Entry: Practice routine of how to come in; time the group. (1-1:15)
Mini-lesson: (1:15-1:30) Review I can help my reading buddy when he gets stuck on a word, and routines.
Talk about comprehension when reading together. You need to pay attention to the story and make sure you understand. Sometimes stop and ask your partner what just happened.
Sort questions into open-ended and closed. See what kinds of words open-ended questions start with. Tyrece can share how he figures out which is which.
Guided Reading Lesson: Frog and Toad Together, Chapter 3: Cookies
Before reading (1:30-1:35)
Ask: “Have you ever really wanted to do something you knew you shouldn’t? But it was hard to stop yourself?”
“What kinds of things can you do to stop yourself?”
“In this story, Cookies, Frog and Toad really, really want to keep eating some delicious cookies. They can’t stop themselves! So they try lots of different things to stop themselves, but it is very hard.
Students buddy read the chapter. Remind them to read it twice, using a different kind of buddy reading each time.
After reading (in 3 groups) (1:50-2:05)
Recall questions:
- What kinds of things did Frog and Toad do to get themselves to stop eating the cookies?
- What finally worked, so that they wouldn’t eat any more?
- How is will power?
Inferencing questions:
- What does Frog think about will power? Which would Frog rather have, cookies or will power?
- What does Toad think about will power? Which would Toad rather have, cookies or will power?
Opinion questions:
- Tell about a time you used will power.
Reading Response (2:05-2:20)
Students write open-ended questions for either Frog or Toad. (Index cards are color-coded.) They may choose how many questions they think they will write.
Sharing (in 3 groups) (2:20-2:30)
Students choose one question they wrote to share with their group; other students imagine what the character might say. (They don’t have to be “in character” when they talk.)