PRESENT: Cllrs. Bancroft, Bunyan, Cook, Fermor, Fletcher, Goodchild, Hemsted, Holdom, Holmes, Marley, Rook, Swann and Veitch.
Kent County Councillor & Borough Councillor Sean Holden & Borough Cllr. Linda Hall.
APOLOGIES: Cllrs. Fermor, Hazlewood, Hemsted & macLachlan. Borough Councillor John Smith
The Chairman read out the following statement.
Members who had a personal or prejudicial interest, whether direct or indirect within the meaning of Section 51 of the Local Government Act 2000, or a personal or prejudicial interest defined by the Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Parish Council’s Code of Conduct, in any of the matters appearing on the agenda were invited to declare that interest at this stage. Alternatively, personal interests can be declared at the time when the specific item is being discussed, if a member wishes to speak on an item in which they have a personal interest.
No interests were registered.
The Chairman welcomed Richard Shaw to the meeting. Richard is the Manager of the former Bull Inn now renamed The Milk House. Richard introduced himself and extended a warm welcome to everyone to attend the opening of the public house which was on the 20th September at 7 p m. The menu is still under wraps – meals would be served from mid-day on the 21st September. All Members afforded best wishes to all concerned on the re-opening of this very important facility in Sissinghurst. The Clerk offered to put flyers and information in the Information Centre for the benefit of residents and tourists.
75: The Chairman, Cllr. F. Rook proposed that the Minutes of the Meeting held on the 8th August be adopted as a true record. This was seconded by Cllr. Veitch and agreed.
76: The Chairman reported that he would be having a meeting with Richard Jackson, High Weald Academy on the 24th September where issues to be discussed would be student behaviour, input into our Newsletter and integration of the School with the community. Cllr. Swann stated that living opposite the school he had noted that the behaviour of students had greatly improved since Angley School had become the High Weald Academy. Cllr. Holmes informed Members that the Tourism Forum was arranging a meeting with the Careers Advisor at the High Weald Academy to discuss youth employment, youth unemployment and work experience.
The Chairman informed Members that with regard to the report on the issue of the Parish Council position with regard to moving to the Community Hub, the Clerk is collating information and there will be a meeting on his return from holiday. He had inserted a paragraph in the Newsletter asking for public opinion.
The Chairman reported that Cranbrook in Bloom results were in and we had won the Small Town Category – Silver Gilt.
Responding to a question from Cllr. Bancroft on rural transport, Cllr. Rook confirmed that with regard to Age UK he was waiting to talk to David Lambert, who had only recently returned from holiday.
77: Cllr. Veitch stated that the status report had been circulated to all Members prior to the meeting. With regard to the culvert, this had been cleaned by the same contractor who used to carry out the work for the Borough Council. They have done a good job of cleaning the culvert and the stream back to the grids. She then referred to the Management Strategy which was also circulated prior to the meeting. Under the terms of the lease it is a requirement for the Parish Council to have an adopted Management Strategy and if Members agree she will then take this to David Candlin and Julie Steere. She invited questions. Cllr. Swann suggested that when this meeting takes place that Cllr. Veitch brings to their attention how much the Borough has left us to do. Cllr. Veitch confirmed that there is to be a “wash up” meeting on the 23rd September and she would raise this. Cllr. Marley referred to her previous suggestion that photographs should be taken at take-over, which should be dated and she asked if this had been done. Cllr. Rook confirmed that this had been done and discs were with the Clerk. Cllr. Veitch had also taken photographs so there were two sets. He stated that we were also considering aerial photographs.
Cllr. Veitch proposed that the Management Strategy as circulated be adopted. This was seconded by Cllr. Fletcher and unanimously agreed. A copy is filed with these Minutes.
78: Cllr. Swann brought forward the report of the meeting held on the 8th August which had been previously verbally reported. He proposed adoption. This was seconded by Cllr. Cook and agreed.
He then referred to the meeting which had been held this evening. He reported that the audit had been carried out and there were no issues. The usual payments made prior to the meeting were ratified as were the cheques for the September payments. The street maintenance contract had been agreed, this was on the same terms and conditions as the previous three year contract with no increase in charges. He confirmed to Cllr. Fletcher that there is an annual inflation price rise. The company had undergone a name change – from Direct Technical Services to Streetlights.
79: Cllr. Bunyan referred to the Minutes of the last meeting and referred to the application for The Barracks, Wilsley Pound. Members felt that the conversion of the main house to three dwellings was a better scheme than the previous one submitted. They also had no objection to the conversion of the oast to one dwelling. This had a previous consent for conversion to one, we had objected previously to the conversion of the oast to two dwellings. The Committee were not in favour of the conversion of the squash court to three dwellings, one part shown on the drawings was not even there and the proposal for the middle section was a five bedroom unit which had a tiny garden. There was also a proposal to re-instate a barn which had already been demolished and this was not supported by Members. This would be a new dwelling in the countryside.
Cllr. Bunyan informed Members that we were in receipt of the plans for the McCarthy Stone development of the former council offices site. She also informed Members that works will be commencing shortly on the Golding Homes site in Common Road. Anyone wishing to apply for these local exception houses must be registered on the Borough Housing list.
With regard to the McCarthy Stone development, Cllr. Marley asked for two points to be taken into consideration when the planning committee considers the plans. There were objections from some residents of Joyce Close to the access being from the rear service road and also that there was only one lift shown on the plans which were part of the original consultation exercise.
Cllr. Bunyan confirmed that the access is still shown from the rear and there is still only one lift shown. She reminded Members that we had suggested a second lift when the plans were considered for the redevelopment of Major Clarkes but our suggestion was ignored.
80: In the absence of Cllr. Hemsted, Cllr. Bunyan stated that there had been no recent meeting. She was not aware of any problems but she would be happy to take any issues forward to the next meeting.
81: Cllrs. Holmes referred to the report of the meeting held on the 2nd July and apologised for the lateness of the request for adoption. He stated that the 297 bus service is still operating with another contractor in place and the vehicles looked more modern. Cllr. Bunyan suggested it was rather odd that Battle was mentioned with regard to rural transport when she thought it came under Kent County Council rather than Sussex. Cllr. Holmes confirmed that Battle was trying to help with a rural bus service for Frittenden. KCC had encouraged them to apply and then when they had applied their application was refused. The Transport Group had been hoping for an officer from KCC to attend their meeting but apparently the officer is now on sick leave. Cllr. Sean Holden stated that he had nothing to add on rural transport but suggested that an officer on sick leave should not halt KCC involvement. Cllr. Holmes proposed adoption of the report of the meeting held on the 2nd July; this was seconded by Cllr. Veitch and agreed.
82: Cllr. Veitch thanked the Clerk for having the Minutes ready for tonight’s meeting. The site meeting had been held on Tuesday 10th September and she thanked Members for turning out on such a miserable evening. The Minutes had been circulated and she invited questions. No questions were raised and she therefore proposed adoption of the report. This was seconded by Cllr. Holdom and agreed.
Cllr. Veitch stated that she was looking to establish a rota for regular inspections of the car parks. The process would be that there is two people to every car park walking round once per week. All Members will be issued with a check list and she asked that even if they were not on the rota that if they notice anything that they report issues to the Clerk. A log of all reported issues will be kept by the Clerk. There will then be a running list issued so that Members could see which issues are being dealt with.
Cllr. Veitch agreed to inspect the Regal Car Park together with Cllr. Holdom who had already volunteered. Cllrs. Rook and Goodchild had already volunteered to inspect Jockey Lane. Cllr. Bancroft agreed to help out where she could and offered to help Cllr. Fletcher with inspecting the Tanyard Car Park. Cllr. Swann suggested that occasionally two members inspecting the car parks should walk round together.
Cllr. Veitch thanked Cllr. Rook for organising the hand over event. Cllr. Rook confirmed that all expenses had been paid out of his Chairman’s allowance.
With regard to the streetlights in the Regal, Cllr. Veitch reminded Members that the Co Op own the car park alongside their store and not the car park in front of the store. Originally they were going to cancel their lease with the Borough Council and enter into a new lease with the Parish. They have now changed their mind and will take the management of this part of the car park back in house. This will mean a reduction in the cost of the cleaning etc to the Parish Council. She is still trying to get a meeting arranged with Liz Smith from the Co Op.
The electricity supply in the Regal Car Park is an interesting problem. It transpires that the majority of the street lights are linked into the Co Op store and are therefore being paid by the Co Op which they may not be aware of. Only the six central columns are not linked. Our lighting technicians are preparing a report and we will then talk to the Co Op. Some of the street lights are interesting – there are bulbs not functioning and yet there is one column leaning to an angle of 20 degrees to the ground where the bulb is still functioning. These issues have all been reported in the past to the Borough but no repairs have been undertaken.
Cllr. Bancroft raised the issue of the condition of the public toilets. She had received a complaint. Cllr. Veitch confirmed that the toilets were the responsibility of the Borough Council and Cllr. Rook wearing his Borough hat agreed to report this to the Borough.
83: Cllr. Bunyan stated that the next meeting was on Wednesday week, the 25th September. Cllr. Veitch raised an issue at Wilsley Pound. When she and Cllr. Swann were looking at lorry signage they had come across a rather faded mileage stone and she wondered whether this was something that CCAAC could be involved in.
84: Cllr. Fletcher informed Members that he had attended the KALC meeting on the 4th September and concerns were raised about the Borough planning officers who were now sometimes short term, not local and part time. Cllr. Rook speaking as a Borough Councillor stated that he had also received complaints. Cllr. Fletcher stated that KALC would be writing to the Chief Executive.
85: The Rural News has been circulated. Cllr. Fletcher mentioned the item on Call for Evidence: Passenger Transport which was interesting, however the deadline for submissions was the 2nd September. Cllr. Holmes referred to the items regarding the Post Office and also the Age UK study
“Later Life in Rural England”. He offered to download the report and write something for the next Parish Newsletter. Cllr. Rook stated that if anyone had any concerns with regard to the elderly and isolation that they should raise these concerns with the relevant authority. Cllr. Bancroft referred to the item regarding bedroom tax and the lack of two and three bedroom homes in the rural areas. She used the example of a local family who were not able to bid on a three bedroom house as they were classed as a four bedroom need. At present they were in a two bedroom house so a three bedroom would be a great improvement. Four bedroom homes were few and far between.
86: The Clerk reported the new opening hours for the Post Office in the Village Shop in Sissinghurst. The Post Office will not now re-open on the 5th September. The date has been altered to the 21st October.
With regard to the Crown Public House in Cranbrook. Enterprise Inns have confirmed that work has stopped through further planning issues which they are now addressing.
Following the very successful Family Fun Days held on the Jubilee Field and Ball Field we have been given feedback on how many children attended the event. Borough wide 3184 children attended with 98 in Sissinghurst and 142 in Cranbrook. Cllr. Bunyan thanked the organisers on behalf of parishioners.