Parish of Kilkeel
Sunday 1st May,
To Know, Grow and Go
Welcome to our Services today.
A special welcome is extended to any visitors.
Please join us this evening at 7.00pm for our
Confirmation Service.
Verses for the week:
“But they urged him strongly, “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over.” So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognised him, and he disappeared from their sight.”
Luke 24:29-31
Please join us this evening at 7.00pm in ChristChurch for our
Confirmation Service by Harold Miller, Bishop of Down & Dromore Everyone will be welcome.
(Youth Fellowship will return on 8th May.)
Fellowship Hour will be held at the home of Maureen Teggarty, 50 Glenloughan Road on Wednesday 4th May at 10.30am. Guest speakers will be Gordon and Grace McCulla. Everyone welcome.
Mothers’ Union Quiet Day
You are invited to join us for a Quiet Day on Wednesday 4th May 2011 in Christ Church Hall. The guest speaker will be Ruth Lavery. The first session will be from 4.00pm—5.30pm. Tea will be served at 5.30pm and the second session will be 6.30pm—7.30pm. If you are joining us for tea please let Hazel know as soon as possible for catering purposes. Tel. 41762309. Cost of tea:£6
You are welcome to one session, both sessions or the whole event. Please come as suits you. Everyone welcome.
The Annual Easter Vestry meeting will be held on Thursday 12th May 2011 at 8.00pm in the Lounge of Christ Church Hall.
Everyone is invited to attend this meeting.
invited to attend this meeting.
“Maize n Grace” Angus Buchan returns to Northern Ireland. His life story is told in the book and film “Faith like potatoes”. He seeks to pass on the good news that transformed his life. Our plan is to hire a bus to go to the Belfast Odyssey Arena on Friday 27th May and hear about “maizengrace”. Plan to come, bring a friend. Speak to the Rector.
The Rector will be on leave from 2nd—9th May inc. any emergencies will be covered by Rev. Bill Press, Kilhorne Parish.
Contact number:43768246
Thank you to all who took part in the walk for “One Home Many Hopes”. It was a beautiful night and managed to raise about £500 for the work in Kenya.
3rd Kilkeel BB invite you to a
in Christ Church Hall on
Saturday 7th May 2011.
Meals served 5pm—7.45pm.
Children’s menu available.
Proceeds will go to:
Mourne Stimulus, New Beginnings,
One Home Many Hopes & BB Company Funds
Woman’s Breakfast, Saturday 14th May 2011, 9.30—12.30
at Kilhorne Church Hall.
Guest speaker is Catherine Campbell from Coleraine.
The title is “Getting through the tough stuff”.
Please give your name to Karen in the office if you will be attending (for catering purposes).
Christ Church & Kilkeel Presbyterian Church are jointly host the hymn writer and musician Stuart Townsend in September 2011. he will be giving one concert in ChristChurch on Wednesday 21st September. Tickets for this event will go on sale from the Parish Office, Kilkeel Church office and the Faith Mission Bookshop from the
middle of May at a cost of £7.50each. Demand is expected to be high so don’t wait to September before purchasing your ticket! This would be a great event to bring
family & friends to.
The Home Groups will meet on Thursday 5th May. The area to be covered is “Encouraging to Persevere”. And the bible reference is Hebrews 10:19-39.
HBSG LeaderHBSG Host
Noel & Barbara McBrideHenry & Isobel Cummingham
028 43768674100 Carginagh Road, Kilkeel
Paul Irvine & Joanne CherryIvan & Lorna Henderson
028 4176547410 Nicholson’s Road, Kilkeel
Aaron ClementsAaron & Michelle Clements
028 4176499552 Mill Road, Kilkeel
Lynda Quinn & Stanley SpeersParish Hall
Harold Nicholson & Sally JohnstonGwen & Colin Chambers
028 41763421 24 Aughnaloopy Road, Kilkeel
Rev. Ken McGrath TBA
028 41762300
Sunday 8th May,
9.45amMorning Prayer, Carginagh
10.15amSunday School
11.30amMorning Prayer, ChristChurch
7.00pmEvening Prayer, ChristChurch
Flowers: Mr S Tomkins
Crèche: Carlin, Pauline & Michelle
Children’s Church: Hazel & Sidnee
OPENCHURCH. Wednesdays 12.30pm –2.00pm.
Everyone is welcome to take time aside for the daily routine and come into the quiet of ChristChurch to pray, read or meditate on God. The Rector is normally present during this time and is happy to speak with and pray with anyone who would like to do so.
Monthly Gospel Meeting, Kilkeel Orange Hall, 1st May 2011 at 8.30pm
Guest Speaker: Wallace Thompson, Soloist: Joan Patton
Everyone welcome.
For those in our parish recently bereaved
For those who are ill, at home and in hospital
For our young people who have been confirmed today; Matthew, Steven & Rachel
For the Rev. Gary Millar & Family, as they cope with illness
For those facing financial difficulty due to lack of work
Gilford. Rector: Denise Cadoo
For a greater sense of unity and fellowship within the parish
For God’s guidance as we seek to undertake repair and building
projects in the parish
For more volunteers to help with the various organisations