City of Edmonton Environmental Policy and 2006 Environmental Strategic Plan

That Transportation and Public Works Committee recommend to City Council:
  1. That the Environmental Policy C512, as identified in Attachment 1 of the May 1, 2006, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2006PWE076, be approved.
  2. That the City Procedure for the Environmental Policy; Edmonton’s 2006 Environmental Strategic Plan: Summary; and the Report on External Consultation for the 2006 Draft Environmental Strategic Plan, identified in Attachments 2, 3 and 4 respectively, of the May 1, 2006, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2006PWE076, be received for information.

Report Summary

This report provides a recommended Environmental Policy and information on the City’s 2006 Environmental Strategic Plan, the first update since the original approval in 1999. Information is also provided on the associated stakeholder consultation process.

Previous Council/Committee Action

At the January 10, 2006, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting, the following motion was passed:

That the Draft City Environmental Policy C512 (Attachment 1 of the December 19, 2005, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2006PWW005) be revised so that the last sentence of the “Shared responsibility” section on page 1 reads: Collaboration, co-operation and partnerships are needed to exercise this responsibility effectively.”


  • The City’s first Environmental Strategic Plan, approved by Council in 1999, provided an overall environmental vision, a mission statement and strategic direction for 19 environmental topic areas. Since that time, three reports on Environmental Performance and a state of the environment report that provided the status of implementation of the Environmental Strategic Plan were provided to Transportation and Public Works Committee.
  • In order to ensure that the Environmental Strategic Plan remains current and relevant, it was identified at the time of the 1999 approval that an update be undertaken in about five years.
  • Administration initiated the process for updating the Environmental Strategic Plan in early 2005 with ongoing direction from Senior Management Team (SMT) and the Environmental Policy Coordinating Committee (EPCC) and input from the Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC).
  • A key part of this process was the development of the Environmental Policy (C512) provided in Attachment 1, which is intended to clearly articulate City Council’s environmental commitment and provide sound direction to Administration. Policy C512, in conjunction with the 2006 Environmental Strategic Plan, will replace the Environmental Strategic Plan 1999 Policy Document.
  • An environmental policy is also a requirement for the development of the City’s ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, Enviso, which is a key mechanism for the City of Edmonton to manage environmental risk and provides a strong linkage between the City’s environmental planning process and Enviso.
  • The City Procedure identified in Attachment 2 identifies the overall procedures that will be undertaken to implement the Environmental Policy.
  • The 2006 Environmental Strategic Plan (Summary in Attachment 3) provides further detail on the implementation of this policy and is a substantial upgrade to the 1999 plan. It contains 26 topic areas into the following ten strategies:
  • Clean AirStrategy
  • Climate Protection Strategy
  • Environmental Emergency Response Strategy
  • Natural Area SystemStrategy
  • Resource Conservation
  • Solid Waste Strategy
  • Sustainable Business Development
  • Sustainable Urban Planning and Development Strategy
  • Toxic ReductionStrategy
  • Water Strategy
  • Each strategy contains an overview and topic backgrounder, strategic objectives, existing actions and initiatives with associated targets and an overall Performance Measure in the following three spheres of influence:
  • City Operations Leadership,
  • Facilitating and Encouraging Community Action, and,
  • Influencing Regional, Provincial and Federal Programs.
  • Additionally, a number of recommended actions for inclusion in the 2006 Environmental Strategic Plan are identified that are being added to the 2007 Department Business plans.
  • The draft revised Environmental Strategic Plan and draft Environmental Policy underwent broad external stakeholder consultation in late March 2006, with a report on the results provided in Attachment 4.
  • The stakeholders’ overall assessment of the Environmental Strategic Plan, as provided in Table 1 of Attachment 4, is goodwith somewhat reduced ratings for the adequacy of the strategic objectives and for the adequacy for actions to achieve these objectives. The assessment of the specific environmental strategies is provided in Table 2.
  • A summary of types of recommendations and suggested responses is provided in Table 3 and Table 4 provides a summary of all comments with the recommended response. Appendix C contains the subset of recommended actions to be added to the 2006 Environmental Strategic Plan and 2007 Business Plans.
  • The Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC), which has been integrally involved in providing input into the update of the Environmental Strategic Plan, has also endorsed the stakeholder consultation process to date. The EAC also endorses the process for obtaining ongoing input into the implementation of the Environmental Strategic Plan.
  • Following Council’s approval of the Environmental Policy and receipt of the Environmental Strategic Plan a significant community promotion and marketing campaign will occur. It is intended that the launch of this roll-out will coincide with Environment Week in early June.
  • This will also trigger an ongoing process for citizens to provide input into the environmental strategic planning process through the City’s website and other appropriate mechanisms.
  • Additionally, an annual reporting process to Council and the community will begin in the spring of 2007. This report will provide information on performance measures and additional actions that will be included in the business planning and budgeting process.

Budget/Financial Implications

Recommended Actions added to the 2006 Environmental Strategic Plan will be included in the 2007 department business plans and where additional resources are required, service packages have been included in the 2007 budget process for Council consideration.

Justification of Recommendation

  1. A City of Edmonton Environmental Policy will provide Council with a clearly articulated environmental commitment to the community and provide sound direction to Administration. Additionally, the Policy is a requirement for the development of the City’s ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.
  2. The City Procedure, 2006 Environmental Strategic Plan and the Report on External Consultation provide Council with an assurance that appropriate measures, vetted with community stakeholders, are in place to ensure adherence to the Environmental Policy.

Background Information Attached

  1. DraftCity Policy C512: Environmental Policy
  2. DraftCity Procedure C512: Environmental Policy
  3. Edmonton’s 2006 Draft Environmental Strategic Plan: Summary
  4. Report on External Consultation for the 2006 Draft Environmental Strategic Plan

Background Information Available on Request from the Department

  1. Draft Environmental Strategic Plan – April 24, 2006

Others Approving this Report

Senior Management Team

(Page 1 of 3)

Attachment 1

DraftCity Policy C512: Environmental Policy



City Council
PREPARED BY: / Office of the Environment / DATE: / May 1, 2006
TITLE: / Environmental Policy
Policy Statement:
The City of Edmonton, through its planning, decision-making processes, and leadership, will promote the development of an environmentally sustainable community that functions in harmony with the natural environment.
The City of Edmonton will exercise environmental stewardship of its operations, products and services, based on its commitment to: (a) prevent pollution, (b) continually improve its environmental performance by setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets, and (c) meet or exceed applicable environmental legal requirements and other requirements to which it subscribes.
The purpose of this policy is to state the City’s commitment to environmental sustainability in accordance with the following guiding principles:
  • Quality Of Life: A healthy, sustainable environment is an essential requirement for high quality of life in Edmonton – both today and in the future.
  • Shared Responsibility: The protection and preservation of Edmonton’s natural environment is a responsibility shared by municipal departments and branches, Edmonton’s business community, other orders of government, and Edmontonians. Collaboration, co-operation, and partnerships are needed to exercise this responsibility effectively.
  • Decision-Making Model: Environmental considerations will be factored into business decisions made by the City of Edmonton.
  • Protection of the Natural Environment: The City of Edmonton will take a leadership role in protecting natural heritage and biodiversity within the municipality and region.
  • Intergenerational Equality: The City of Edmonton will strive to understand and minimize the negative environmental impacts its operations may have on future generations.
  • Public Awareness and Understanding: The City of Edmonton will take a leadership role in increasing public awareness of environmental issues and the actions citizens can take.
  • Citizen Consultation and Participatory Decision Making: Communities and stakeholders must have the opportunity to participate in the decision-making process and be empowered to develop community-based environmental programs(as per Public Involvement Policy C513).

Attachment 1 - Page 1 of 2

Attachment 2

DraftCity Procedure C512: Environmental Policy



AUTHORITY: / City Manager / EFFECTIVE DATE: / May 1, 2006
TITLE: / Environmental Policy

Environmentally Sustainable Community: A community that provides a healthy ecosystem for its citizens by minimizing the impact of its activities on the air, land and water systems, by minimizing the need to import natural resources through efficient use and by maximizing biodiversity.


The corporate environmental policy will be accomplished by:

2.1Implementing And Continually Improving The Environmental Management System: The City of Edmonton’s ISO 14001 environmental management system (Enviso) will be implemented in accordance with City Policy C505, providing the City of Edmonton with a systematic approach to planning, controlling, measuring, and improving its corporate environmental performance.

2.2Developing and Regularly Updating an Environmental Strategic Plan: The Environmental Strategic Plan will assess the environmental issues relevant to Edmontonians, ensuring optimal solutions and actions are identified, targets are established, and resulting plans are implemented efficiently and effectively.

2.3Integrating Environmental Planning With Other City Plans: The Environmental Strategic Plan will be integrated with Plan Edmonton and have strong linkages to other major City plans such as the Transportation Master Plan, the Waste Management Strategic Plan, the Drainage Master Plan, etc.

2.4Measuring and Reporting Environmental Performance: Environmental objectives, targets, and implementation programs will be established and maintained for the corporation, and performance will be tracked and reported against those. Systems will also be developed by the City of Edmonton to measure and report important environmental indicators for Edmonton and the region where appropriate.

2.5Increasing Internal Capacity: The internal capacity to implement this Environmental Policy will be advanced through administrative initiatives that will increase environmental awareness, understanding, and motivation among City employees.

2.6Coordinating the Corporate Environmental Effort: The Office of the Environment will facilitate and coordinate the development, implementation, and reporting of corporate environmental policy and initiatives.

Attachment 2 - Page 1 of 2

Attachment 3

Edmonton’s 2006 Draft Environmental Strategic Plan: Summary

Edmonton’s 2006 Draft Environmental Strategic Plan:




Environmental Strategic Plan Implementation Strategy3

1 Clean Air Strategy4

2 Climate Protection Strategy6

3 Environmental Emergency Response Strategy9

4 Natural Area Systems Strategy11

5 Resource Conservation14

6 Solid Waste Management Strategy15

7 Sustainable Business Development18

8 Sustainable Urban Planning and Development Strategy19

9 Toxics Reduction Strategy24

10 Water Strategy27


In 1991 Edmonton City Council adopted an environmental mission statement, committing the City to “conscientious and responsible environmental management, practices, and stewardship in all aspects of its corporate activities.” In 1999, Council approved Edmonton’s first Environmental Strategic Plan. Work began in 2005 to update the Environmental Strategic Plan to ensure it remained current and relevant. At the same time, a City (corporate) Environmental Policy was also prepared, Policy C512, which states:

“The City of Edmonton, through its planning, decision-making processes, and leadership, will promote the development of an environmentally sustainable community that functions in harmony with the natural environment.

The City of Edmonton will exercise environmental stewardship of its operations, products and services, based on its commitment to:

(a) prevent pollution,

(b) continually improve its environmental performance by setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets, and,

(c) meet or exceed applicable environmental legal requirements and other requirements to which it subscribes.

Among the six procedures mandated to accomplish the Environmental Policy is:

“Developing And Regularly Updating An Environmental Strategic Plan: The Environmental Strategic Plan will assess the environmental issues relevant to Edmontonians, ensuring optimal solutions and actions are identified, targets are established, and resulting plans are implemented efficiently and effectively.”

Together with the new Environmental Policy, the 2006 Environmental Strategic Plan replaces the Environmental Vision, Guiding Principles, Corporate Environmental Mission Statement, and the document, Strategic Directions: The Environmental Strategic Plan 1999.

The City’s Environmental Strategic Plan (ESP) addresses the environmental issues facing Edmonton, and recommends actions, programs and targets focused on these issues, to make Edmonton a more environmentally sustainable city. The strategic plan answers the following question: What initiatives and actions should City departments and branches take to effectively achieve desired environmental outcomes in a comprehensive and coordinated manner?

This short summary document is a companion to the full draft ESP. The summary presents the full suite of strategic objectives in each strategy, lists the current initiatives being undertaken by the City in support of each strategic objective, identifies a performance measure where one exists or is proposed, and includes the actions that are recommended for addition to the 2006 ESP and 2007 business plans. The full ESP provides more background and contains details on each initiative.

Environmental Strategic Plan Implementation Strategy

While the 10 strategies that follow are related to specific environmental risks and opportunities, this strategy is focused on ensuring that the Environmental Policy and Environmental Strategic Plan are implemented in an effective and efficient manner.

Strategic Objective
0.1 Foundational Support for the Environmental Strategic Plan
Ensure that City Administration and Council have available, and use, the core support programs and tools needed to efficiently and effectively implement the Environmental Policy and the Environmental Strategic Plan (ESP) on a systematic basis. / Current Initiatives
2006 ESP Upgrade Project
Office of Environment work plan for implementing the 2006 ESP
Environmental Communications Plan
Public Involvement Program
Recommended Actions added to 2006 ESP
  • Assess and determine the most effective procedures to ensure that information on environmental effects and environmental cost-benefit analysis can be made available in the planning process and in project assessment and planning processes, and can accompany economic cost-benefit analysis to inform Administration and Council on all major project and infrastructure decisions.
  • Design and implement a streamlined annual reporting mechanism that is based on performance measures selected for the strategic objectives, and is coordinated with existing reporting being done for specific programs. The first environmental performance report in the new streamlined format to be provided in the second quarter of 2007 for the 2006 results.
  • Document and communicate the procedure to be followed for the annual review and revision to the ESP including mechanisms for public involvement, administrative consultations, and identification of actions to recommend for inclusion in the annual business planning and budget setting process.

Performance Measure
To be developed.
(Should relate to satisfaction of EPCC, SMT and Council with progress and results in implementation of the ESP.)

1Clean Air Strategy

Edmonton’s Clean Air Strategy focuses on one environmental topic.

  • Ambient Air Quality: Ensuring that the quality of outdoor air, which Edmontonians breathe every day, meets or exceeds ambient air quality guidelines and standards; that the impacts of air quality on human health are minimized; and that safe and enjoyable outdoor activities are possible in the city

For a full description of each current initiative, please consult section 1.3 in the full draft
Environmental Strategic Plan.

Strategic Objective
City Operations Strategies Emissions from City Operations
Continuously reduce total air pollutant emission levels from City of Edmonton operations (vehicles, buildings, other). / Current Initiatives
Fuel Sense Program
Bus Reduced Idling Initiative
Diesel Particulate Filter Project
Vehicle Replacement
Diesel-Hybrid Bus Pilot Project
Energy Management Revolving Fund
Recommended Action added to 2006 ESP
Investigate costs and benefits of increased use of alternate fuels in City vehicles.
Performance Measure
Total annual mass of volatile organic compounds, total oxides of nitrogen, total particulates, and total carbon monoxide from City operations.
(Calculated using fuel consumption and average emission factors for the various engine types or combustion sources and fuel types in use. Can be subdivided into transit, operational fleets, heating and cooling, off-road and small engines, etc. for internal management purposes.) Unpleasant Odours from City Operations
Minimize unpleasant odours to which Edmontonians are exposed from City operations. / Current Initiatives
Sewer Odour Control Program
Waste Management Strategic Plan
Performance Measure
Number of citizen complaints and number of repeat complaints per year related to City operations (after a concern area is identified and remedial action taken).
Community Strategies Ambient Air Quality
Strive to ensure that Edmonton ambient air quality meets or surpasses national and provincial air quality standards and guidelines by encouraging community action. / Current Initiatives
Tracking of local and regional ambient air monitoring air quality (Existing practice)
City Vehicle Emissions Model
CASA PM & Ozone Management Framework Implementation Team
LRT Expansion and High Speed Transit Strategy
Urban Parks Management Plan
City of Edmonton Bike Plan
Multi-Use Trail Corridor Strategy
Transportation Demand Management Strategy
Intelligent Transportation Systems Strategic Plan
Corporate Tree Management Policy (C456) and Boulevard Bylaw (7829)
Performance Measure
Average ambient air quality readings within City limits, and number of exceedances[1] over national guidelines, for the five main parameters. Community Outreach for Air
and Climate
Inform and motivate residents and businesses to proactively contribute to cleaner air and protection of the climate by reducing net emissions though improving energy efficiency (and other measures) in their buildings, transportation activities, purchasing criteria, and lifestyle choices. / Current Initiatives
Car Heaven Project
Community Education and Outreach Initiatives
Recommended Action added to 2006 ESP
Develop an enhanced public outreach and education program to address citizen and business opportunities to contribute to cleaner air and protect the climate.
Performance Measure
To be determined
Regional / Provincial / Federal Strategies Engaging Other Governments
Demonstrate effective leadership among Canadian municipalities in encouraging provincial and federal levels of government to undertake programs and initiatives that contribute to cleaner air. / Current Initiatives
Alberta Central Airshed Zone
Performance Measure
Extent to which specific improvement requests advocated by the City are adopted and implemented.

2Climate Protection Strategy

Two key environmental topics are the focus of Edmonton’s Climate Protection Strategy: