  • I AM interested in qualifying for the USPC Championship for 2009 in this discipline.

I have read the rules and know the qualifications for Championships. Level of Qualifying ______

Training & above Rider USEA# ______Horse USEA#______

  • I AM NOT interested in qualifying for the USPC Championship for 2009 in this discipline.

Pony Clubber’s Signature______Date______

Parent Signature______Date______


One per volunteer
Please check the volunteer assignment sheet posted at rally and prior to rally on the digest via your DC.
Volunteer Form

Club Name:______

Some eventing rally jobs might include: scribing for judges, warm-up stewards, ring stewards, runners, set up or tear down help, starters, timers and jump judging in the cross-country. Each club should supply several volunteers, especially on cross-country day.

I wish to help in some way at this rally. I recognize that I am being “counted on” by the organizing clubs. If I am unable to fulfill my duties, I will make every effort to find a suitable replacement and notify the Club representative in charge of my area of volunteerism.

(Chaperones may volunteer in other areas at the rally should you wish. Furthermore, we will arrange the schedule to the best of our ability to ensure you see your child compete.)

If you are a pony club member, you must provide a 2008 medical form to the organizer to be able to volunteer. You must also be 18 or older.


Name of Volunteer (18 years or older) Telephone number/email address you regularly checkDesired positionAny Experience in area

The Clubs of the Red River Region of the USPC each have Rally Responsibilities. All participating clubs and their members are required to help with rally jobs. Thank you for your willingness to volunteer and help make this rally run more smoothly. We will make every attempt to assign positions prior to rally. There will be a Volunteer meeting on Friday of rally to answer questions and clarify duties. We will attempt to give you your desired position, but hope that you would help us where we need you. Thank you.

DCs: Please include this form with your packetfor purposes of accountability. Please check the volunteer assignments posted prior to rally and notify your volunteers. At rally, it is not your responsibility to get your volunteers to their places, but we all appreciate a gentle reminder! Thanks.
This is a confidential form. Once submitted to the DC, please do not return to the applicant.
C Advisor Application

Name: ______Club: ______Rating:______

Address: ______City: ______State: ______

Email: ______Phone number: ______

What I expect to accomplish as a C advisor in the D division at Eventing Rally: ______



This Pony Clubber is a member in good standing of USPC, Inc., and our local pony club, with all dues and insurance paid as of this date.

  • I recommend this member as a C advisor at this rally
  • I am unable to recommend this member as a C advisor at this rally

Explanation of recommendation: ______


Signature of DC______Date______


Check List:

Necessary forms per competitors: _____This application

_____2008 Medical Release

_____$20 fee to club for provided meals at rally. Note: If you are not

selected to be a C Advisor at this rally, you will receive a refund

of this fee.

_____DC recommendation

_____Regional Code of Conduct

Club Form List of Volunteers by Club
Please check the volunteer assignment sheet posted at rally and prior to rally on the digest. It is not the responsibility of the DC to get the volunteers to their position; however a gentle reminder is appreciated.

Club Name: ______

Volunteer List

Name of Volunteers/contact Info:Desired Rally Job:Experience:






______@ $165(per rider)


______@$ 25 LATE fee/participant

______@$ 20 Advisors/participant

______@$ 20 Chaperone/team

Advertisement Fees

______@$50(per full page ad)

______@$25(per ½ page ad)

______@$15(per ¼ page ad)

Club Check #______TOTAL $ ______

Club Form

Club name:______(Teams with no HM must designate one rider to serve at HM for scoring purposes.)