West Leigh Infant
Accident, Reporting, Investigating and Reporting Policy
Agreed by Staff: Summer 2016
Ratified by Governors: Summer 16
Review date: Summer 19
Accident Recording, Investigating and Reporting Policy
Recording Accidents
All accidents must be recorded in a Record of First Aid Treatment sheet. A copy of this is kept in a folder by each first aid box. All cell details need to be filled in, including any treatment given and the initials of who administered the treatment.
Accidents fall into four categories:
- Fatal
- Major injury
- To employees resulting in more than three days consecutive absence
- Other accidents
Accidents in the first two categories should be reported immediately to:
The Health and Safety Executive
Address and telephone number are kept in the Medical Room
The accident should be reported in writing on the appropriate form. A list of what constitutes a major injury is below. Category 3 accidents are reported to the Health and Safety Executive within 7 days. If the accident is more than a minor one for child or adult, please report it immediately to the Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher or First Aider who will send for an ambulance if needed and contact parents.
When in doubt, contact parents/guardians or next of kin.
Other accidents
These are the accidents, which more commonly occur in school.
Procedure to follow:
- Always fill in the accident record for minor injuries (including all bumps on the head and minor cuts and grazes). They are found in the Welfare Room and in the cloakroom between classes Mussels and Oysters and outside the Disabled Toilet. The Welfare Officer will telephone parents/carers following any injuries which may need further monitoring or any to the ‘private area’.
- If a Reception child has an injury in the Foundation Stage you must fill in an accident slip for the parent/carer, enter it in an accident book and give the slip to the adult who collects the child. The slips are kept in the Welfare Room and at the first aid posts between classes Oysters and Mussels or outside the Disabled Toilet.
- If a KS1 child has an injury enter it in an accident book and fill in a slip for the parent/careronly if the injury is to the head or neck or if it is a child whose special need might mean he or she would have difficulty relaying the information to a parent/carer.
Major Injuries
- Deep cuts or lacerations
- Fracture of the skull, spine or pelvis
- Fracture of any bone in the arm other than a bone in the wrist or hand
- Fracture of any bone in the leg other than a bone in the ankle or foot
- Amputation of a hand or foot
- The loss of sight of an eye
- Any other injury which results in the person injured being admitted to hospital as an inpatient for more than 24 hours, unless that person is detained only for observation
It might be that the extent of the injury may not be apparent at the time of the accident or immediately afterwards, or the injured person may not immediately be admitted to hospital. Once the injuries are confirmed, or the person has spent more than 24 hours in hospital, then the accident must be reported as a major injury.
- Welfare staff to fill in the accident form L2 (see attached) as soon as possible after the child has been taken for further treatment. Give the form to the Head Teacher or the Deputy Head Teacher to sign.
- The original will be sent to the Health and Safety Team
- A copy will be kept in the Welfare Room file
- Governors will have access to these documents along with the half yearly returns.
Reporting Of Accidents
Under HSE regulation guidelines in schools accidents that result in a fatal or serious injury involving a child or employee of the school on the premises must be reported to the HSE under RIDDOR (Reporting of injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations).
The nominated responsible person must report online using the following link, to the HSE within a maximum of fifteen days of the accident date if over a seven day injury or immediately by telephone on 0845 300 9923 of the accident is fatal.
An accident form ARF for Southend Council Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing Team must be completed by the responsible person and the Head Teacher, if an employee or child has a serious accident/incident on the school premises. When completed, the form is sent to the Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing team, Civic Centre Southend.
Certain accidents arising out of or in connection with work are reportable to the Health and Safety Executive under the requirements of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985. The following gives practical advice to schools on compliance with this duty.
It is not a complete statement of the duty.
Employee Accidents
(This applies to all Education employees and self-employed persons on school premises).
Any accident to an employee resulting in a fatal or major injury must be reported to the HSE immediately by telephone. The details must be confirmed on Form F2508 within 7 days. Forms are available online at
If the accident does not result in a fatal or major injury, but the employee is incapacitated from their normal work for more than three days (excluding the day of the accident) there is no need to telephone, but Form F2508 must be completed online and sent to the HSE within seven days of the accident.
Pupil Accidents
(Including accidents to any visitors not at work)
Fatal and major injuries to pupils on school premises during school hours must be reported in the same way as those to employees. However, injuries during play activities in playgrounds arising from collisions, slips and falls are not reportable unless they are attributable to:
- The condition of the premises (for example, potholes, ice, damaged or worn steps etc
- Plant or equipment on the school premises
- The lack of proper supervision
Fatal and major injuries to school pupils occurring on school sponsored or controlled activities off the school site (such as trips) must be reported if the accident arose out of or in connection with these activities.
Brief guidance for recording, reporting and investigation of accidents/incidents
Injured Person: (or another person on his/her behalf)
1. Ensure the injured employee’s line manager is aware of the accident/incident and any absence, or unsafe condition arising from the accident/incident.
2.That action is taken as necessary to deal with the immediate risks and to ensure that prompt (emergency) action is recorded.
3. Record as much detail of the accident/incident on the following form as soon as possible after the accident and forward it to the employee’s line manager for their comments/action and investigation.
Line Manger/Supervisor:
1. Inform Workplace Health, Safety & Wellbeing Team, as soon as possible on 01702 215103 of any serious accident/incident.
2. Inspect the accident/incident scene and carry out the investigation.
3.Serious accidents and incidents or those with a serious potential should be investigated by senior members of management.
4. Complete the details required on the form.
5. Check that the requirements of RIDDDOR are met. (see Appendix B for further details).
- Injury results in death, hospital admittance for 24 hours, Unconsciousness, inability to conduct normal work duties for over 3 days (including weekends)
- Major incidents Notify HSE immediately and complete form F2508 e.g. online or by telephone 0845 3009923.
- Minor incidents (Over 3 day injury) Report on F2508 HSE within 10 days of accident.
5,Forward the form (and any associated paperwork) for the attention of the Headteacher or designated person via the H&S Coordinator..
Headteacher, (or person delegated by him/her):
1, Add any comments to the report, as appropriate, and forward it to the Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing Team, Floor 8, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend, SS2 6ER
- Accident Data needs to be kept for at least three years after the accident if the person is above the age of eighteen.
- If the person who has had the accident is under the age of eighteen the accident records have to be kept until they are of the age of eighteen and three years there after.
Accident, Incident Investigation and Report Form
1. Details of injured person or who was nearly injured (i.e. near miss accident).
Full Name: / Age: (if known)Contact Number: / Male / Female
Address (if not an employee) Was the injured person:
Employee / ContractorService User / Member of the Public
Student/Pupil / Work Experience
Volunteer / Other (please state)
If injured person is an employee of Southend-on-Sea Borough Council:
Service Area / Department / School:Team:
Job Title: (if applicable)
Training & qualifications that may be applicable:
2. About the Incident
Where did the incident occurIn which department, or where on the premises did the incident happen?
Date of Incident: / Time of Incident: / am/pm
Date Reported : / Time Reported: / am/pm
Reported to: / Reported By:
Details of all other persons involved in accident, (name & position held and contact number).
Describe what happened. Give as much detail as you can. For instance:• the name of any substance involved • the name and type of any machine involved • the events that led to the incident • weather conditions (where appropriate) and the underlying causes of the incident. If it was a personal injury, give details of what the person was doing. Describe any action that has since been taken to prevent a similar incident.
Brief description of any injuries and state whether injury is suspected or actual.
3. Details of damage, injury or ill-health
Was First-Aid Administered? Yes / No / If yes by whom?Was the person sent to hospital? Yes / No
Was injured person sent home? Yes / No / Other
First-Aid Treatment Given:
Please √ one of the following where applicable:
Number of days lost
(includes weekends/non workdays) / Is the absence continuing?
(not yet returned to work) / Yes / No
Has the HSE (RIDDOR) been informed (please √) Yes
If YesPlease
attach r
port / No
4. About the kind of accident.
Please tick the one box that best describes what happened,
Contact with moving machinery or material being machined / 1Hit by a moving, flying or falling object / 2
Hit by a moving vehicle / 3
Hit something fixed or stationary / 4
Injured while handling, lifting or carrying / 5
Slipped, tripped or fell on the same level / 6
Fell from a height, How high was the fall? / 7
Exposed to, or in contact with, a harmful substance / 8
Contact with electricity or an electrical discharge / 9
Injured by an animal / 10
Physically assaulted by a person / 11
Another kind of accident (Please describe in part 2) / 12
5. Results of the investigation and any actions necessary to prevent a similar occurrence.
Witnesses Details: Name, Address and Telephone.1. / 2.
6. Details of the person completing this form
Print Name: / Job Title:Signature: / Date:
Comments of Group Manager/Headteacher.
Print Name / Job Title:
Signature / Date:
This form should be completed as soon as possible after the accident/incident and forwarded your Group Manager with and the original sent to HR and Communications, Workplace Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Team, Floor 8, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 6ER
Accident/Incident Reporting and Investigation
1.1The following procedures should be followed for all accidents occurring at any of the Authority's workplace premises or where an accident involves an employee during the course of their duties. They refer only to the procedures for the recording and reporting of accidents. They do not replace or amend any existing instructions or procedures for emergency action or treatment that may be necessary, but should be operated in parallel.
1.2An accident is defined as an unplanned, uncontrolled event that may or may not result in injury or damage.
1.3A near miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness or damage – but had the potential to do so. Near misses are warnings of potential accidents and must be reported.
1.4All accidents, to employees and non employees, including near misses with the potential for injury, or damage should be reported and recorded as soon as possible. Agency staff, contractors, etc should also inform their own employer of any accidents. Furthermore an investigation into the causes of all accidents should be carried out to establish the likely cause(s) of the accident and to identify any action that can be taken to eliminate or reduce the likelihood of further similar accidents occurring. The level of detail recorded and the extent of any investigation should always be commensurate with the level of severity of the accident.
1.5In addition to the above some accidents may be defined as serious and should be reported to the Workplace Health Safety & Wellbeing Team, HR and Communications as soon as is possible, (01702 215103). They will inform the relevant department, Insurance and Risk Manager, Media and Communications and Property, as appropriate.
1.6An accident may be defined as serious if it is either reportable under the Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995, (RIDDOR) or if any of the following has occurred.
Excessive loss of blood
Any broken limb
Injured person taken to hospital for treatment
Any other incident at the discretion of the person reporting the incident and/or in accordance with departmentally agreed procedures.
- Action to be taken by employee(s) at the scene of an accident
- Obviously, following an accident / incident, the first response should be to deal with the resulting situation by:
- Make the situation safe and prevent further injury or damage,
- Administrating first aid to the injured as necessary,
- Instigate critical incident procedures as necessary.
2.2Try to remain calm and find out what has happened and, where appropriate, take details from any witness(es) present at the scene.
2.3Ensure that the line manager responsible for any employee who is prevented from working as a result of the accident is informed.
- Action to be taken by the person reporting the accident
- Obtain an accident report form from the person responsible for maintaining the accident record book that covers the area of work or from the Intranet and complete all the details required.
- Please ensure that you provide a reference number in the top right hand corner of the form. The reference should comprise the injured person’s initials followed by the date. For example If the report was for John Brown who was injured on the 21st December 2008 the reference would simply be JB211208. This will assist future references to be made to the report.
- The completed reports should then be forwarded to the line manager/supervisor as soonas is reasonably practicable.
- Action to be taken by the line manager/supervisor
4.1Complete the form as appropriate. The level and extent of detail recorded should be commensurate with the seriousness of the consequences of the accident.
4.2The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) place duties on employers to report serious incidents to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). (Please see Appendix B, RIDDOR for details).
4.3The responsibility for reporting directly to the HSE rests with line manager of the injured employee.
4.4Fatal or major injuries should be reported to the HSE immediately. It is also necessary to report certain dangerous occurrences and occupational diseases.
4.5If the accident does not result in a fatal or major injury but the employee is incapacitated from her/his normal work for more than 3 days (excluding the day of the accident), a form F2508 must be completed and sent to the HSE within 10 days of the accident.
4.6Incidents can be reported to the HSE by :
- Telephone:0845 3009923
This is the quickest and easiest way to report with no need to complete a form call the Incident Contact Centre (Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm) and speak to an ICC Operator who will complete a report form over the phone. You will be sent a copy for your records.
- Online:
The form will then be submitted directly to the Incident Contact Centre. You will be sent a copy for your records.
- E-mail: download the appropriate form and e-mail to
- Post:Print out the appropriate form, complete it and post it to
Incident Contact Centre
CF83 3GG
4.7Inform the Workplace Health Safety & Wellbeing Team on 01702 215103 of any "serious" accident immediately.
4.8In accordance with departmental procedures, forward the report to your Directorates Director or their designated officer / H&S Coordinator for their comments/action.
4.9Please ensure that the reference number is copied to any additional and separate sheets of information, i.e. details taken from witnesses, etc.
5Action to be taken by the Headteacher
5.1To establish a departmental procedure that meets his/her requirements in terms of those accidents that should be brought to their attention, for example, those that fall within the scope of RIDDOR.
5.2Where appropriate enter comments as appropriate, sign and date the completed form.
5.3Return the form to the person responsible for the safe keeping of accident reports covering the area where the accidents occurred.
6Action by Person Responsible for the Safe Keeping of Accident Records
6.1Ensure that the reference number is copied to all separate pieces of paper comprising the entire report.
6.2Make a copy of the report and ensure that it is placed in a secure file. The report will contain personal data that must not be disclosed to any other person unless it is absolutely necessary to do so, for example to enable an investigation to be carried out.
6.3Forward the completed original report form to the Workplace Health, Safety & Wellbeing Team, under confidential cover, As soon as possible.
7.Action to be taken by the Workplace Health, Safety & Wellbeing Team