APRIL 13, 2015

The Mayor and City Council of the City of Washington, Georgia, held their regular monthly Work Session on Monday, April 13, 2015, beginning at 5 PM at the Edward Pope Conference Center. Mayor Ames Barnett presided.

Present were: Mayor Barnett, council members Armour, Armour, Cullars, Rainey and Scarborough. Also present were City Administrator Bailey, City Clerk Danner and City Attorney Fleming.

Visitors present included: Charles Wagner, Norris Ware, Joseph Willis, Judy Anderson, Barbara Bacon, Tiffany Rainey, Blake Thompson, Ricky Fanning, Betty Hamilton, Hattie Callaway, Annie R. Wilkinson, Newton Gunter, June George, Evelyn Nobles, Alex George, Rachel Moreland, Merry Norman, Mary Wylie, Thomas Hall, Sim Dill, M.V. Booker, Frank Binns, Clara Sutton and Kip Burke of the News Reporter.


City Administrator Bailey advised council that she would seek approval of three resolutions during the regular meeting: (1) Resolution for GA DOT Highway 17 project regarding water lines; (2) Resolution approving updated RAS map removing Whitehall and Gordon Street from the target area; (3) Resolution approving the policies and procedures for the 2014 Housing Grant.

Bailey will also seek approval during the regular meeting for use of the square on May 7 for the National Day of Prayer service; and, the updated Pope Center event form and pricing-which incorporates requested changes from the March meeting.

Bailey will seek approval of carpet bids for the Pope Center. Copies of the bids were included in the meeting packets for council. Bailey will recommend approving bid submitted by Sim Dill for carpet squares.

Bailey will seek approval for TSPLOST Hill Street project bid from Southern Asphalt and the LMIG GADOT Max and Kendall Drive bid from Pittman Construction. It was noted that bids on both projects were more than the original estimates.

Bailey will seek approval of the Intergovernmental Contract with Wilkes County for the Sheriff’s Department. There are no changes to the contract, but should council desire monthly reports, they can be done for an additional yearly cost of $3,600.

Bailey advised that CCS Residential, DBA: Ocean Breeze, had not responded to her letter requesting submittal of appropriate distilled spirits application. Bailey will schedule a hearing before council on May 11, 2015 at 4:45 PM. It was noted that this business is no longer operating, but with a valid license they could re-open at that location at any time.

Bailey advised that she would seek approval for purchase of two dump beds for the sanitation department Kubota scooters. The department has one working dump bed at this time which has proven to save time and gas.

Bailey reported a request from the City of Tignall for lights and fans from the old Gordon Street school gym. It was noted that this property is under the direction of the URA and this matter will be referred to them.

Mayor Barnett reminded council of the proposed vicious animal ordinances included in their meeting packets and asked that council be prepared to take action on this matter at the May regular meeting.

Mayor Barnett further advised that he will seek approval of council for the appointment of Rosalyn Harris and Mozelle Doughty to the Senior Citizen Advisory Board.

City Attorney Fleming advised council that he had reviewed paperwork on Vogtle 3 and 4 for Federal Government backed loans which will require the Mayor’s signature.

Richard Crabbe advised on continuing truck traffic problems on South Jefferson and Cedar Streets. More “Truck Traffic Prohibited” signs will be installed and the Sheriff’s Department will continue to enforce city ordinance.

ADJOURNMENT: Work session adjourned at 5:55 PM.

