March 7, 2014

Superintendent of Schools, Larry Licopoli, Ph.D.

“Moving from a system of schools to a school system” J

1.  Reminder---Conference Date Changed

a.  Our March 21 Superintendent’s Conference Day has been changed to March 14.

b.  Tentative schedule:

i.  8:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. - PKMS auditorium: Faculty and assistants and aides

·  Overview of Reorganization Plan and Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment System. Leadership positions, Q&A

ii.  10:15 a.m.-10:25 a.m. - Break

iii.  10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. - Mandated Reporting- *required training at request of PFA

iv.  11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. - Travel time and lunch

·  ***NOTE: Debriefing and lunch for Union City Visitation Team @ PKMS

v.  12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. - Report to schools where principals will have schedules prepared. PPS staff will be notified by Mrs. O’Connor.

c.  All other staff will be informed of their schedule next week

2.  Vacancies and Announcements:

a.  I am pleased to announce that I have approved Mrs. Staci Woodley’s request to assume the principal’s position at Oakside Elementary School, effective July 1, 2014. Consequently, we will now be recruiting for an early childhood-primary principal for Woodside Elementary School who will also oversee the Pre-K program. Please note that we intend to provide administrative support for Uriah Hill.

b.  I have embedded the recruitment plan and the vacancy announcement for the principal positions at Peekskill High School, Peekskill Middle School, and Woodside Elementary School. The recruitment procedures will be very much the same in each building. This will include building tours, a meet and greet with faculty, staff, parents and students, and an interview with a school interview team comprised of faculty, parents, and staff.

3.  2014-2015 Educational Plan and Budget---(Revised PPT will be available next week):

a.  Initiatives:

i.  Implement reorganization and CIA plans

ii.  Pre-K to 5 intensive intervention and enrichment

iii.  Success for All Academy for over age and under credit HS students

iv.  K-12 literacy and reading support for all students

v.  K-5 Enrichment Program

vi.  Expand math and science programming

vii.  Parents as partners in their child’s education planning

viii.  Improve communications and transparency

ix.  Address urgent capital needs

b.  Budget ---(Budget goals meets Governor’s proposal for rebate):

i.  Highlights

·  1.8 million dollars in expense side reductions without reducing staff.

·  No impact on academic and extracurricular programs.

ii.  Proposed Budget: $78,841,163

·  % increase: .56% $ increase: $437,497

iii.  Proposed Tax Levy: $38,016,984

·  % increase: 1.56% $ increase: $585,698

iv.  Power Point---will be available next week.

4.  Girls State Championship playoff Basketball Game: Tomorrow @ 12:00 noon, New Rochelle High School:

a.  Please try and come out to support our Girls’ Varsity Basketball team as they make another run for the State Championships.

5.  Upcoming Meetings:

a.  Our March 18th Board of Education meeting will take place at 7:00 p.m. in the Central Administration Building. This meeting will include Budget Overview #4

6.  Snow Days:

a.  REMINDER: Schools will be in session on Monday April 21.