Who Wants To be A Millionaire

New SEN Code of Practice:

  1. ______
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  3. ______
  4. ______
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  12. ______

Total Correct = ______

Early Monitoring Process

Whole School Identification of Needs

To be completed by Class Teacher/ Form Tutor

Pupil name:______


Class teacher/ Form Tutor: ______

Date completed:______

Pupil Information from: Tick if included

Absence percentage (if relevant)
Medical details
Cohort assessment data
Recorded examples of difficult to manage behaviour (if relevant)
Work samples e.g. free writing / independent work

Please bring any of the above records to your initial meeting with the SENCO

Differentiated strategies implemented in the classroom over time

Key observations notes

Key points from discussion with other staff including teaching assistants

Key points from discussion with parents/carers

Key points from discussion with pupil

Date of initial meeting with SENCO for advice:______

School based assessment agreed to complete:

Further advice and strategies suggested to strengthening QFT:

Date set for 2nd - 3rd Review, with parents and SENCo:______

Comments from this Review:

Outcome of Review Meeting:______

Difficulties that the pupil had seem to have ceased. We will continue to monitor the pupil’s progress in line with whole school systems, and feed back to parent[s]

The pupil does seem to have some difficulty in specific areas, but their needs seem to be being met through additional “catch-up” support. We will continue to support the pupil through additional targeted intervention [s] and monitor their progress in line with whole school systems, and feed back to parent[s]

The pupil has significant difficulties in one / more areas. With parental

agreement, they will be placed on the SEND Register and supported through

appropriate targeted interventions. We will closely monitor their progress and

invite the parent[s] to termly meetings to review their child’s progress and set

new targets

Teacher’s signature:______

Parent/ Carer’s signature:______


School identification of SEN - Possible criteria to think about


  • Working 2 years below expected levels –NC / PIVOTs
  • School based- standardised assessments show working at below SS 85 in identified area of need


  • Permanent childhood or longstanding conductive hearing loss – Unilateral, mild, moderate, severe, profound


  • Identified medical need eg ASD , Down, Cerebral Palsy
  • Identified social, emotional or mental health need [Goodmans SDQ / Self Image Profile/ Boxall]
  • Significant external circumstances –multiple agencies



Section 1

ELEMENT 1 Funding – Universal Support
What schools would be expected to provide for pupils with SEND – Quality First Teaching
(see also LA Teaching & Learning Policy template)
Identification: Assessment for
learning / Expected within school arrangements to meet
identified needs of CYP with SEND
  • When a child is aged between two and three, practitioners must review their progress ti identify strengths and areas of concern
  • Know and understand how to assess the relevant subject and curriculum areas including all statutory requirements
  • The teacher shares learning objectives with children in ‘child-speak’
  • Feedback is clear, positive and constructive - identifying what the child has done well, what needs to be done to improve and how to do it.
  • The teacher values oral as well as written developmental feedback
  • The teacher analyses assessment data to identify patterns of underachievement and takes appropriate action
  • Ensure that the children know their targets and understand what they need to do to achieve them.
  • There are opportunities for children to be involved in their own assessment –There are opportunities for peer review and conferencing, informed by clear, agreed learning objectives
  • Involve students in identifying the next steps in their learning.
  • Robust baseline tracking of all CYP to ensure early identification of those not making expected progress
  • Staff use a range of assessment tools to assess CYP for SEN as guided by the eternal services SENCo e.g., National Curriculum Speaking and Listening Levels, Pivats Levels, APP, IDP
  • Up to date information on learning needs of CYP distributed on learning needs of CYP
  • All staff recognise that unusual and challenging behaviours are a form of communication and may be an indicator of unmet need and may require further assessment
/ Whole School policies/procedures
  • In settings all children must be assigned a key worker
  • Active promotion of whole school inclusive education and a positive ethos which acknowledges the needs of children with SEN. All staff aware of their responsibilities for ensuring access to the curriculum for CYP with SEND
  • Whole school policies on: Fire evacuation for SEND, Intimate Care needs, adaptations to school uniform codes (e.g. use for hats for hair loss etc.), Moving and Handling for physical/medical needs,
  • Policies and procedures to support all CYP with SEND at points of transition.
  • The Single Equality Duty includes positive action to prevent discrimination on the grounds of SEND. It also includes consideration of how access to the curriculum and the physical environment can be improved for CYP with SEND.
  • Effective policies for the prevention of bullying, which include particular consideration of CYP with SEND.
  • Clear policy for recognising and promoting positive behaviour, applied consistently by all staff.
  • Action to ensure safeguarding of all CYP with particular consideration of CYP with SEND.
  • Whole school systems for Recognising and celebrating differences
  • Whole school policy and procedures for health and personal care needs and moving and handling within school’s Health and Safety Policy.
  • Flexible responses to CYP in recognition of the potential stress, anxiety, confusion and unhappiness SEND can cause, leading to positive action to support the CYP.
  • Clear, consistent whole school communication policy applied rigorously
  • Clear policies and procedure which promote social skills and emotional well-being and self-esteem.
  • Plans/procedures to encourage pupil participation.
Curriculum (Planning)
  • Learning objectives are narrow and explicit
  • ensure that plans address the issues of differentiation such as pace, groupings, extension, support
  • have high expectations of all children and plan achievable, realistic, challenges and goals
  • Clear match of activity to learning
  • An indication of the amount of teaching time to be given to particular groups/individuals
  • The range of teaching strategies to be used, with a particular focus on different types of questioning
  • Consider the individual needs, interests, abilities & learning styles(including multi-sensory) of the children
  • Evidence of imaginative links and activities
  • Plans reflect the evaluation and assessment of previous learning and allow for pre-teaching, overlearning
and revision through purposeful application of knowledge and understanding to different situations
  • CYP given time to respond to questions and complete activities
  • Clear classroom routines supported by visual cues e.g. objects of reference, signs, symbols, gestures,
basic signing to support language, photographs, visual timetables
  • In EY the key person must help ensure that every child’s learning and care is tailored to meet their individual needs
Curriculum (Teaching strategies)
  • A wide range of teaching and learning styles which match the learning styles of the group
  • Lessons which are responsive to the pupils interests/needs
  • Steps to success referred to in mini plenaries and final plenary to encourage pupils to demonstrate new learning
  • Ability to change direction, pace and pitch to meet the needs of all pupils
  • Effective routines and organisation of groups allows focus to remain on teaching
  • Organisation of the room supports the learning and is easily changed to meet pupils needs
  • Adult support used effectively to move learning on. Adults demonstrating/modelling learning
  • Effective use of high level questioning throughout to probe understanding, check what pupils know and challenge them to go to the next level
  • Pupils encouraged to formulate and ask questions
  • Good use of body language, eye contact and voice to keep control and encourage and celebrate learning
  • Fun and humour used in teaching
  • Teacher quick to anticipate and recognises and seizes learning opportunities
  • adults being used effectively, clear in their role and impacting on children’s learning
Parent Participation
  • In EY Providers must inform parents and/or carers of the name of the key person, and explain their role, when a child starts attending a setting
  • The key person must seek to engage and support parents and/or carers in guiding their child’s development at home. They should also help families engage with more specialist support if appropriate
  • A short written summary of the 2 year check must be presented to parents
  • be willing to make appointments at mutually convenient times to discuss concerns
  • ensure parents/carers feel they can discuss any issues or difficulties without criticism
  • hold an open class meeting at the start of each school year to discuss expectations for the year, routines and the approach to teaching and learning
  • hold ‘Inspire’ events at least once each year, to which all parents or family members are invited
  • ensure parents are regularly made aware of their child’s attainment and progress with records of meetings kept
  • encourage active parental support in the classroom and encourage them to share their expertise. Provide guidance for parents on how to support
  • listen to the interests, concerns and views of parents
  • Encouragement to parents/carers to ensure that the CYP attends all health related screening and immunization programmes e.g. opticians, inoculations, dentist
Pupil Participation
  • Action to ensure raising of peer awareness of student needs,
  • promoting normalisation of difference. The use of peer support/buddying.
Role of Governors
  • Support the use of appropriate teaching strategies by allocating resources effectively
  • Monitor how effective teaching and learning strategies are in terms of raising pupil attainment through learning walks, data scrutiny and discussion with key groups
  • Ensure that the school buildings and premises are effective in supporting successful teaching and learning;
  • Monitor teaching strategies in the light of health and safety regulations
  • Ensure that staff development and performance management policies promote good quality teaching;
  • Monitor the effectiveness of teaching and learning policies through the school self-review processes. These include the head teacher’s reports to governors, Pupil Progress Report and the work of the curriculum and school improvement committees
Continued professional development for Staff
  • CPD programme for all staff related to the needs of CYP with SEND (incl. VI, HI, Physical)
  • Universal training on SEND for all staff e.g. Inclusion Development Program (IDP)
  • Procedures for effective multi-agency working.
  • Displays engage pupils and provide a real audience for their work
  • Displays are interactive, used daily as a teaching resource and develop as learning develops
  • Learning objectives are clearly displayed
  • Resources use a range of media – photos, artefacts, books charts and posters
  • Resources are tidily stored, clearly labelled and accessible to teacher and pupils as appropriate
  • Pupils take responsibility for obtaining and clearing away resources
  • Environment is dyslexia friendly – e.g. pastel shade for IWB background and pen used is not black
  • Regular environment audit to identify need and promote ‘good practice’. Provision of flexible learning
environment which can be used to enhance concentration, listening e.g. visually/acoustically enriched
environment reflecting level of learning and need
  • Careful consideration of the classroom environment and organisation e.g. clear routes within classrooms, consideration of seating in relation to light and possible distractions
  • The school Accessibility Plan key strategies to increase access for CYP with Visual Impairments (e.g. seating within class, access to ICT, access to interactive white board, allowing the wearing of glasses for PE).
  • Moving and handling plans are in place where appropriate
  • There is an appropriate location for medical interventions, personal or hygiene needs
  • Amplification systems, where supplied, used consistently and appropriately
  • Class/Year/school Group Provision Map, highlighting all ‘additional to’ and ‘different from’ provision
  • Careful consideration of accessibility of learning materials in terms of readability, density of text, size and choice of font, layout, overlays, coloured paper appropriate use of illustrations etc
  • Support for the provision of and use of ICT for access and communication
  • A variety of alternative ways to record and present work
  • Support for homework and arrangements to ensure that tasks are clearly recorded
  • Schools are expected to provide generic assistive technology – up to a cost of £XXX
  • Signposting to extended school provision e.g. breakfast/lunch/ afterschool provision.

External Support Available /
  • School is aware of the guidance and support available for teachers from all organisations including voluntary organisations specialising in various SEN

Outcomes / The key test of how far their learning needs are being met is whether they are making adequate progress.
Adequate progress can be defined in a number of ways. It might, for instance be progress which:
  • closes the attainment gap between the child and their peers
  • prevents the attainment gap growing wider
  • is similar to that of peers starting from the same attainment baseline, but less than that of the majority of peers
  • matches or betters the child’s previous rate of progress
  • ensures access to the full curriculum
  • demonstrates an improvement in self-help, social or personal skills
  • demonstrates improvements in the child’s behaviour.
Outcomes of assessment will indicate the impact of the interventions (middle column) measured by the child’s attainment and achievement as indicated in the Identification column. School/settings will produce evidence of progress as result of interventions used. Expected progress is 2 sub levels a year and 2 levels over KS1-2 and 3 levels KS2-4

Section 2

Element 2 Funding

What school would be expected to provide for pupils with SEND

Sensory (Hearing/vision Impairment) and Physical Difficulties

In addition to approaches, strategies and interventions offered at Universal
Identification: the levels described
below indicate the range of possible
SEND a mainstream school could be
expected to make provision for without
"high needs funding”. / Expected within school arrangements to meet
identified needs of CYP with SEND / External Support Available
Hearing impairment (HI) can range from mild, moderate to
Severe or profound and be temporary or permanent.
Impairment may impede access to the curriculum and
hinder academic and/or social progress.
Visual impairment (VI) refers to a range of difficulties from
reduced vision to partial sight through blindness. CYP with
VI cover the range of ability
Physical condition subject to medical review or intervention
the impact of which may be direct in its effects on cognitive
or Physical ability. An impairment of motor function affecting
Dexterity or mobility within school which may, without
intervention, obstruct access to the curriculum.
  • Assessments showing lack of expected progress
despite high quality interventions.
  • Updated functional assessment of sensory/physical
difficulty carried out by Health/Sensory Team and
reviewed regularly.
  • School supports parents/carers to obtain appropriate medical assessment when a sensory/physical impairment is suspected.
  • All staff aware of the indicators of speech,
language and communication needs and when to refer to the Speech and Language Therapy Service
  • Assessment of need for specialist equipment.
  • Use Early Years Profile and small steps/P Scale
assessment orsub-levels of the early National
Curriculum levels as required to measure progress.
  • SENCO/teachers use a range of assessment tools to
assess CYP e.g. National assessments, Cognitive
Assessment Tests (CATs) Reading and
Spelling tests etc. / Curriculum
  • A range of teaching and learning approaches and resources that take account of different learning styles (including, multi-sensory) to develop basic skills, with opportunities for pre teaching, overlearning and revision.A variety of teaching approaches used to compensate for reduced Sensory/physical ability (e.g. using artefacts, modified language, gain attention before starting to speak, visual support and
materials, support for learning key words, homework written down,
individualised curriculum, Written notes may need to be available
for some children
  • Clear long term and medium term planning to enable
resources to be obtained/produced in time for the lesson.
Schemes of work are significantly differentiated (according to individual needs and in accordance with ability/language) including
drawing on work from earlier year groups. Consider specific
needs when planning delivery e.g. whiteboard, interactive
whiteboard, worksheets, books, video, pupils who lip read,
practical activities. Where sign language is used by the CYP
communicators or TAs with level 2 BSL used to ensure access to
curriculum etc.
  • Consideration of timetabling and location of rooms for those with
Sensory/physical needs.CYP given time to respond to questions, complete activities andassimilate concepts, Give short breaks to allow for fatigue.
  • Manage group work to enable the C or YP to have access to thecontributions of other pupils
  • Clear classroom routines supported by cues e.g. objects of
reference, signs, symbols, gestures, basic signing to support
language, photographs, visual timetables,
  • Teaching and support promotes and enhances independent
learning and the generalisation of new skills to new situations.
  • Sessions/assemblies to raise awareness and facilitate a better
understanding of aspects of sensory/physical difficulties.