Creative Employment Work Placement


Completed application forms can be emailed OR posted to:

•Email to:

•Post to:Lisa Whiting, HR Manager, Arnolfini,16 Narrow Quay, Bristol, BS1 4QA

•Please use all the space you need for each question, making the boxes bigger if you need to.

•Please illustrate how you match the job requirements detailed in the job description.

Email address:
Phone number:
National Insurance number:
Date of Birth:
Education / Training / Qualifications / Dates / School / College / University / Qualification
Previous employment or work experience. / Dates / Employer / Role & Main duties
Previous relevant work experience
(Please include voluntary work)
Why do you want this Placement? What aspects of the internship are you most excited about?
What would you like to achieve during the 6 month Placement? / What can this internship bring to your career?
What skills and personal qualities do you have to bring to this internship?
What operating systems and software are you experienced with? Please also state MAC or PC, or both.
Tell me 3 good websites you would use to look for Events or Visitor Attractions in the local area. / 1.www.
Tell me about 3 websites, blogs or social media pages you visit regularly and why.
(These do not have to be related to Contemporary Art) / 1.www.
Please write a sample tweet you would use to promote an Arnolfini event currently advertised on our website.
Personal statement - please provide any further information you feel would support your application

I declare that the information set out in this application form is true and

complete. I understand that if my application is incomplete, I may not be

consideredfor the Placement.




Please provide details of one person, not related to you, who will provide a reference for you. This person should be a referee who can express a professional opinion on your work and your ability to perform the job for which you are applying.

Name of referee:
Name of organisation:
Contact number:
Relationship to you:

May we request a reference May we request a reference

at any time / at any time

Please provide details of any special arrangements you would require to enable you to participate in our selection process effectively.


Arnolfini is committed to a policy of equality of opportunity in employment and to taking action to avoid discrimination within the organisation. All applicants for employment are considered only on the information given in application regarding their ability to undertake the job for which they are applying.

This information is used for monitoring purposes only, and is removed from the application prior to the short-listing process.

Please tick the appropriate box:

Age range

 Under 18 18 -24 25-34 35-49

 50 - 65 65+


 Male Female

Ethnic Origin


British Irish Other: Please write in:

Asian or Asian British

 Indian Bangladeshi Pakistani Chinese

 Other: Please write in:

Black or Black British

 Black Caribbean Black African Other: Please write in:


 White & Black Caribbean  White & Black African White & Asian

 Other: Please write in:

Other Ethnic Group

Other: Please write in:

 Prefer not to say

Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person? Yes No

Please note: If you have answered yes to this question, and you require any adjustments to be made in order for you participate fully in our recruitment process, please ensure you have indicated these in your application or on a additional sheet, so we can accommodate your needs.

Please tell us how you found out about this post:______

Thank you for your co-operation in completing this form.