Responsible Inclusive Finance Facility in Central America and Caribbean (RIFF-CAC)
Application Form
- Background information: The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) fund the Responsible Inclusive Finance Facility in Central America and Caribbean (RIFF-CAC in English or FFRI-CAC in Spanish), which launched operations in November 2017 and is working to build capacity and improve practice in social performance management (SPM) in Central America and the Caribbean. The Social Performance Task Force (SPTF) is managing the RIFF-CAC, in collaboration with REDCAMIF, the regional network for Central America and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean. One type of funding that the RIFF-CAC offers is for a SPI4 Workshop.
- Training Objectives:The workshop on SPM and SPI4 presents participants with an overview of the Universal Standards for SPM, as well as detailed training on how to use the SPI4 and apply the results of the social audit for action planning. During the training, each participant or team will:
- Develop a deeper understanding of SPM and the Universal Standards.
- Use the SPI4 social audit tool to conduct a self-assessment of their financial institution (or in the case of consultants of an institution they know well)
- Create a draft action plan for their institution, to improve its SPM in their priority areas, based on the gaps identified in the social audit.
- Receive assistance in finding existing resources (often free) relevant to the specific priorities and challenges in their action plan.
- Learn about these concepts and apply them through practical activities while having their questions answered in real time by the facilitator.
- Training Methodology: The first day of the workshop will focus on introducing participants to the Universal Standards for SPM. This day is structured around the 5-step pathway to improved practice and, as part of this, introduces the participants to the SPI4 social audit tool. The second day will allow participants to work through all the indicators in the SPI4 core questionnaire (which covers both client protection and social performance standards) with the support of the facilitator. Completing the questionnaire will allow participants to understand their institution’s current level of implementation of the Universal Standards by seeing the results graphically in the SPI4-generated reports. The second day of the workshop presents key resources available to help trainees make improvements to meet the Standards and close the gaps identified. The third(half day)focuses on developing action plans: creating a list of the institution’s gaps based on the results of the social audit, prioritizing these gaps based on the institution’s strategic plan and available resources, and creating an action plan to address the priority gaps over the next 6-12 months. The delivery methodology is interactive and varied and includes: completing worksheets, hands on use of the SPI4 tool, true/false quizzes, question and answer sessions, presentations, videos, teamwork, and opportunities for peer exchange with both the facilitator and other participants.
- Duration: 2 to 2.5 days (depending on prior level of knowledge of applicants).
- Eligibility: All are welcome to apply. Ideally participants in the workshop will have already completed the Introductory Training on the Universal Standards and the SPI4 (also offered by the RIFF-CAC). This workshop will be especially relevant to:
- Staff of financial service providers who wish to complete a self-assessment of their institution’s level of implementation of the Universal Standards using the SPI4 social audit tool. This workshop will also be helpful for those organizations that want to understand the SPI4 tool before doing an accompanied SPI4 assessment (with an auditor).
- Networks that want to host a training event that will allow many of its members to get a better understanding of the SPI4 as a self-assessment with support from an expert social auditors.
- Consultants/TA providers that want to better understand the SPI4 tool before applying to become SPI4 assessors.
- Language of instruction: This training may be offered in Spanish, English, or French.Specify your preferred language in the application form.
- Cost: Registration for this training is free. Additionally, the training will provide lunch at no cost each day to participants. However, all applicants are responsible for their own transportation to and from the training site, and for their own lodging. Participants will not receive a per diem allowance or be remunerated for their time.
- Required materials: All participants must bring a laptop to this training.
- Date of the training: The RIFF-CAC is not able to schedule the trainings in advance of reviewing the applications. The form below asks for your preferred timing for the training. If you are selected to attend the training, the RIFF-CAC will do its best to accommodate your request.
- Location of the training: To be determined. The RIFF-CAC will not decide in which country to hold the SPI4 workshop until it receives applications and therefore knows the countries of residents of interested parties. RIFF-CAC will do its best to hold the trainings either in trainees' countries of residence, or in a country to which travel is relatively easy.
- Deadline to submit application: None. RIFF-CAC accepts applications on a rolling basis.
Questions for the Applicant
- Please provide the following information:
- First name:
- Last name:
- Your email address:
- Your Skype name (optional):
- Your phone number, with country code (optional):
- Language in which you would like to have this training (options are Spanish, English, French. You may list more than one):
- Your country of residence:
- Organization you work for:
- How many years have you worked in the responsible inclusive finance sector?
- Briefly describe your responsibilities at your current job (1-2 sentences):
- If you are applying for this training on behalf of a group, please list the names, organizations, and email addresses of all the people in the group who would like to attend the training. Otherwise, write "not applicable."
- List the names, organizations, and email addresses of everyone in your group:
- Why are you, (or your group), interested in this training? Please include details on what specifically you would like to learn during this training.
- How do you (and other members of your group)plan to apply the knowledge of the SPI4 that you will acquire during this training to your future work?
- When would you like to attend this training? Please indicate your preferred month(s) and year.
- Are there any weeks or months in the upcoming twelve months when you would not be available to participate this training? Please explain:
- Please write your initials at the end of each of the following statements, to confirm you understand them.
- I understand that there is no registration cost to the training. [Your initials]:
- I understand that the RIFF-CAC will not make payments to me of any kind. I am responsible for my own lodging and my own transportation to and from the training venue. [Your initials]:
- I confirm that I will be able to bring a laptop ( a tablet is insufficient to run the tool) to the training for my own personal use during all 2-2.5 days of the training. [Your initials]:
- Please provide a letter from your employer, signed and written on your organization's letterhead, that confirms that your employer understands that this will be a 2-2.5day training and is willing to allow you to attend it. Please scan the letter and email it to the RIFF-CAC () along with your completed application forms. Please also write below the name, organization, and title of the person who signed your letter. If you are an independent consultant, please write "n/a" below, as this is not applicable to you.
- Name of the person signing your letter:
- Organization:
- Title:
- Instructions for submitting the application:
- Please type (preferred) or write neatly answers to all questions in this application.
- Once you have completed the application, please email the following documents to and put "Application to RIFF-CAC-SPI4 workshop" as your subject line:
- your application form, filled out
- your CV (or CVs of all members of the group for which you are applying)
- letter from your employer confirming that you are allowed to participate in this training (not required for independent consultants; for an application on behalf of a group, submit one letter for each member in the group)
Please note that RIFF-CAC will reply to you upon receipt of your application, to confirm that we have received it. The RIFF-CAC steering committee meets quarterly to review applications. Therefore, you will receive notice of whether your application was approved no later than three months after the date when you submitted it. Thank you for your interest.
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Updated 2018-01-21