Truth, Honor, Justice, and Betrayal in Drama:

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

Unit Question:What role does the individual play in preserving truth, honor and justice in society?

Date / Assignments / Date / Assignments
10/26 /
  • Introduce Julius Caesar unit: take notes on background information
HW: Bring your textbook and I-Nb to class. / 11/19 /
  • Finish reading Act III and taking notes
  • Begin reading Act IV
HW: 1) Complete Act III notes & interactions. 2) Work on speech memorization. 3) Bring textbook and I-Nb to class.
10/30 /
  • Go over I-Notebook handouts, study guide, and character chart
  • Begin reading Act I
HW: 1) Complete Act I notes & interactions.
2) Bring your textbook and I-Nb to class. / 11/21 /
  • Take notes on tragedy and tragic flaw
  • Finish reading ActsIV and V
  • Go over script, test, and in-class essay
HW: Study for Julius Caesar unit test (including speech memorization).
11/2 /
  • Discuss speech memorization and JC
Acting Companies
  • Continue reading Act I and taking notes on
study guide and character chart
1) Complete Act I notes and interactions. 2) Bring your textbook & I-Nb to class. 3) Work on speech memorization. / 11/27 /
  • Discuss in-class essay prompt, Acting Co.’s script, and I-Nb Table of Contents
  • Julius Caesar Unit TEst
(including speech memorization)
HW: 1) Work on your Acting Company’s script; completed TYPED script due next class.. 2) Finalize the drama section of your I-Notebook and be ready to write your in-class essay during next class. 3) Bring your textbook to class.
11/6 /
  • Finish reading Act I & taking notes on study guide and character chart
HW: 1) Study Act I & background info. notes for quiz next class. 2) Bring your textbook and I-Nb to class. / 11/29 /
  • Turn in scripts
  • Write in-class essay
  • Turn in I-Notebook
HW: 1) Study units 3-4 for etymology quiz.
2) Bring rehearsal materials (props, scripts, costumes, name tags) to class.
11/8 /
  • Take quiz Act I & background info.
  • Take notes on dramatic irony
  • Read Act II
1) Bring textbook and I-Nb to class. / 11/19 /
  • Acting Co.’s group time to practice
HW: Prepare for presentations – wear togas to class; bring scripts, props, and name tags. A final draft copy (with highlighted sections) of your script must be turned in to Mrs. Hankins
11/13 /
  • Finish reading Act II
  • Discuss and take notes on study guide
HW: 1) Study Act II notes for quiz next class. 2) Complete Act II notes & interactions.
3) Bring your textbook and I-Nb to class. / 11/21 /
  • Acting Company Presentations
HW: Bring your copy of Lord of the Flies or your ID to check it out from the textbook room.
11/15 /
  • Take Act II quiz
  • Take notes on aside, soliloquy, & monologue
  • Read Act III and take notes on study guide
HW: 1) Complete Act III notes & interactions. 2) Work on speech memorization. 3) Bring your textbook and I-Nb to class. / 11/26 / Begin Lord of the Flies unit.