Tues., Sept. 1 Bill & Sunnie Gulliver, Taiwan

The high school spiritual life week is being held Aug. 31-Sept. 4. Please pray for hearts to open.

Wed., Sept.2 Mary Lyn Hingston, BurlingtonPlease pray for good health, organization and strength for all the teachers and professors of the schools and seminaries we have on the various fields, as they begin a new semester.

Thur., Sept. 3 Flo Epp, Retired

As you pray for students across Canada going back to school, remember, too, missionary kids facing a new school year as well, some separated from family as they have returned from the mission fieldto their passport country for college or university. It's a hard time for parents as well as for the students.

Fri., Sept.4 Liane Jagger, Mozambique

September 4 - 7 is my first African Field Council meeting with our new director Kris Kappler. Please pray that we will sense God's clear call for future steps in Mozambique.

Sat., Sept.5 P., Professional Overseas

As we have returned from our year in Canada, ask for favour getting our work visas for this new term of service.

Sun., Sept.6 Mark Kroes, Executive Director

Thank God with us for the opportunity to relocate to the Crossroads Centre, broadcast home of 100 Huntley Street and YesTV. We moved on July 25 and are very excited for the increased potential for exposure of the ministry of One Mission Society to the broader evangelical community. Please pray for opportunities to do just that.

Mon., Sept. 7 Colleen Taylor, Haiti

While I'm enjoying vacation time in Canada with my family, Emmaus Biblical Seminary and Cowman Int'l School are starting. Pray for good interaction between teachers and students, especially the new students.

Tues., Sept. 8 Bob & Norma Jean Erny, Extended Missionary Service September is our month here for our missionary church conference, and we have several duties and some of our OMS missionaries are supported and are speaking. Thanks for praying for God's presence and blessing on all who speak and attend.

Some people look on prayer as a burden or obligation, but in reality prayer is one of our greatest privileges as God’s children.

–Billy Graham

Wed., Sept. 9 Cheryl Muirhead, Burlington

Please pray for OMS-Canada and the transition into our smaller office space.Ask that we settle into our new routines, commutes, and roles quickly and efficiently.

Thur., Sept.10 Mark Nelson, Estonia

Pray for the start of the school year at the BalticSeminary. Pray that faculty and students will be united in theirdesire to grow closer to God. Pray specifically for the new facultyand new students that they will adapt quickly and become positivecontributors to the life of the school.

Fri., Sept. 11 Nathan Krampitz, Retired

Praise God for a safe trip I had to the west coast to visit with my family. I had a great time with the children and the extended family living in BC and Washington State.

Sat., Sept. 12 Mary Lou Wunker, Ontario

Please pray for more workers to respond to the call for service, as truly “the fields are ripe unto harvest.”

Sun., Sept.13 Gord & Doreen Wallace, Northern Alberta We are thankful for a good visit with family and friends in Ontario this past month.Pray that the LORD will continue to work in their lives and that they will remember that HE is the creator and sustainer of life.

Mon., Sept.14 Larry Hastings, Burlintgon Please pray for His guidance, perseverance and clarity of thought as OMS-Canada prepares for our Sept.30th, 2015 fiscal year-end.

Tues., Sept.15 R., Professional Overseas

We have family members visiting us September 15 to October 6. We are very excited as we don't get many visitors, and we have not seen family for more than 2 years!

Wed., Sept. 16 Ruth Coles, Retired

Pray for the Lord’s direction each day in my interactions with fellow residents and care givers.

Thur., Sept. 17 W., Lead International

The last two weeks of September we will be visiting churches and supporters in Western Canada. While we have had very loyal supporters (many who have been on our team for the whole 35 years of our ministry) most of them are elderly and no longer able to support financially or have passed on to heaven. Our challenge is to trust our Father to raise up a new generation, not just people to send out, but also those who support those being sent.

Fri., Sept. 18 Helmut & Tina Markeli,Western Canada Pray as there are some special events this week and next to promote OMS in Calgary and Edmonton. The first weekend of October will find us at Briercrest College in Saskatchewan. Ask God to call new workers for His work through One Mission Society.

Sat., Sept. 19 Pavlo & Hayla Lozynsky, Ukraine

Pray for wisdom, creativity, and unity for the team leading the “Kids Club” as we begin a new season. Ask for spiritual progress in the children and their families.

Sun., Sept. 20 Clara Heebner, Retired

Today I am returning from the west coast and Canada. Please pray for safe traveling.

Mon., Sept. 21 Charlotte Kroes, MFM

Please pray that God will be with students starting back to school, heading off to new school environments, orbeginning school for the very first time. Pray that He will protect them, draw them near, and open their eyes and hearts to the truth and knowledge of Him who created them. May those near to Him not stray away, may those who are not committed to Him seek Him for guidance and direction, may those who love and honor Him be the light in the darkness.

Tues., Sept.22 Bill & Julie Edler, UK/Haiti

Pray for some more opportunities to share about Haiti and our anticipated ministry there.

Wed., Sept.23 John & Tricia Fraser, Hungary

We are excited to be back in Hungary. Please pray for our re-adjustment to life here. Especially remember Hannah, as she adjusts to a non-homeschooling life for the first time since kindergarten. She will be attending the International Christian School of Budapest, which will be a big change for our whole family.

Thur., Sept. 24Larry & Susan Weil, Mozambique

Pray for us as we are on Home Ministry Assignment - for safe travels and many opportunities to share about the ministry in Mozambique. Susan will be the speaker at the Sequim Bible Church women's Retreat September 25-26 and appreciates your prayers.

Fri., Sept. 25 Board Members

Praise the Lord for the members of the One Mission Society Canadian Board of Directors, who give of their time, experience, and support to give direction. Ask the Lord to bless them and their families.

Sat., Sept.26 Marlowe Janke, Men for Missions

Ask the Lord to continue to raise up lay people across our nation that will become more involved in reaching the nations for Christ.

Sun., Sept. 27 Mark Kroes, Executive Director

Please pray with One Mission Society Canada as September is the last month of our fiscal year. Pray for the provision of funds so that we can finish the year in the black. Pray for the finance department as they work to bring the year to a close in a timely manner. Pray also that God would be glorified in all that One Mission Society Canada is involved.

Mon., Sept. 28 International Partners

Praise the Lord for overseas churches that OMS planted that are now sending out missionaries. Pray as we partner together to reach the unsaved around the world.

Tues., Sept.29 Maud McHardy, Retired

While John was alive, he prayed for our three boys and for our extended family in Ireland. I praise God that I have good health to continue these prayers and wait for answers in His will.

Wed., Sept. 30 Brenda Ellis-Tackey, Burlington

Today is our fiscal year end. Please pray as we begin to prepare reports for Board Meetings and for the annual audit.

Thur., Oct. 1 P., Professional Overseeas

Pray for the transition for our son, Luke, who has remained in Canada for university, and for us as we settle into our work routines and responsibilities.

Fri., Oct.2 Clara Heebner, Retired

Merv's older brother, Elmer passed away August 2nd.(brother also to Ruth Coles) Please pray for his widow, Alma, and the family as they adjust to his absence.

Sat., Oct.3 Larry & Susan Weil, Mozambique

Susan is beginning her Master's in Education course today. Pray for her to be able to juggle the studies as well as the deputation schedule we will be on for the next seven months before our planned return to Mozambique in May 2016.

Sun., Oct.4 Larry Hastings, Burlington

Please pray for His direction and leading as we prepare for our semi-annual fall Board Meeting and our annual accounting audit in the coming weeks.

Mon., Oct.5 Bill & Sunnie Gulliver, Taiwan Fall break is from the 5th to the 9th. Please pray for a time of rest and refreshment for the family.

Tues., Oct.6 Maud McHardy, Retired

The son with whom I live is looking for a new home in a different location. Pray for the Lord’s direction and provision.

Wed., Oct. 7 Charlotte Kroes, Men for Missions

MFM cabinet meetings are in SK, October 25 - 27. Please pray that God would be with each member as they make plans to attend, prepare for the meetings, and safety for travel.RememberMarlowe Janke, the executive members, and myself as we are working on preparations, agendas, and details of the meetings. May God be glorified in our service and may we be used by Him to continue the work of MFM in Canada and around the world.

Thur., Oct. 8 Liane Jagger, Mozamabique

October 16th is a program day at CAM, which means that the Performing Arts groups (me!) will need to have something to share with parents. Please pray that students have a sense of mission in their choices of topic for drama and apply themselves to the music God provides for our performances!

Fri., Oct. 9 W., LEAD International In October we will return to the NW states to continue deputation and support raising. Pray for good contacts and safe travels.

Sat., Oct.10 Brenda Ellis-Tackey, Burlington

I am thankful for my husband and family who support me and allow me to serve at OMS. Let us all give thanks for the many "unseen" contributors to this ministry who support and encourage us.

Sun., Oct. 11 Mark Nelson, Estonia

Pray for the foreign mission team, that God would raise upthe volunteer leaders that we need to make this program moreeffective.

Mon., Oct. 12 Thanksgiving Day

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Psalm 103:1&2

Tues., Oct. 13 Nathan Krampitz, Retired/India

Pray for protection for the students of Allahabad Bible Seminary who will be going out on their practical work assignment for several weeks. Pray for their safety and God’s blessing on this ministry.

Wed., Oct. 14 Bill & Julie Edler, UK/Haiti

Julie is expecting our second child. Pray that all would go well.

Thur., Oct.15 Pavlo & Hayla Lozynsky, Ukraine

Please pray for the members of our small group. Ask that they would remain strong in the Lord, and for protection from the enemy, as many of them still face strong opposition from relatives because of their faith.

Fri., Oct. 16 Bob & Norma Jean Erny, Extended Missionary Service Octoberis another conference at World Gospel Church in Indiana where Helmut and I (Norma Jean) pastored for eight years. The church continues to enlarge its missionary giving and more OMSers are supported. We may attend, and we continue to have faithful supporters there.

Sat., Oct. 17 Mary Lyn Hingston, Burlington

Please pray for good preparations and meetings as the Semi-Annual OMS Board Meetings and Semi-Annual MFM Cabinet Meetings commence soon.

Sun., Oct. 18 Mark Kroes, Executive Director Please pray for Mission Fest Manitoba West, taking place in Brandon, MB October 23-24, for divine appointments between those whom God is calling to the harvest and the representatives of OMS. May we see cross cultural workers mobilized through this event.

Mon., Oct. 19 Colleen Taylor, Haiti

Oct 22 and 23 we have leadership meetings for all OMS ministries in Haiti. It is a good time for fellowship with the leaders, plus learning 'newer and better ways' to improve our effectiveness in our jobs.

Tues., Oct. 20 Gord & Doreen Wallace, Northern Alberta Peace River Bible Institute has their mission event Oct. 22-23 this year. Pray for us as we represent One Mission Society at this annual event. We have enjoyedgetting to know the students and praying for them throughout the year. May the LORD use us to encourage themto check out OMS as a field of service.

Wed., Oct. 21 Mark Kroes, Executive Director Please pray for the One Mission Society Canada Board meetings taking place October 22-23. Pray for divine direction for the ministry, for discernment in decision making and for God's glory to be displayed in all that is said and done.

Thur., Oct. 22 Helmut & Tina Markeli, Western Canada Missionsfest Manitoba West (Brandon, MB), takes place this weekend and then we go to Nipawin Bible College October 30 and 31. We need God’s anointing as we talk to people and challenge them to be involved in world missions through One Mission Society.

Fri., Oct. 23 Stan Dyer, Retired

Remember me in prayer as I continue in various areas of ministry in the community and my local church.

Sat., Oct.24 Marlowe Janke, Men for Missions

Pray for the MFM cabinet meetings being held in SK, October 25 – 27. Ask for unity of the Spirit and the Lord’s direction in all decisions.

Sun., Oct. 25 Mary Lou Wunker, Ontario

May we be faithful in praying for unsaved family and friends and remain sensitive to opportunities to share the love of Jesus.

We tend to use prayer as a last resort, but God wants it to be our first line of defense. We pray when there's nothing else we can do, but God wants us to pray before we do anything at all.

-Oswald Chambers

Mon., Oct. 26 Bob Fetherlin, Int’l. President

Pray for Bob and Esther as they give leadership to One Mission Society, worldwide.

Tues., Oct. 27 Flo Epp, Retired

I am thanking the Lord for His provisions and blessing over the past year. We serve a mighty God.

Wed., Oct. 28 John & Tricia Fraser, Hungary

Pray for our ministry as we settle in with our new team, new leadership, and new doors of opportunity.

Thur., Oct. 29 Cheryl Muirhead, Burlington

Join me in asking for God's wisdom, direction and guidance in the challenge for new growth and awareness in regards to the OMS-Canada constituency base and mission field.

Fri., Oct. 30 R., Professional Overseas

Our son, Zach, requires approximately a year of orthodontic work before his jaw surgery can takes place. Please pray that the necessary documentation will beprovided and acceptedby our medical insurance provider, to allow coverage for at least the surgical part of this work.

Sat., Oct. 31 Constituents

Praise the Lord for each one that prays for the work of One Mission Society. We appreciate the gifts that make outreach and ministry possible and pray the Lord’s blessing on each faithful partner.