Old Sarum Airfield Information – World Record Skydive

Airfield location

Old Sarum Airfield



Please don’t trust your Sat Nav in the last few miles!Once near, please use this map.

Arrival Time

  • When you registered you selected your jump date and arrival time.
  • Please arrive on time.
  • If you arrive late, you will be put to the end of the queue and risk not being able to jump that day.


Parking is available on site.

Signposted “Visitors Car Park”.

Airfield Rules

-No persons are allowed past the white barrier fence to go onto the active airfield grassed areas unless accompanied by an instructor or pilot.

-The hangars around the back of the building are not to be entered within prior permission by the airfield staff, and need to be accompanied by ground staff of the airfield.

-Walking up to any aircraft is strictly prohibited


To take part in The September Sky-fall at Old Sarum Airfield we are asking each participant to raise a minimum of £350 in sponsorship. These funds need to be raised by jump day, as a proportion is payable to the airfield covering the cost of your jump. We would encourage you toset up an online fundraising page (details of how to set this up are available to download). You can also pay in cash or cheques made payable to ‘CLIC Sargent’. Please note you will not be able to skydive if you have not paid in full on or by the date of your skydive.

Plenty of fundraising advice and tips are featured in the Fundraising Guide (available to download). We will also be in touch along the way through our Facebook page and on email with lots of further tips.


All participants must bring two pieces of paperworkto the airfield to allow you to jump on the day. The Declaration of Fitness form and BPA Membership Agreement are available in your downloadable skydive pack.

If you have any medical conditions or are aged over 40 you will need to get your Declaration of Fitness form signed by your doctor.

If you are under 18, you will have to have your Declaration of Fitness witnessed by a parent/legal guardian, and your BPA Membership Agreement must be signed by a parent/legal guardian.

Ordering DVD/photos

A filming service is provided by the skydive centre. You can pre-order your photos/DVD directly with the airfield by calling them on 01722 323 628, stating that you are part of CLIC Sargent’s skydive weekend and the date you have booked to jump. The costs for photo and DVD packages are as follows: £109 for photos, £109 for a DVD, and £140 for a photo and DVD package. This cost will be payable out of your own money; you cannot use sponsorship money for this. Please note that availability of photo’s/DVDs is limited, so book early to avoid disappointment. If there is still availability on the day of the jump, you will be able to book your DVD at the airfield paying by cash or debit/credit card.

How to double your freefall time

There are limited spaces available to upgrade your skydive from 10,000ft to 15,000ft which doubles your freefall time and allows a greater scope for your professionally edited DVD. The costs for a 15,000ft skydive is £60. This cost will be payable out of your own money; you cannot use sponsorship money for this. You can pre-order directly with the airfield by calling them on 01722 323 628.

Your CLIC Sargent Contact

Farah Batchelor is your CLIC Sargent contact in the run up to your skydive at Old SarumAirfield.

Lots of key information about the skydive is included in the Skydive FAQs (available to download). If you have any further queries regarding the event or raising your sponsorship, please contact Farah on 02380 514043 or email .

Farah will also be your contact on the day of your skydiveand you will be able to contact her on her mobile 07795 296487.